{-# Language BangPatterns, OverloadedStrings #-}

Module      : Client.View.Help
Description : Renderer for help lines
Copyright   : (c) Eric Mertens, 2016
License     : ISC
Maintainer  : emertens@gmail.com

This module provides the rendering used for the @/help@ command.

module Client.View.Help
  ( helpImageLines
  ) where

import           Client.Commands
import           Client.Commands.Arguments
import           Client.Image.Arguments
import           Client.Image.MircFormatting
import           Client.Image.Palette
import           Client.Commands.Recognizer
import           Control.Lens
import           Data.Foldable (toList)
import           Data.List (delete)
import           Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import           Data.Monoid ((<>))
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import           Graphics.Vty.Attributes
import           Graphics.Vty.Image

-- | Generate either the list of all commands and their arguments,
-- or when given a command name generate the detailed help text
-- for that command.
helpImageLines ::
  Maybe Text {- ^ optional command name -} ->
  Palette    {- ^ palette               -} ->
  [Image]    {- ^ help lines            -}
helpImageLines mbCmd pal =
  case mbCmd of
    Nothing  -> listAllCommands pal
    Just cmd -> commandHelpLines cmd pal

-- | Generate detailed help lines for the command with the given name.
commandHelpLines ::
  Text    {- ^ command name -} ->
  Palette {- ^ palette      -} ->
  [Image] {- ^ lines        -}
commandHelpLines cmdName pal =
  case recognize cmdName commands of
    Invalid -> [string (view palError pal) "Unknown command, try /help"]
    Prefix sfxs ->
      [string (view palError pal) $ "Unknown command, did you mean: " ++ suggestions]
      suggestions = Text.unpack $ Text.intercalate " " ((cmdName <>) <$> sfxs)
    Exact Command{cmdNames = names, cmdImplementation = impl,
                  cmdArgumentSpec = spec, cmdDocumentation = doc} ->
      reverse $ commandSummary pal (pure cmdName) spec
              : emptyImage
              : aliasLines
             ++ explainContext impl
              : emptyImage
              : map parseIrcText (Text.lines doc)
        aliasLines =
          case delete cmdName (toList names) of
            [] -> []
            ns -> [ text' defAttr (Text.unwords ("Aliases:":ns))
                  , emptyImage ]

-- | Generate an explanation of the context where the given command
-- implementation will be valid.
explainContext ::
  CommandImpl a {- ^ command implementation -} ->
  Image         {- ^ help line              -}
explainContext impl =
  case impl of
    ClientCommand {} -> go "client command" "works everywhere"
    NetworkCommand{} -> go "network command" "works when focused on active network"
    ChannelCommand{} -> go "channel command" "works when focused on active channel"
    ChatCommand   {} -> go "chat command" "works when focused on an active channel or private message"
    go x y = string (withStyle defAttr bold) x <|>
             string defAttr (": " ++ y)

-- | Generate the lines for the help window showing all commands.
listAllCommands ::
  Palette {- ^ palette    -} ->
  [Image] {- ^ help lines -}
listAllCommands pal =
    [ commandSummary pal names spec
    | Command{ cmdNames = names, cmdArgumentSpec = spec } <- commandsList ]

-- | Generate the help line for the given command and its
-- specification for use in the list of commands.
commandSummary ::
  Palette        {- ^ palette                  -} ->
  NonEmpty Text  {- ^ command name and aliases -} ->
  ArgumentSpec a {- ^ argument specification   -} ->
  Image          {- ^ summary help line        -}
commandSummary pal (cmd :| _) args  =
  char defAttr '/' <|>
  text' (view palCommand pal) cmd <|>
  argumentsImage pal' args ""

    pal' = set palCommandPlaceholder defAttr pal