Safe Haskell | Safe-Infered |
- data Error
- newtype GithubDate = GithubDate {}
- data Commit = Commit {}
- data Tree = Tree {}
- data GitTree = GitTree {}
- data GitCommit = GitCommit {}
- data GithubOwner
- data GitUser = GitUser {}
- data File = File {
- fileBlobUrl :: String
- fileStatus :: String
- fileRawUrl :: String
- fileAdditions :: Int
- fileSha :: String
- fileChanges :: Int
- filePatch :: String
- fileFilename :: String
- fileDeletions :: Int
- data Stats = Stats {
- statsAdditions :: Int
- statsTotal :: Int
- statsDeletions :: Int
- data Comment = Comment {}
- data Diff = Diff {
- diffStatus :: String
- diffBehindBy :: Int
- diffPatchUrl :: String
- diffUrl :: String
- diffBaseCommit :: Commit
- diffCommits :: [Commit]
- diffTotalCommits :: Int
- diffHtmlUrl :: String
- diffFiles :: [File]
- diffAheadBy :: Int
- diffDiffUrl :: String
- diffPermalinkUrl :: String
- data Gist = Gist {}
- data GistFile = GistFile {}
- data GistComment = GistComment {}
- data Blob = Blob {
- blobUrl :: String
- blobEncoding :: String
- blobContent :: String
- blobSha :: String
- blobSize :: Int
- data GitReference = GitReference {}
- data GitObject = GitObject {}
- data Issue = Issue {
- issueClosedAt :: Maybe GithubDate
- issueUpdatedAt :: GithubDate
- issueHtmlUrl :: String
- issueClosedBy :: Maybe GithubOwner
- issueLabels :: [IssueLabel]
- issueNumber :: Int
- issueAssignee :: Maybe GithubOwner
- issueUser :: GithubOwner
- issueTitle :: String
- issuePullRequest :: PullRequestReference
- issueUrl :: String
- issueCreatedAt :: GithubDate
- issueBody :: String
- issueState :: String
- issueId :: Int
- issueComments :: Int
- issueMilestone :: Maybe Milestone
- data Milestone = Milestone {}
- data IssueLabel = IssueLabel {}
- data PullRequestReference = PullRequestReference {}
- data IssueComment = IssueComment {}
- data EventType
- = Mentioned
- | Subscribed
- | Unsubscribed
- | Referenced
- | Merged
- | Assigned
- | Closed
- | Reopened
- data Event = Event {}
- data SimpleOrganization = SimpleOrganization {}
- data Organization = Organization {
- organizationType :: String
- organizationBlog :: Maybe String
- organizationLocation :: Maybe String
- organizationLogin :: String
- organizationFollowers :: Int
- organizationCompany :: Maybe String
- organizationAvatarUrl :: String
- organizationPublicGists :: Int
- organizationHtmlUrl :: String
- organizationEmail :: Maybe String
- organizationFollowing :: Int
- organizationPublicRepos :: Int
- organizationUrl :: String
- organizationCreatedAt :: GithubDate
- organizationName :: Maybe String
- organizationId :: Int
- data PullRequest = PullRequest {
- pullRequestClosedAt :: Maybe GithubDate
- pullRequestCreatedAt :: GithubDate
- pullRequestUser :: GithubOwner
- pullRequestPatchUrl :: String
- pullRequestState :: String
- pullRequestNumber :: Int
- pullRequestHtmlUrl :: String
- pullRequestUpdatedAt :: GithubDate
- pullRequestBody :: String
- pullRequestIssueUrl :: String
- pullRequestDiffUrl :: String
- pullRequestUrl :: String
- pullRequestLinks :: PullRequestLinks
- pullRequestMergedAt :: Maybe GithubDate
- pullRequestTitle :: String
- pullRequestId :: Int
- data DetailedPullRequest = DetailedPullRequest {
- detailedPullRequestClosedAt :: Maybe GithubDate
- detailedPullRequestCreatedAt :: GithubDate
- detailedPullRequestUser :: GithubOwner
- detailedPullRequestPatchUrl :: String
- detailedPullRequestState :: String
- detailedPullRequestNumber :: Int
- detailedPullRequestHtmlUrl :: String
- detailedPullRequestUpdatedAt :: GithubDate
- detailedPullRequestBody :: String
- detailedPullRequestIssueUrl :: String
- detailedPullRequestDiffUrl :: String
- detailedPullRequestUrl :: String
- detailedPullRequestLinks :: PullRequestLinks
- detailedPullRequestMergedAt :: Maybe GithubDate
- detailedPullRequestTitle :: String
- detailedPullRequestId :: Int
- detailedPullRequestMergedBy :: Maybe GithubOwner
- detailedPullRequestChangedFiles :: Int
- detailedPullRequestHead :: PullRequestCommit
- detailedPullRequestComments :: Int
- detailedPullRequestDeletions :: Int
- detailedPullRequestAdditions :: Int
- detailedPullRequestReviewComments :: Int
- detailedPullRequestBase :: PullRequestCommit
