{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# Language BangPatterns #-}

Module      : Client.View.ChannelInfo
Description : Channel information renderer
Copyright   : (c) Eric Mertens, 2016
License     : ISC
Maintainer  : emertens@gmail.com

This module implements a renderer for the window that shows
channel metadata.

module Client.View.ChannelInfo
  ( channelInfoImages
  ) where

import           Client.Image.Message
import           Client.Image.MircFormatting
import           Client.Image.PackedImage
import           Client.Image.Palette
import           Client.State
import           Client.State.Channel
import           Client.State.Network
import           Control.Lens
import           Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import           Data.Text (Text)
import           Data.Time
import           Graphics.Vty.Attributes
import           Irc.Identifier
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as Text

-- | Render the lines used in a channel mask list
channelInfoImages ::
  Text        {- ^ network -} ->
  Identifier  {- ^ channel -} ->
  ClientState -> [Image']
channelInfoImages network channelId st

  | Just cs      <- preview (clientConnection network) st
  , Just channel <- preview (csChannels . ix channelId) cs
  = channelInfoImages' pal (clientHighlights cs st) channel

  | otherwise = [text' (view palError pal) "No channel information"]
    pal = clientPalette st

channelInfoImages' :: Palette -> HashSet Identifier -> ChannelState -> [Image']
channelInfoImages' pal myNicks !channel
    = reverse
    $ topicLine
    : provenanceLines
   ++ creationLines
   ++ urlLines
   ++ modeLines
   ++ modeArgLines

    label = text' (view palLabel pal)

    topicLine = label "Topic: " <>
                parseIrcText (view chanTopic channel)

    utcTimeImage = string defAttr . formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %T"

    provenanceLines =
        case view chanTopicProvenance channel of
          Nothing -> []
          Just !prov ->
            [ label "Topic set by: " <>
                coloredUserInfo pal DetailedRender myNicks (view topicAuthor prov)
            , label "Topic set on: " <> utcTimeImage (view topicTime prov)

    creationLines =
        case view chanCreation channel of
          Nothing   -> []
          Just time -> [label "Created on: " <> utcTimeImage time]

    urlLines =
        case view chanUrl channel of
          Nothing -> []
          Just url -> [ label "Channel URL: " <> parseIrcText url ]

    modeLines = [label "Modes: " <> string defAttr modes | not (null modes) ]
        modes = views chanModes Map.keys channel

    modeArgLines =
      [ string (view palLabel pal) ("Mode " ++ [mode, ':', ' ']) <> parseIrcText arg
        | (mode, arg) <- Map.toList (view chanModes channel)
        , not (Text.null arg)