{-# LANGUAGE CPP                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- |
-- License     :  BSD-3-Clause
-- Maintainer  :  Oleg Grenrus <oleg.grenrus@iki.fi>
-- This module provides data types and helper methods, which makes possible
-- to build alternative API request intepreters in addition to provided
-- 'IO' functions.
-- Simple example using @operational@ package. See @samples\/Operational\/Operational.hs@
-- > type GithubMonad a = Program (GH.Request 'False) a
-- >
-- > -- | Intepret GithubMonad value into IO
-- > runMonad :: Manager -> GH.Auth -> GithubMonad a -> ExceptT GH.Error IO a
-- > runMonad mgr auth m = case view m of
-- >    Return a   -> return a
-- >    req :>>= k -> do
-- >        b <- ExceptT $ GH.executeRequestWithMgr mgr auth req
-- >        runMonad mgr auth (k b)
-- >
-- > -- | Lift request into Monad
-- > githubRequest :: GH.Request 'False a -> GithubMonad a
-- > githubRequest = singleton
module GitHub.Request (
    -- * Types
    GenRequest (..),
    -- * Request execution in IO
    -- * Helpers
    Accept (..),
    ParseResponse (..),
    ) where

import GitHub.Internal.Prelude
import Prelude ()

import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError (..))

import Control.Monad              (when)
import Control.Monad.Catch        (MonadCatch (..), MonadThrow)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class  (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT (..), runExceptT)
import Data.Aeson                 (eitherDecode)
import Data.List                  (find)
import Data.Tagged                (Tagged (..))

import Network.HTTP.Client
       (HttpException (..), Manager, RequestBody (..), Response (..),
       applyBasicAuth, getUri, httpLbs, method, newManager, redirectCount,
       requestBody, requestHeaders, setQueryString, setRequestIgnoreStatus)
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS  (tlsManagerSettings)
import Network.HTTP.Link.Parser (parseLinkHeaderBS)
import Network.HTTP.Link.Types  (Link (..), LinkParam (..), href, linkParams)
import Network.HTTP.Types       (Method, RequestHeaders, Status (..))
import Network.URI              (URI, parseURIReference, relativeTo)

import qualified Data.ByteString              as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy         as LBS
import qualified Data.Text                    as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding           as TE
import qualified Data.Vector                  as V
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client          as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.Internal as HTTP

import GitHub.Auth              (Auth (..))
import GitHub.Data              (Error (..))
import GitHub.Data.PullRequests (MergeResult (..))
import GitHub.Data.Request

-- | Execute 'Request' in 'IO'
executeRequest :: ParseResponse mt a => Auth -> GenRequest mt rw a -> IO (Either Error a)
executeRequest auth req = do
    manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
    executeRequestWithMgr manager auth req

lessFetchCount :: Int -> FetchCount -> Bool
lessFetchCount _ FetchAll         = True
lessFetchCount i (FetchAtLeast j) = i < fromIntegral j

-- | Like 'executeRequest' but with provided 'Manager'.
    :: ParseResponse mt a
    => Manager
    -> Auth
    -> GenRequest mt rw a
    -> IO (Either Error a)
executeRequestWithMgr mgr auth req = runExceptT $ do
    httpReq <- makeHttpRequest (Just auth) req
    performHttpReq httpReq req
    httpLbs' :: HTTP.Request -> ExceptT Error IO (Response LBS.ByteString)
    httpLbs' req' = lift (httpLbs req' mgr) `catch` onHttpException

    performHttpReq :: forall rw mt b. ParseResponse mt b => HTTP.Request -> GenRequest mt rw b -> ExceptT Error IO b
    performHttpReq httpReq Query {} = do
        res <- httpLbs' httpReq
        unTagged (parseResponse httpReq res :: Tagged mt (ExceptT Error IO b))

    performHttpReq httpReq (PagedQuery _ _ l) =
        unTagged (performPagedRequest httpLbs' predicate httpReq :: Tagged mt (ExceptT Error IO b))
        predicate v = lessFetchCount (V.length v) l

    performHttpReq httpReq (Command _ _ _) = do
        res <- httpLbs' httpReq
        unTagged (parseResponse httpReq res :: Tagged mt (ExceptT Error IO b))