- detailedPullRequestCommits :: Int
- detailedPullRequestMerged :: Bool
- detailedPullRequestMergeable :: Bool
- data PullRequestLinks = PullRequestLinks {}
- data PullRequestCommit = PullRequestCommit {
- data Repo = Repo {
- repoSshUrl :: String
- repoDescription :: Maybe String
- repoCreatedAt :: GithubDate
- repoHtmlUrl :: String
- repoSvnUrl :: String
- repoForks :: Int
- repoHomepage :: Maybe String
- repoFork :: Bool
- repoGitUrl :: String
- repoPrivate :: Bool
- repoCloneUrl :: String
- repoSize :: Int
- repoUpdatedAt :: GithubDate
- repoWatchers :: Int
- repoOwner :: GithubOwner
- repoName :: String
- repoLanguage :: Maybe String
- repoMasterBranch :: Maybe String
- repoPushedAt :: Maybe GithubDate
- repoId :: Int
- repoUrl :: String
- repoOpenIssues :: Int
- repoHasWiki :: Maybe Bool
- repoHasIssues :: Maybe Bool
- repoHasDownloads :: Maybe Bool
- data Contributor
- data Languages = Languages {
- getLanguages :: [Language]
- data Language = Language String Int
- data Tag = Tag {}
- data Branch = Branch {}
- data BranchCommit = BranchCommit {}
- data DetailedOwner
- = DetailedUser {
- detailedOwnerCreatedAt :: GithubDate
- detailedOwnerType :: String
- detailedOwnerPublicGists :: Int
- detailedOwnerAvatarUrl :: String
- detailedOwnerFollowers :: Int
- detailedOwnerFollowing :: Int
- detailedOwnerHireable :: Bool
- detailedOwnerGravatarId :: String
- detailedOwnerBlog :: Maybe String
- detailedOwnerBio :: Maybe String
- detailedOwnerPublicRepos :: Int
- detailedOwnerName :: Maybe String
- detailedOwnerLocation :: Maybe String
- detailedOwnerCompany :: Maybe String
- detailedOwnerEmail :: String
- detailedOwnerUrl :: String
- detailedOwnerId :: Int
- detailedOwnerHtmlUrl :: String
- detailedOwnerLogin :: String
- | DetailedOrganization {
- detailedOwnerCreatedAt :: GithubDate
- detailedOwnerType :: String
- detailedOwnerPublicGists :: Int
- detailedOwnerAvatarUrl :: String
- detailedOwnerFollowers :: Int
- detailedOwnerFollowing :: Int
- detailedOwnerBlog :: Maybe String
- detailedOwnerBio :: Maybe String
- detailedOwnerPublicRepos :: Int
- detailedOwnerName :: Maybe String
- detailedOwnerLocation :: Maybe String
- detailedOwnerCompany :: Maybe String
- detailedOwnerUrl :: String
- detailedOwnerId :: Int
- detailedOwnerHtmlUrl :: String
- detailedOwnerLogin :: String
- = DetailedUser {
Errors have been tagged according to their source, so you can more easily dispatch and handle them.
HTTPConnectionError SomeException | A HTTP error occurred. The actual caught error is included. |
ParseError String | An error in the parser itself. |
JsonError String | The JSON is malformed or unexpected. |
UserError String | Incorrect input. |
newtype GithubDate Source
A date in the Github format, which is a special case of ISO-8601.
Commit | |
GitTree | |
File | |
Stats | |
Comment | |
Diff | |
Gist | |
data GitReference Source
Issue | |
Data describing an Event
Mentioned | |
Subscribed | The actor subscribed to receive notifications for an issue. |
Unsubscribed | The issue was unsubscribed from by the actor. |
Referenced | The issue was referenced from a commit message. The commit_id attribute is the commit SHA1 of where that happened. |
Merged | The issue was merged by the actor. The commit_id attribute is the SHA1 of the HEAD commit that was merged. |
Assigned | The issue was assigned to the actor. |
Closed | The issue was closed by the actor. When the commit_id is present, it identifies the commit that closed the issue using “closes / fixes #NN” syntax. |
Reopened | The issue was reopened by the actor. |
Event | |
data Organization Source
data PullRequest Source
data DetailedPullRequest Source
data PullRequestCommit Source
Repo | |
data Contributor Source
KnownContributor Int String String String Int String | An existing Github user, with their number of contributions, avatar URL, login, URL, ID, and Gravatar ID. |
AnonymousContributor Int String | An unknown Github user with their number of contributions and recorded name. |
This is only used for the FromJSON instance.
A programming language with the name and number of characters written in it.
Tag | |
data BranchCommit Source
data DetailedOwner Source