{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}
Module      : Client.Authentication.Ecdsa
Description : Binding to ecdsatool
Copyright   : (c) Eric Mertens, 2016
License     : ISC
Maintainer  : emertens@gmail.com

Implementation of ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE SASL authentication mode
as implemented at <https://github.com/kaniini/ecdsatool> and used
on Freenode.

Using this mode requires that the @ecdsa@ utility program is available
in your search path.

module Client.Authentication.Ecdsa
  ( authenticationMode
  , encodeUsername
  , computeResponse
  ) where

import           Client.Configuration (resolveConfigurationPath)
import           Control.Exception (displayException, try)
import           Data.ByteString.Base64 as Enc
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import           System.IO.Error (IOError)
import           System.Process (readProcess)

-- | Identifier for SASL ECDSA challenge response authentication
-- using curve NIST256P.
authenticationMode :: Text
authenticationMode = "ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE"

-- | Encode a username as specified in this authentication mode.
encodeUsername ::
  Text {- ^ username                 -} ->
  Text {- ^ base-64 encoded username -}
encodeUsername = Text.decodeUtf8 . Enc.encode . Text.encodeUtf8

-- | Compute the response for a given challenge using the @ecdsatool@
-- executable which must be available in @PATH@.
computeResponse ::
  FilePath                {- ^ private key file                 -} ->
  Text                    {- ^ challenge string                 -} ->
  IO (Either String Text) {- ^ error message or response string -}
computeResponse privateKeyFile challenge =
  do path <- resolveConfigurationPath privateKeyFile
     res  <- try $ readProcess
                     ["sign", path, Text.unpack challenge]
                     "" -- stdin
     return $! case words <$> res of
                 Right [resp] -> Right $! Text.pack resp
                 Right _      -> Left "bad sasl ecdsa response message"
                 Left e       -> Left (displayException (e :: IOError))