Module      : Client.View.Palette
Description : View current palette and to see all terminal colors
Copyright   : (c) Eric Mertens, 2016
License     : ISC
Maintainer  : emertens@gmail.com

Lines for the @/palette@ command. This view shows all the colors of
the current palette as well as the colors available in the terminal.


module Client.View.Palette
  ( paletteViewLines
  ) where

import           Client.Image.Palette
import           Control.Lens
import           Data.List
import           Graphics.Vty.Image

digits :: String
digits = "0123456789ABCDEF"

digitImage :: Char -> Image
digitImage d = string defAttr [' ',d,' ']

columns :: [Image] -> Image
columns = horizCat . intersperse (char defAttr ' ')

-- | Generate lines used for @/palette@. These lines show
-- all the colors used in the current palette as well as
-- the colors available for use in palettes.
paletteViewLines :: Palette -> [Image]
paletteViewLines pal =
  [ columns
  $ digitImage digit
  : [ string (withBackColor defAttr c) "   "
    | col <- [0 .. 15]
    , let c = Color240 (row * 16 + col)
  | (digit,row) <- reverse $ take 15 $ zip (drop 1 digits) [0 ..]
  ] ++
  [ columns
  $ digitImage '0'
  : [ string (withBackColor defAttr (ISOColor c)) "   "
    | c <- [0..15]

  , columns (map digitImage (' ':digits))
  , emptyImage
  , columns
    [ text' (view l pal) name
    | (name, Lens l) <- paletteMap
  , emptyImage
  , columns
    [ string attr "nicks"
    | attr <- toListOf (palNicks . folded) pal