Copyright | Will Thompson and Iñaki García Etxebarria |
License | LGPL-2.1 |
Maintainer | Iñaki García Etxebarria |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data EditorTypingAttributes
- data FindOptions
- data HitTestResultContext
- data InputHints
- data SnapshotOptions
- data WebsiteDataTypes
- = WebsiteDataTypesMemoryCache
- | WebsiteDataTypesDiskCache
- | WebsiteDataTypesOfflineApplicationCache
- | WebsiteDataTypesSessionStorage
- | WebsiteDataTypesLocalStorage
- | WebsiteDataTypesIndexeddbDatabases
- | WebsiteDataTypesCookies
- | WebsiteDataTypesDeviceIdHashSalt
- | WebsiteDataTypesHstsCache
- | WebsiteDataTypesItp
- | WebsiteDataTypesServiceWorkerRegistrations
- | WebsiteDataTypesDomCache
- | WebsiteDataTypesAll
- | AnotherWebsiteDataTypes Int
data EditorTypingAttributes Source #
Enum values with flags representing typing attributes.
Since: 2.10
EditorTypingAttributesNone | No typing attributes. |
EditorTypingAttributesBold | Bold typing attribute. |
EditorTypingAttributesItalic | Italic typing attribute. |
EditorTypingAttributesUnderline | Underline typing attribute. |
EditorTypingAttributesStrikethrough | Strikethrough typing attribute. |
AnotherEditorTypingAttributes Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data FindOptions Source #
Enum values used to specify search options.
FindOptionsNone | no search flags, this means a case sensitive, no wrap, forward only search. |
FindOptionsCaseInsensitive | case insensitive search. |
FindOptionsAtWordStarts | search text only at the begining of the words. |
FindOptionsTreatMedialCapitalAsWordStart | treat capital letters in the middle of words as word start. |
FindOptionsBackwards | search backwards. |
FindOptionsWrapAround | if not present search will stop at the end of the document. |
AnotherFindOptions Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data HitTestResultContext Source #
Enum values with flags representing the context of a HitTestResult
HitTestResultContextDocument | anywhere in the document. |
HitTestResultContextLink | a hyperlink element. |
HitTestResultContextImage | an image element. |
HitTestResultContextMedia | a video or audio element. |
HitTestResultContextEditable | an editable element |
HitTestResultContextScrollbar | a scrollbar element. |
HitTestResultContextSelection | a selected element. Since 2.8 |
AnotherHitTestResultContext Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data InputHints Source #
Enum values used to describe hints that might be taken into account by input methods.
Since: 2.28
InputHintsNone | No special behavior suggested |
InputHintsSpellcheck | Suggest spell checking |
InputHintsLowercase | Suggest to not autocapitlize |
InputHintsUppercaseChars | Suggest to capitalize all text |
InputHintsUppercaseWords | Suggest to capitalize the first character of each word |
InputHintsUppercaseSentences | Suggest to capitalize the first word of each sentence |
InputHintsInhibitOsk | Suggest to not show an onscreen keyboard |
AnotherInputHints Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data SnapshotOptions Source #
Enum values used to specify options when taking a snapshot
from a WebView
SnapshotOptionsNone | Do not include any special options. |
SnapshotOptionsIncludeSelectionHighlighting | Whether to include in the snapshot the highlight of the selected content. |
SnapshotOptionsTransparentBackground | Do not fill the background with white before rendering the snapshot. Since 2.8 |
AnotherSnapshotOptions Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data WebsiteDataTypes Source #
Enum values with flags representing types of Website data.
Since: 2.16
WebsiteDataTypesMemoryCache | Memory cache. |
WebsiteDataTypesDiskCache | HTTP disk cache. |
WebsiteDataTypesOfflineApplicationCache | Offline web application cache. |
WebsiteDataTypesSessionStorage | Session storage data. |
WebsiteDataTypesLocalStorage | Local storage data. |
WebsiteDataTypesIndexeddbDatabases | IndexedDB databases. |
WebsiteDataTypesCookies | Cookies. |
WebsiteDataTypesDeviceIdHashSalt | Hash salt used to generate the device ids used by webpages. |
WebsiteDataTypesHstsCache | HSTS cache. |
WebsiteDataTypesItp | Intelligent Tracking Prevention data. |
WebsiteDataTypesServiceWorkerRegistrations | Service worker registrations. |
WebsiteDataTypesDomCache | DOM (CacheStorage) cache. |
WebsiteDataTypesAll | All types. |
AnotherWebsiteDataTypes Int | Catch-all for unknown values |