Module      : Client.Commands.TabCompletion
Description : Common tab-completion logic
Copyright   : (c) Eric Mertens, 2016-2020
License     : ISC
Maintainer  : emertens@gmail.com

module Client.Commands.TabCompletion where

import           Client.Commands.Types
import           Client.Commands.WordCompletion
import           Client.Message
import           Client.State
import           Client.State.Focus
import           Client.State.Network
import           Client.State.Window
import           Client.State.Channel
import           Control.Lens
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import           Irc.Identifier
import           Irc.UserInfo

-- | Provides no tab completion for client commands
noClientTab :: Bool -> ClientCommand String
noClientTab _ st _ = commandFailure st

-- | Provides no tab completion for network commands
noNetworkTab :: Bool -> NetworkCommand String
noNetworkTab _ _ st _ = commandFailure st

-- | Provides no tab completion for channel commands
noChannelTab :: Bool -> ChannelCommand String
noChannelTab _ _ _ st _ = commandFailure st

-- | Provides nickname based tab completion for client commands
simpleClientTab :: Bool -> ClientCommand String
simpleClientTab isReversed st _ =
  nickTabCompletion isReversed st

-- | Provides nickname based tab completion for network commands
simpleNetworkTab :: Bool -> NetworkCommand String
simpleNetworkTab isReversed _ st _ =
  nickTabCompletion isReversed st

-- | Provides nickname based tab completion for channel commands
simpleChannelTab :: Bool -> ChannelCommand String
simpleChannelTab isReversed _ _ st _ =
  nickTabCompletion isReversed st

simpleTabCompletion ::
  Prefix a =>
  WordCompletionMode {- ^ word completion mode -} ->
  [a]                {- ^ hints                -} ->
  [a]                {- ^ all completions      -} ->
  Bool               {- ^ reversed order       -} ->
  ClientState        {- ^ client state         -} ->
  IO CommandResult
simpleTabCompletion mode hints completions isReversed st =
  case traverseOf clientTextBox tryCompletion st of
    Nothing  -> commandFailure st
    Just st' -> commandSuccess st'
    tryCompletion = wordComplete mode isReversed hints completions

-- | Complete the nickname at the current cursor position using the
-- userlist for the currently focused channel (if any)
nickTabCompletion :: Bool {- ^ reversed -} -> ClientState -> IO CommandResult
nickTabCompletion isReversed st =
  simpleTabCompletion mode hint completions isReversed st
    hint          = activeNicks st
    completions   = currentCompletionList st
    mode          = currentNickCompletionMode st

activeNicks ::
  ClientState ->
activeNicks st =
  case view clientFocus st of
    focus@(ChannelFocus network channel) ->
        ( clientWindows    . ix focus
        . winMessages      . each
        . wlSummary        . folding summaryActor
        . filtered isActive
        . filtered isNotSelf ) st
        isActive n = HashMap.member n userMap
        self = preview ( clientConnection network . csNick ) st
        isNotSelf n = case self of
                        Nothing -> True
                        Just s -> n /= s
        userMap = view ( clientConnection network
                       . csChannels . ix channel
                       . chanUsers) st

    _ -> []

    -- Returns the 'Identifier' of the nickname responsible for
    -- the window line when that action was significant enough to
    -- be considered a hint for tab completion.
    summaryActor :: IrcSummary -> Maybe Identifier
    summaryActor (ChatSummary who) = Just $! userNick who
    summaryActor _                 = Nothing