gi-gtk-4.0.10: Gtk bindings
CopyrightWill Thompson and Iñaki García Etxebarria
MaintainerIñaki García Etxebarria
Safe HaskellNone



A dialog for choosing a color.

GtkColorChooserDialog implements the ColorChooser interface and does not provide much API of its own.

To create a GtkColorChooserDialog, use colorChooserDialogNew.

To change the initially selected color, use colorChooserSetRgba. To get the selected color use colorChooserGetRgba.

GtkColorChooserDialog has been deprecated in favor of ColorDialog.

CSS nodes

GtkColorChooserDialog has a single CSS node with the name window and style class .colorchooser.


Exported types

class (GObject o, IsDescendantOf ColorChooserDialog o) => IsColorChooserDialog o Source #

Type class for types which can be safely cast to ColorChooserDialog, for instance with toColorChooserDialog.


Instances details
(GObject o, IsDescendantOf ColorChooserDialog o) => IsColorChooserDialog o Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.Gtk.Objects.ColorChooserDialog

toColorChooserDialog :: (MonadIO m, IsColorChooserDialog o) => o -> m ColorChooserDialog Source #

Cast to ColorChooserDialog, for types for which this is known to be safe. For general casts, use castTo.


Click to display all available methods, including inherited ones



actionSetEnabled, activate, activateAction, activateDefault, addActionWidget, addButton, addController, addCssClass, addMnemonicLabel, addPalette, addTickCallback, allocate, announce, bindProperty, bindPropertyFull, childFocus, close, computeBounds, computeExpand, computePoint, computeTransform, contains, createPangoContext, createPangoLayout, destroy, disposeTemplate, dragCheckThreshold, errorBell, forceFloating, freezeNotify, fullscreen, fullscreenOnMonitor, getv, grabFocus, hasCssClass, hasDefault, hasFocus, hasGroup, hasVisibleFocus, hide, inDestruction, initTemplate, insertActionGroup, insertAfter, insertBefore, isActive, isAncestor, isDrawable, isFloating, isFocus, isFullscreen, isMaximized, isSensitive, isSuspended, isVisible, keynavFailed, listMnemonicLabels, map, maximize, measure, minimize, mnemonicActivate, notify, notifyByPspec, observeChildren, observeControllers, pick, present, presentWithTime, queueAllocate, queueDraw, queueResize, realize, ref, refSink, removeController, removeCssClass, removeMnemonicLabel, removeTickCallback, resetProperty, resetRelation, resetState, response, runDispose, shouldLayout, show, sizeAllocate, snapshotChild, stealData, stealQdata, thawNotify, translateCoordinates, triggerTooltipQuery, unfullscreen, unmap, unmaximize, unminimize, unparent, unrealize, unref, unsetStateFlags, updateNextAccessibleSibling, updateProperty, updateRelation, updateState, watchClosure.


getAccessibleParent, getAccessibleRole, getAllocatedBaseline, getAllocatedHeight, getAllocatedWidth, getAllocation, getAncestor, getApplication, getAtContext, getBaseline, getBounds, getBuildableId, getCanFocus, getCanTarget, getChild, getChildVisible, getClipboard, getColor, getContentArea, getCssClasses, getCssName, getCursor, getData, getDecorated, getDefaultSize, getDefaultWidget, getDeletable, getDestroyWithParent, getDirection, getDisplay, getFirstAccessibleChild, getFirstChild, getFocus, getFocusChild, getFocusOnClick, getFocusVisible, getFocusable, getFontMap, getFontOptions, getFrameClock, getGroup, getHalign, getHandleMenubarAccel, getHasTooltip, getHeaderBar, getHeight, getHexpand, getHexpandSet, getHideOnClose, getIconName, getLastChild, getLayoutManager, getMapped, getMarginBottom, getMarginEnd, getMarginStart, getMarginTop, getMnemonicsVisible, getModal, getName, getNative, getNextAccessibleSibling, getNextSibling, getOpacity, getOverflow, getPangoContext, getParent, getPlatformState, getPreferredSize, getPrevSibling, getPrimaryClipboard, getProperty, getQdata, getRealized, getReceivesDefault, getRenderer, getRequestMode, getResizable, getResponseForWidget, getRgba, getRoot, getScaleFactor, getSensitive, getSettings, getSize, getSizeRequest, getStateFlags, getStyleContext, getSurface, getSurfaceTransform, getTemplateChild, getTitle, getTitlebar, getTooltipMarkup, getTooltipText, getTransientFor, getUseAlpha, getValign, getVexpand, getVexpandSet, getVisible, getWidgetForResponse, getWidth.


setAccessibleParent, setApplication, setCanFocus, setCanTarget, setChild, setChildVisible, setCssClasses, setCursor, setCursorFromName, setData, setDataFull, setDecorated, setDefaultResponse, setDefaultSize, setDefaultWidget, setDeletable, setDestroyWithParent, setDirection, setDisplay, setFocus, setFocusChild, setFocusOnClick, setFocusVisible, setFocusable, setFontMap, setFontOptions, setHalign, setHandleMenubarAccel, setHasTooltip, setHexpand, setHexpandSet, setHideOnClose, setIconName, setLayoutManager, setMarginBottom, setMarginEnd, setMarginStart, setMarginTop, setMnemonicsVisible, setModal, setName, setOpacity, setOverflow, setParent, setProperty, setReceivesDefault, setResizable, setResponseSensitive, setRgba, setSensitive, setSizeRequest, setStartupId, setStateFlags, setTitle, setTitlebar, setTooltipMarkup, setTooltipText, setTransientFor, setUseAlpha, setValign, setVexpand, setVexpandSet, setVisible.


colorChooserDialogNew Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsWindow a) 
=> Maybe Text

title: Title of the dialog

-> Maybe a

parent: Transient parent of the dialog

-> m ColorChooserDialog

Returns: a new GtkColorChooserDialog

Deprecated: (Since version 4.10)Use ColorDialog instead

Creates a new GtkColorChooserDialog.



Whether the color chooser dialog is showing the single-color editor.

It can be set to switch the color chooser into single-color editing mode.

constructColorChooserDialogShowEditor :: (IsColorChooserDialog o, MonadIO m) => Bool -> m (GValueConstruct o) Source #

Construct a GValueConstruct with valid value for the “show-editor” property. This is rarely needed directly, but it is used by new.

getColorChooserDialogShowEditor :: (MonadIO m, IsColorChooserDialog o) => o -> m Bool Source #

Get the value of the “show-editor” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get colorChooserDialog #showEditor

setColorChooserDialogShowEditor :: (MonadIO m, IsColorChooserDialog o) => o -> Bool -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “show-editor” property. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set colorChooserDialog [ #showEditor := value ]