{-# Language BangPatterns #-}
Module      : Client.Image
Description : UI renderer
Copyright   : (c) Eric Mertens, 2016
License     : ISC
Maintainer  : emertens@gmail.com

This module provides the renderer for the client's UI.

module Client.Image (clientPicture) where

import           Client.Image.StatusLine
import           Client.Image.Textbox
import           Client.State
import           Client.View
import           Control.Lens
import           Graphics.Vty (Background(..), Picture(..), Cursor(..))
import           Graphics.Vty.Image

-- | Generate a 'Picture' for the current client state. The resulting
-- client state is updated for render specific information like scrolling.
clientPicture :: ClientState -> (Picture, ClientState)
clientPicture st = (pic, st')
      (pos, img, st') = clientImage st
      pic = Picture
              { picCursor     = AbsoluteCursor pos (view clientHeight st - 1)
              , picBackground = ClearBackground
              , picLayers     = [img]

clientImage ::
  ClientState ->
  (Int, Image, ClientState) -- ^ text box cursor position, image, updated state
clientImage st = (pos, img, st')
    (mp, st') = messagePane st
    (pos, tbImg) = textboxImage st'
    img = mp <-> statusLineImage st' <-> tbImg

messagePane :: ClientState -> (Image, ClientState)
messagePane st = (img, st')
    images = viewLines st
    vimg   = assemble emptyImage images
    vimg1  = cropBottom h vimg
    img    = pad 0 (h - imageHeight vimg1) 0 0 vimg1

    overscroll = vh - imageHeight vimg

    st' = over clientScroll (max 0 . subtract overscroll) st

    assemble acc _ | imageHeight acc >= vh = cropTop vh acc
    assemble acc [] = acc
    assemble acc (x:xs) = assemble (lineWrap w x <-> acc) xs

    scroll = view clientScroll st
    vh     = h + scroll

      | view clientActivityBar st = 3
      | otherwise                 = 2

    h      = view clientHeight st - reservedLines
    w      = view clientWidth st

lineWrap :: Int -> Image -> Image
lineWrap w img
  | imageWidth img > w = cropRight w img <-> lineWrap w (cropLeft (imageWidth img - w) img)
  | otherwise = img <|> char defAttr ' '
                        -- trailing space with default attributes deals with bug in VTY
                        -- where the formatting will continue past the end of chat messages