-- | Like 'executeRequest' but without authentication.
executeRequest' :: ParseResponse mt a => GenRequest mt 'RO a -> IO (Either Error a)
executeRequest' req = do
    manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
    executeRequestWithMgr' manager req

-- | Like 'executeRequestWithMgr' but without authentication.
    :: ParseResponse mt a
    => Manager
    -> GenRequest mt 'RO a
    -> IO (Either Error a)
executeRequestWithMgr' mgr req = runExceptT $ do
    httpReq <- makeHttpRequest Nothing req
    performHttpReq httpReq req
    httpLbs' :: HTTP.Request -> ExceptT Error IO (Response LBS.ByteString)
    httpLbs' req' = lift (httpLbs req' mgr) `catch` onHttpException

    performHttpReq :: forall mt b. ParseResponse mt b => HTTP.Request -> GenRequest mt 'RO b -> ExceptT Error IO b
    performHttpReq httpReq Query {} = do
        res <- httpLbs' httpReq
        unTagged (parseResponse httpReq res :: Tagged mt (ExceptT Error IO b))
    performHttpReq httpReq (PagedQuery _ _ l) =
        unTagged (performPagedRequest httpLbs' predicate httpReq :: Tagged mt (ExceptT Error IO b))
        predicate v = lessFetchCount (V.length v) l

-- | Helper for picking between 'executeRequest' and 'executeRequest''.
-- The use is discouraged.
executeRequestMaybe :: ParseResponse mt a => Maybe Auth -> GenRequest mt 'RO a -> IO (Either Error a)
executeRequestMaybe = maybe executeRequest' executeRequest

-- | Partial function to drop authentication need.
unsafeDropAuthRequirements :: GenRequest mt rw' a -> GenRequest mt rw a
unsafeDropAuthRequirements (Query ps qs) = Query ps qs
unsafeDropAuthRequirements r             =
    error $ "Trying to drop authenatication from" ++ show r

-- Parse response

class Accept (mt :: MediaType) where
    contentType :: Tagged mt BS.ByteString
    contentType = Tagged "application/json" -- default is JSON

    modifyRequest :: Tagged mt (HTTP.Request -> HTTP.Request)
    modifyRequest = Tagged id

class Accept mt => ParseResponse (mt :: MediaType) a where
    parseResponse :: MonadError Error m => HTTP.Request -> HTTP.Response LBS.ByteString -> Tagged mt (m a)

-- JSON (+ star)

-- | Parse API response.
-- @
-- parseResponse :: 'FromJSON' a => 'Response' 'LBS.ByteString' -> 'Either' 'Error' a
-- @
parseResponseJSON :: (FromJSON a, MonadError Error m) => Response LBS.ByteString -> m a
parseResponseJSON res = case eitherDecode (responseBody res) of
    Right x  -> return x
    Left err -> throwError . ParseError . T.pack $ err

instance Accept 'MtJSON where
    contentType = Tagged "application/vnd.github.v3+json"

instance FromJSON a => ParseResponse 'MtJSON a where
    parseResponse _ res = Tagged (parseResponseJSON res)

instance Accept 'MtStar where
    contentType = Tagged "application/vnd.github.v3.star+json"

instance FromJSON a => ParseResponse 'MtStar a where
    parseResponse _ res = Tagged (parseResponseJSON res)

