gi-gst-1.0.11: GStreamer bindings

CopyrightWill Thompson, Iñaki García Etxebarria and Jonas Platte
MaintainerIñaki García Etxebarria (
Safe HaskellNone




Memory is usually created by allocators with a allocatorAlloc method call. When Nothing is used as the allocator, the default allocator will be used.

New allocators can be registered with allocatorRegister. Allocators are identified by name and can be retrieved with allocatorFind. allocatorSetDefault can be used to change the default allocator.

New memory can be created with memoryNewWrapped that wraps the memory allocated elsewhere.


Exported types



allocatorAlloc Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsAllocator a) 
=> a

allocator: a Allocator to use

-> Word64

size: size of the visible memory area

-> Maybe AllocationParams

params: optional parameters

-> m Memory

Returns: a new Memory.

Use allocator to allocate a new memory block with memory that is at least size big.

The optional params can specify the prefix and padding for the memory. If Nothing is passed, no flags, no extra prefix/padding and a default alignment is used.

The prefix/padding will be filled with 0 if flags contains GST_MEMORY_FLAG_ZERO_PREFIXED and GST_MEMORY_FLAG_ZERO_PADDED respectively.

When allocator is Nothing, the default allocator will be used.

The alignment in params is given as a bitmask so that align + 1 equals the amount of bytes to align to. For example, to align to 8 bytes, use an alignment of 7.


allocatorFind Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> Maybe Text

name: the name of the allocator

-> m (Maybe Allocator)

Returns: a Allocator or Nothing when the allocator with name was not registered. Use objectUnref to release the allocator after usage.

Find a previously registered allocator with name. When name is Nothing, the default allocator will be returned.


data AllocatorFreeMethodInfo Source #


((~) * signature (Memory -> m ()), MonadIO m, IsAllocator a) => MethodInfo * AllocatorFreeMethodInfo a signature Source # 

allocatorFree Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsAllocator a) 
=> a

allocator: a Allocator to use

-> Memory

memory: the memory to free

-> m () 

Free memory that was previously allocated with allocatorAlloc.


allocatorRegister Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsAllocator a) 
=> Text

name: the name of the allocator

-> a

allocator: Allocator

-> m () 

Registers the memory allocator with name. This function takes ownership of allocator.


allocatorSetDefault Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsAllocator a) 
=> a

allocator: a Allocator

-> m () 

Set the default allocator. This function takes ownership of allocator.