github-0.7.4: Access to the Github API, v3.

Safe HaskellNone




The issues API as described on



issue :: String -> String -> Int -> IO (Either Error Issue)Source

Details on a specific issue, given the repo owner and name, and the issue number.

 issue "thoughtbot" "paperclip" "462"

issue' :: Maybe GithubAuth -> String -> String -> Int -> IO (Either Error Issue)Source

Details on a specific issue, given the repo owner and name, and the issue number.'

 issue' (Just ("github-username", "github-password")) "thoughtbot" "paperclip" "462"

issuesForRepo :: String -> String -> [IssueLimitation] -> IO (Either Error [Issue])Source

All issues for a repo (given the repo owner and name), with optional restrictions as described in the IssueLimitation data type.

 issuesForRepo "thoughtbot" "paperclip" [NoMilestone, OnlyClosed, Mentions "jyurek", Ascending]

issuesForRepo' :: Maybe GithubAuth -> String -> String -> [IssueLimitation] -> IO (Either Error [Issue])Source

All issues for a repo (given the repo owner and name), with optional restrictions as described in the IssueLimitation data type.

 issuesForRepo' (Just ("github-username", "github-password")) "thoughtbot" "paperclip" [NoMilestone, OnlyClosed, Mentions "jyurek", Ascending]

data IssueLimitation Source

A data structure for describing how to filter issues. This is used by issuesForRepo.



Issues appearing in any milestone. [default]


Issues without a milestone.

MilestoneId Int

Only issues that are in the milestone with the given id.


Only open issues. [default]


Only closed issues.


Issues to which no one has been assigned ownership.


All issues regardless of assignment. [default]

AssignedTo String

Only issues assigned to the user with the given login.

Mentions String

Issues which mention the given string, taken to be a user's login.

Labels [String]

A list of labels to filter by.


Sort ascending.


Sort descending. [default]

Since UTCTime

Only issues created since the specified date and time.

PerPage Int

Download this many issues per query

Modifying Issues

Only authenticated users may create and edit issues.

data GithubAuth Source

user/password for HTTP basic access authentication

createIssue :: GithubAuth -> String -> String -> NewIssue -> IO (Either Error Issue)Source

Create a new issue.

 createIssue (GithubUser (user, password)) user repo
  (newIssue "some_repo") {...}

editIssue :: GithubAuth -> String -> String -> Int -> EditIssue -> IO (Either Error Issue)Source

Edit an issue.

 editIssue (GithubUser (user, password)) user repo issue
  editOfIssue {...}