-- Raw / Diff / Patch / Sha 

instance Accept 'MtRaw   where contentType = Tagged "application/vnd.github.v3.raw"
instance Accept 'MtDiff  where contentType = Tagged "application/vnd.github.v3.diff"
instance Accept 'MtPatch where contentType = Tagged "application/vnd.github.v3.patch"
instance Accept 'MtSha   where contentType = Tagged "application/vnd.github.v3.sha"

instance a ~ LBS.ByteString => ParseResponse 'MtRaw   a where parseResponse _ = Tagged . return . responseBody
instance a ~ LBS.ByteString => ParseResponse 'MtDiff  a where parseResponse _ = Tagged . return . responseBody
instance a ~ LBS.ByteString => ParseResponse 'MtPatch a where parseResponse _ = Tagged . return . responseBody
instance a ~ LBS.ByteString => ParseResponse 'MtSha   a where parseResponse _ = Tagged . return . responseBody

-- Redirect

instance Accept 'MtRedirect where
    modifyRequest = Tagged $ \req ->
        setRequestIgnoreStatus $ req { redirectCount = 0 }

instance b ~ URI => ParseResponse 'MtRedirect b where
    parseResponse req = Tagged . parseRedirect (getUri req)

-- | Helper for handling of 'RequestRedirect'.
-- @
-- parseRedirect :: 'Response' 'LBS.ByteString' -> 'Either' 'Error' a
-- @
parseRedirect :: MonadError Error m => URI -> Response LBS.ByteString -> m URI
parseRedirect originalUri rsp = do
    let status = responseStatus rsp
    when (statusCode status /= 302) $
        throwError $ ParseError $ "invalid status: " <> T.pack (show status)
    loc <- maybe noLocation return $ lookup "Location" $ responseHeaders rsp
    case parseURIReference $ T.unpack $ TE.decodeUtf8 loc of
        Nothing -> throwError $ ParseError $
            "location header does not contain a URI: " <> T.pack (show loc)
        Just uri -> return $ uri `relativeTo` originalUri
    noLocation = throwError $ ParseError "no location header in response"

-- Status

instance Accept 'MtStatus where
    modifyRequest = Tagged setRequestIgnoreStatus

instance HasStatusMap a => ParseResponse 'MtStatus a where
    parseResponse _ = Tagged . parseStatus statusMap . responseStatus

type StatusMap a = [(Int, a)]

class HasStatusMap a where
    statusMap :: StatusMap a

instance HasStatusMap Bool where
    statusMap =
        [ (204, True)
        , (404, False)

instance HasStatusMap MergeResult where
    statusMap =
        [ (200, MergeSuccessful)
        , (405, MergeCannotPerform)
        , (409, MergeConflict)

-- | Helper for handling of 'RequestStatus'.
-- @
-- parseStatus :: 'StatusMap' a -> 'Status' -> 'Either' 'Error' a
-- @
parseStatus :: MonadError Error m => StatusMap a -> Status -> m a
parseStatus m (Status sci _) =
    maybe err return $ lookup sci m
    err = throwError $ JsonError $ "invalid status: " <> T.pack (show sci)

-- Unit

instance Accept 'MtUnit
instance a ~ () => ParseResponse 'MtUnit a where
    parseResponse _ _ = Tagged (return ())

-- Tools

-- | Create @http-client@ 'Request'.
-- * for 'PagedQuery', the initial request is created.
-- * for 'Status', the 'Request' for underlying 'Request' is created,
--   status checking is modifying accordingly.
    :: forall mt rw a m. (MonadThrow m, Accept mt)
    => Maybe Auth
    -> GenRequest mt rw a
    -> m HTTP.Request
makeHttpRequest auth r = case r of
    Query paths qs -> do
        req <- parseUrl' $ url paths
            $ setReqHeaders
            . unTagged (modifyRequest :: Tagged mt (HTTP.Request -> HTTP.Request))
            . setAuthRequest auth
            . setQueryString qs
            $ req
    PagedQuery paths qs _ -> do
        req <- parseUrl' $ url paths
            $ setReqHeaders
            . unTagged (modifyRequest :: Tagged mt (HTTP.Request -> HTTP.Request))
            . setAuthRequest auth
            . setQueryString qs
            $ req
    Command m paths body -> do
        req <- parseUrl' $ url paths
            $ setReqHeaders
            . unTagged (modifyRequest :: Tagged mt (HTTP.Request -> HTTP.Request))
            . setAuthRequest auth
            . setBody body
            . setMethod (toMethod m)
            $ req
    parseUrl' :: MonadThrow m => Text -> m HTTP.Request
    parseUrl' = HTTP.parseRequest . T.unpack

