ginger- An implementation of the Jinja2 template language in Haskell
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



A Haskell implementation of the Jinja2 template language.

Ginger aims to be as close to the original Jinja language as possible, but avoiding blatant pythonisms and features that make little sense outside of an impure dynamic host language context, especially when this would require sacrificing runtime performance.


Template Syntax

Minimal example template

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>{{ title }}</title>
    {# This is a comment. Comments are removed from the output. #}
        <menu id="nav-main">
        {% for item in navigation %}
            <li><a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ item.label }}</a></li>
        {% endfor %}
        <div class="layout-content-main">
            <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
            {{ body }}

There are two kinds of delimiters: {% ... %} and {{ ... }}. The first one is used to execute statements such as for-loops or assign values, the latter prints the result of an expression to the template.

Both kinds of delimiters support adding a dash (-) on either side or both, putting them in whitespace-eating mode on the respective side. Whitespace-eating means that any whitespace that precedes cq. follows the delimited construct is removed, including newlines. For example, A {{ "b" }} renders as "A b", but A {{- "b" }} renders as "Ab". Note that whitespace inside delimiters is never printed; the dash only ever removes whitespace on the outside.


You can mess around with the variables in templates provided they are passed in by the application. Variables may have attributes or elements on them you can access too. What attributes a variable has depends heavily on the application providing that variable.

You can use a dot (.) to access attributes of a variable, but alternatively the so-called “subscript” syntax ([]) can be used. The following lines do the same thing:

{{ }}
{{ foo['bar'] }}

It’s important to know that the curly braces are not part of the variable, but the print statement. If you access variables inside tags don't put the braces around them.

If a variable or attribute does not exist you will get back an undefined value. What you can do with that kind of value depends on the application configuration: the default behavior is that it evaluates to an empty string if printed and that you can iterate over it, but every other operation fails.


Variables aren't the only thing that can go inside {{ ... }}; any valid Ginger expression can be used, and expressions can be constructed in many different ways. Note that all expressions are case sensitive: null and Null are not the same thing. Currently, the following constructs are available:

Simple ("Atomic") Expressions

Variable reference

Look up a variable in the current scope and return its value.

{{ username }}

String literals

A constant string. Strings can be single- or double-quoted.

{{ "Hello, world!" }}

Numeric literals

Numeric literals can be given in integer or decimal format:

{{ 21 }}
{{ 44.5 }}

Boolean literals

There are two boolean values, true and false. You will not normally need to use them, as they are produced by boolean expressions such as comparisons, but they can be useful occasionally.

{{ true }}
{{ false }}

The Null literal

Represents the special null value, which is used to signal the absence of a result or value. Looking up non-existent scope variables, for example, will produce Null.

{{ null }}

Data Structures

List Literals

A list literal consists of a comma-separated list of expressions between square brackets:

{{ [ foo, "bar", 1234 ] }}

Lists can contain any kind of expression, including other lists, so you can nest them:

{{ [ foo, [ 1, 2, 3 ], "baz" ] }}

Object Literals

An object is an unsorted key/value container, declared like this:

{{ { "foo": "bar", "baz": "quux" } }}

Objects, like lists, can contain any kind of value. The keys, however, are restricted to strings; you can define them using any expression you like, but they are always converted to strings when inserting items into the container. This means that the following is valid:

{{ { ["foo", 1]: "bar" } }}

It will, however, produce the same object as the following:

{{ { "foo1": "bar" } }}

That's because converting ["foo", 1] to a string produces "foo1", and that is used as the key.


Parentheses can be used to group expression constructs to override default precedence. Excess parentheses are simply ignored.

Unary operators

Function calls

When an expression evaluates to a function, you can call it using a list of arguments between parentheses. Most of the time, the function itself just comes from a scope variable, so a function call typically looks like this:

{{ print(x, "hello!") }}

However, anything that returns a function can be called as a function:

{{ system.console['log']("hello!") }}

Filter expressions

Any function that takes at least one argument can be called through the alternative filter syntax instead:

{{ x|print }}

This is equivalent to:

{{ print(x) }}

Filters can take arguments:

{{ x|append("foobar") }}

This is equivalent to:

{{ append(x, "foobar") }}

A list of available filters can be found in the Run module.

Deviation from Jinja2: Ginger does not distinguish between filters and functions at the semantics level; any function can be called as a filter, and vv., and the filter syntax is merely a syntactic variant of a function call. Ginger doesn't really distinguish between functions and values, either: a function is a value that happens to be callable; other than that, functions live in the same namespace as any other value, and if you bind a function to a context value on the host side, you can use it just like any other function / filter.

Control Constructs

Conditionals: `{% if %}`

Simplest form:

{% if condition %}Hello!{% endif %}

Slightly more elaborate:

{% if condition %}Hello!{% else %}Goodbye!{% endif %}

Full glory:

{% if condition %}Hello!{% elseif otherCondition %}Sayonara!{% else %}Goodbye!{% endif %}


TODO *** for | TODO *** include | TODO *** macro | TODO *** block | TODO *** call | TODO *** scope | TODO

Haskell API


On the Haskell side of things, executing a template is a two-step process. First, template source code is parsed into a Template data structure, which is then fed to runGinger or runGingerT.


Because Ginger templates can include other templates, the parser needs a way of resolving template names. Instead of hard-wiring the parser into IO though, Ginger will work on any Monad type, but requires the caller to provide a suitable template resolver function. For IO, the resolver would typically load a file from a template directory, but other monads might have access to some sort of cache, or expose template compiled into a program, or simply return Nothing unconditionally to disable any and all imports. A suitable example implementation for IO would look like this:

loadFile fn = openFile fn ReadMode >>= hGetContents

loadFileMay fn =
    tryIOError (loadFile fn) >>= \e ->
         case e of
            Right contents ->
                return (Just contents)
            Left err -> do
                print err -- remove this line if you want to fail silently
                return Nothing

(Taken from cli/GingerCLI.hs). This interprets the template name as a filename relative to the CWD, and returns the file contents on success or Nothing if there is any error.

If you don't need a monadic context for resolving includes (e.g. because you have pre-loaded all template sources), you can use the pure parseGinger flavor, which does not rely on a host monad.


The core function for running a template is runGinger (or its monadic flavor runGingerT); in order to pass an initial context to the template engine, pass a suitable GingerContext, which you can create using the makeContext / makeContextM functions.

An example call (for running a template in IO) would look something like this:

runGingerT (makeContextM scopeLookup (putStr . Text.unpack . htmlSource)) tpl

Other concerns

GVal: Ginger's unitype value


The data structures used to represent templates, statements and expressions internally.


An optimizing AST rewriter