gi-gio-2.0.16: Gio bindings

CopyrightWill Thompson Iñaki García Etxebarria and Jonas Platte
MaintainerIñaki García Etxebarria (
Safe HaskellNone




TlsDatabase is used to lookup certificates and other information from a certificate or key store. It is an abstract base class which TLS library specific subtypes override.

Most common client applications will not directly interact with TlsDatabase. It is used internally by TlsConnection.

Since: 2.30


Exported types

class GObject o => IsTlsDatabase o Source #

Type class for types which can be safely cast to TlsDatabase, for instance with toTlsDatabase.

toTlsDatabase :: (MonadIO m, IsTlsDatabase o) => o -> m TlsDatabase Source #

Cast to TlsDatabase, for types for which this is known to be safe. For general casts, use castTo.



tlsDatabaseCreateCertificateHandle Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTlsDatabase a, IsTlsCertificate b) 
=> a

self: a TlsDatabase

-> b

certificate: certificate for which to create a handle.

-> m (Maybe Text)

Returns: a newly allocated string containing the handle.

Create a handle string for the certificate. The database will only be able to create a handle for certificates that originate from the database. In cases where the database cannot create a handle for a certificate, Nothing will be returned.

This handle should be stable across various instances of the application, and between applications. If a certificate is modified in the database, then it is not guaranteed that this handle will continue to point to it.

Since: 2.30


tlsDatabaseLookupCertificateForHandle Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTlsDatabase a, IsTlsInteraction b, IsCancellable c) 
=> a

self: a TlsDatabase

-> Text

handle: a certificate handle

-> Maybe b

interaction: used to interact with the user if necessary

-> TlsDatabaseLookupFlags

flags: Flags which affect the lookup.

-> Maybe c

cancellable: a Cancellable, or Nothing

-> m (Maybe TlsCertificate)

Returns: a newly allocated TlsCertificate, or Nothing. Use objectUnref to release the certificate. (Can throw GError)

Lookup a certificate by its handle.

The handle should have been created by calling tlsDatabaseCreateCertificateHandle on a TlsDatabase object of the same TLS backend. The handle is designed to remain valid across instantiations of the database.

If the handle is no longer valid, or does not point to a certificate in this database, then Nothing will be returned.

This function can block, use tlsDatabaseLookupCertificateForHandleAsync to perform the lookup operation asynchronously.

Since: 2.30


tlsDatabaseLookupCertificateForHandleAsync Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTlsDatabase a, IsTlsInteraction b, IsCancellable c) 
=> a

self: a TlsDatabase

-> Text

handle: a certificate handle

-> Maybe b

interaction: used to interact with the user if necessary

-> TlsDatabaseLookupFlags

flags: Flags which affect the lookup.

-> Maybe c

cancellable: a Cancellable, or Nothing

-> Maybe AsyncReadyCallback

callback: callback to call when the operation completes

-> m () 

Asynchronously lookup a certificate by its handle in the database. See tlsDatabaseLookupCertificateForHandle for more information.

Since: 2.30


tlsDatabaseLookupCertificateForHandleFinish Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTlsDatabase a, IsAsyncResult b) 
=> a

self: a TlsDatabase

-> b

result: a AsyncResult.

-> m TlsCertificate

Returns: a newly allocated TlsCertificate object. Use objectUnref to release the certificate. (Can throw GError)

Finish an asynchronous lookup of a certificate by its handle. See g_tls_database_lookup_certificate_handle() for more information.

If the handle is no longer valid, or does not point to a certificate in this database, then Nothing will be returned.

Since: 2.30


tlsDatabaseLookupCertificateIssuer Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTlsDatabase a, IsTlsCertificate b, IsTlsInteraction c, IsCancellable d) 
=> a

self: a TlsDatabase

-> b

certificate: a TlsCertificate

-> Maybe c

interaction: used to interact with the user if necessary

-> TlsDatabaseLookupFlags

flags: flags which affect the lookup operation

-> Maybe d

cancellable: a Cancellable, or Nothing

-> m TlsCertificate

Returns: a newly allocated issuer TlsCertificate, or Nothing. Use objectUnref to release the certificate. (Can throw GError)

Lookup the issuer of certificate in the database.

The issuer property of certificate is not modified, and the two certificates are not hooked into a chain.

This function can block, use tlsDatabaseLookupCertificateIssuerAsync to perform the lookup operation asynchronously.

Since: 2.30


tlsDatabaseLookupCertificateIssuerAsync Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTlsDatabase a, IsTlsCertificate b, IsTlsInteraction c, IsCancellable d) 
=> a

self: a TlsDatabase

-> b

certificate: a TlsCertificate

-> Maybe c

interaction: used to interact with the user if necessary

-> TlsDatabaseLookupFlags

flags: flags which affect the lookup operation

-> Maybe d

cancellable: a Cancellable, or Nothing

-> Maybe AsyncReadyCallback

callback: callback to call when the operation completes

-> m () 

Asynchronously lookup the issuer of certificate in the database. See tlsDatabaseLookupCertificateIssuer for more information.

Since: 2.30


tlsDatabaseLookupCertificateIssuerFinish Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTlsDatabase a, IsAsyncResult b) 
=> a

self: a TlsDatabase

-> b

result: a AsyncResult.

-> m TlsCertificate

Returns: a newly allocated issuer TlsCertificate, or Nothing. Use objectUnref to release the certificate. (Can throw GError)

Finish an asynchronous lookup issuer operation. See tlsDatabaseLookupCertificateIssuer for more information.