    url :: Paths -> Text
    url paths = baseUrl <> "/" <> T.intercalate "/" paths

    baseUrl :: Text
    baseUrl = case auth of
        Just (EnterpriseOAuth endpoint _)  -> endpoint
        _                                  -> "https://api.github.com"

    setReqHeaders :: HTTP.Request -> HTTP.Request
    setReqHeaders req = req { requestHeaders = reqHeaders <> requestHeaders req }

    setMethod :: Method -> HTTP.Request -> HTTP.Request
    setMethod m req = req { method = m }

    reqHeaders :: RequestHeaders
    reqHeaders = maybe [] getOAuthHeader auth
        <> [("User-Agent", "github.hs/0.21")] -- Version
        <> [("Accept", unTagged (contentType :: Tagged mt BS.ByteString))]

    setBody :: LBS.ByteString -> HTTP.Request -> HTTP.Request
    setBody body req = req { requestBody = RequestBodyLBS body }

    setAuthRequest :: Maybe Auth -> HTTP.Request -> HTTP.Request
    setAuthRequest (Just (BasicAuth user pass)) = applyBasicAuth user pass
    setAuthRequest _                            = id

    getOAuthHeader :: Auth -> RequestHeaders
    getOAuthHeader (OAuth token)             = [("Authorization", "token " <> token)]
    getOAuthHeader (EnterpriseOAuth _ token) = [("Authorization", "token " <> token)]
    getOAuthHeader _                         = []

-- | Query @Link@ header with @rel=next@ from the request headers.
getNextUrl :: Response a -> Maybe URI
getNextUrl req = do
    linkHeader <- lookup "Link" (responseHeaders req)
    links <- parseLinkHeaderBS linkHeader
    nextURI <- find isRelNext links
    return $ href nextURI
    isRelNext :: Link -> Bool
    isRelNext = any (== relNextLinkParam) . linkParams

    relNextLinkParam :: (LinkParam, Text)
    relNextLinkParam = (Rel, "next")

-- | Helper for making paginated requests. Responses, @a@ are combined monoidally.
-- @
-- performPagedRequest :: ('FromJSON' a, 'Semigroup' a)
--                     => ('HTTP.Request' -> 'ExceptT' 'Error' 'IO' ('Response' 'LBS.ByteString'))
--                     -> (a -> 'Bool')
--                     -> 'HTTP.Request'
--                     -> 'ExceptT' 'Error' 'IO' a
-- @
    :: forall a m mt. (ParseResponse mt a, Semigroup a, MonadCatch m, MonadError Error m)
    => (HTTP.Request -> m (Response LBS.ByteString))  -- ^ `httpLbs` analogue
    -> (a -> Bool)                                    -- ^ predicate to continue iteration
    -> HTTP.Request                                   -- ^ initial request
    -> Tagged mt (m a)
performPagedRequest httpLbs' predicate initReq = Tagged $ do
    res <- httpLbs' initReq
    m <- unTagged (parseResponse initReq res :: Tagged mt (m a))
    go m res initReq
    go :: a -> Response LBS.ByteString -> HTTP.Request -> m a
    go acc res req =
        case (predicate acc, getNextUrl res) of
            (True, Just uri) -> do
                req' <- HTTP.setUri req uri
                res' <- httpLbs' req'
                m <- unTagged (parseResponse req' res' :: Tagged mt (m a))
                go (acc <> m) res' req'
            (_, _)           -> return acc

-- Internal

onHttpException :: MonadError Error m => HttpException -> m a
onHttpException = throwError . HTTPError