Since: 2.30


tlsDatabaseLookupCertificatesIssuedBy Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTlsDatabase a, IsTlsInteraction b, IsCancellable c) 
=> a

self: a TlsDatabase

-> ByteString

issuerRawDn: a ByteArray which holds the DER encoded issuer DN.

-> Maybe b

interaction: used to interact with the user if necessary

-> TlsDatabaseLookupFlags

flags: Flags which affect the lookup operation.

-> Maybe c

cancellable: a Cancellable, or Nothing

-> m [TlsCertificate]

Returns: a newly allocated list of TlsCertificate objects. Use objectUnref on each certificate, and g_list_free() on the release the list. (Can throw GError)

Lookup certificates issued by this issuer in the database.

This function can block, use tlsDatabaseLookupCertificatesIssuedByAsync to perform the lookup operation asynchronously.

Since: 2.30


tlsDatabaseLookupCertificatesIssuedByAsync Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTlsDatabase a, IsTlsInteraction b, IsCancellable c) 
=> a

self: a TlsDatabase

-> ByteString

issuerRawDn: a ByteArray which holds the DER encoded issuer DN.

-> Maybe b

interaction: used to interact with the user if necessary

-> TlsDatabaseLookupFlags

flags: Flags which affect the lookup operation.

-> Maybe c

cancellable: a Cancellable, or Nothing

-> Maybe AsyncReadyCallback

callback: callback to call when the operation completes

-> m () 

Asynchronously lookup certificates issued by this issuer in the database. See tlsDatabaseLookupCertificatesIssuedBy for more information.

The database may choose to hold a reference to the issuer byte array for the duration of of this asynchronous operation. The byte array should not be modified during this time.

Since: 2.30


tlsDatabaseLookupCertificatesIssuedByFinish Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTlsDatabase a, IsAsyncResult b) 
=> a

self: a TlsDatabase

-> b

result: a AsyncResult.

-> m [TlsCertificate]

Returns: a newly allocated list of TlsCertificate objects. Use objectUnref on each certificate, and g_list_free() on the release the list. (Can throw GError)

Finish an asynchronous lookup of certificates. See tlsDatabaseLookupCertificatesIssuedBy for more information.

Since: 2.30


tlsDatabaseVerifyChain Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTlsDatabase a, IsTlsCertificate b, IsSocketConnectable c, IsTlsInteraction d, IsCancellable e) 
=> a

self: a TlsDatabase

-> b

chain: a TlsCertificate chain

-> Text

purpose: the purpose that this certificate chain will be used for.

-> Maybe c

identity: the expected peer identity

-> Maybe d

interaction: used to interact with the user if necessary

-> [TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags]

flags: additional verify flags

-> Maybe e

cancellable: a Cancellable, or Nothing

-> m [TlsCertificateFlags]

Returns: the appropriate TlsCertificateFlags which represents the result of verification. (Can throw GError)

Determines the validity of a certificate chain after looking up and adding any missing certificates to the chain.

chain is a chain of TlsCertificate objects each pointing to the next certificate in the chain by its issuer property. The chain may initially consist of one or more certificates. After the verification process is complete, chain may be modified by adding missing certificates, or removing extra certificates. If a certificate anchor was found, then it is added to the chain.

purpose describes the purpose (or usage) for which the certificate is being used. Typically purpose will be set to TLS_DATABASE_PURPOSE_AUTHENTICATE_SERVER which means that the certificate is being used to authenticate a server (and we are acting as the client).

The identity is used to check for pinned certificates (trust exceptions) in the database. These will override the normal verification process on a host by host basis.

Currently there are no flags, and TlsDatabaseVerifyFlagsNone should be used.

If chain is found to be valid, then the return value will be 0. If chain is found to be invalid, then the return value will indicate the problems found. If the function is unable to determine whether chain is valid or not (eg, because cancellable is triggered before it completes) then the return value will be TlsCertificateFlagsGenericError and error will be set accordingly. error is not set when chain is successfully analyzed but found to be invalid.

This function can block, use tlsDatabaseVerifyChainAsync to perform the verification operation asynchronously.

Since: 2.30


tlsDatabaseVerifyChainAsync Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTlsDatabase a, IsTlsCertificate b, IsSocketConnectable c, IsTlsInteraction d, IsCancellable e) 
=> a

self: a TlsDatabase

-> b

chain: a TlsCertificate chain

-> Text

purpose: the purpose that this certificate chain will be used for.

-> Maybe c

identity: the expected peer identity

-> Maybe d

interaction: used to interact with the user if necessary

-> [TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags]

flags: additional verify flags

-> Maybe e

cancellable: a Cancellable, or Nothing

-> Maybe AsyncReadyCallback

callback: callback to call when the operation completes

-> m () 

Asynchronously determines the validity of a certificate chain after looking up and adding any missing certificates to the chain. See tlsDatabaseVerifyChain for more information.

Since: 2.30


tlsDatabaseVerifyChainFinish Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTlsDatabase a, IsAsyncResult b) 
=> a

self: a TlsDatabase

-> b

result: a AsyncResult.

-> m [TlsCertificateFlags]

Returns: the appropriate TlsCertificateFlags which represents the result of verification. (Can throw GError)

Finish an asynchronous verify chain operation. See tlsDatabaseVerifyChain for more information.

If chain is found to be valid, then the return value will be 0. If chain is found to be invalid, then the return value will indicate the problems found. If the function is unable to determine whether chain is valid or not (eg, because cancellable is triggered before it completes) then the return value will be TlsCertificateFlagsGenericError and error will be set accordingly. error is not set when chain is successfully analyzed but found to be invalid.

Since: 2.30