{-# Language TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings, BangPatterns
    , ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications #-}

Module      : Client.State.DCC
Description : CTCP DCC transfer handling
Copyright   : (c) Ruben Astudillo, 2019
License     : ISC
Maintainer  : ruben.astud@gmail.com

This module provides ADTs and functions to deal with DCC SEND/ACCEPT
request and how start such transfers.

module Client.State.DCC
  , dsOffers
  , dsTransfers
  , emptyDCCState
  -- * DCC offers
  , DCCOffer(..)
  , dccNetwork
  , dccFromInfo
  , dccFromIP
  , dccPort
  , dccFileName
  , dccSize
  , dccOffset
  , dccStatus
  -- * DCC transfer
  , DCCTransfer(..)
  , dtThread
  , dtProgress
  , ConnectionStatus(..)
  -- * DCC Update
  , DCCUpdate(..)
  -- * Transfer a DCCOffer
  , supervisedDownload
  -- * Parser for DCC request
  , parseSEND
  , parseACCEPT
  -- * DCC RESUME functionality
  , resumeMsg
  , acceptUpdate
  -- * Miscellaneous
  , getFileOffset
  , insertAsNewMax
  , ctcpToTuple
  , statusAtKey
  , reportStopWithStatus
  , isSend
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative (Alternative(..))
import           Control.Concurrent.Async
import           Control.Concurrent.STM
import           Control.Exception (bracket, IOException)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import           Control.Lens hiding (from)
import           Control.Monad (unless, when)
import           Data.Attoparsec.Text
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import           Data.ByteString.Builder (word32BE, toLazyByteString)
import           Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
import           Data.IntMap (Key, IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as I hiding (size, empty)
import           Data.List (find)
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import           Data.Word (Word32, Word64)
import           Hookup
import           Irc.Identifier (Identifier, idText)
import           Irc.Message (IrcMsg(..))
import           Irc.UserInfo (UserInfo(..), uiNick)
import           Network.Socket (HostName, PortNumber, hostAddressToTuple)
import           System.FilePath ((</>), takeFileName)
import           System.IO (withFile, IOMode(..), openFile, hClose, hFileSize)

-- | All the necessary information to start the download
data DCCOffer = DCCOffer
  { _dccNetwork  :: !Text
  , _dccFromInfo :: !UserInfo
  , _dccFromIP   ::  HostName -- ^ String of the IPv4 representation
  , _dccPort     :: !PortNumber
  , _dccFileName ::  FilePath -- ^ Guaranteed to be just the name
  , _dccSize     :: !Word32 -- ^ Size of the whole file, per protocol
                            --   restricted to 32-bits
  , _dccOffset   :: !Word32 -- ^ Byte from where the transmission starts
  , _dccStatus   :: !ConnectionStatus
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Status of a connection at certain @Key@
data ConnectionStatus
  = CorrectlyFinished | UserKilled | LostConnection | Downloading | Pending
  | NotExist
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Structure with information of a download accepted via "/dcc accept"
--   or "/dcc resume"
data DCCTransfer = DCCTransfer
  { _dtThread   :: !(Maybe (Async ())) -- ^ If Nothing, the thread was killed
                                       --   and stopped.
  , _dtProgress :: !Word32 -- ^ Percentage of progress

-- Check the invariants at @statusAtKey@
data DCCState = DCCState
  { _dsOffers    :: !(IntMap DCCOffer)
  , _dsTransfers :: !(IntMap DCCTransfer)

data DCCUpdate
  = PercentUpdate !Key !Word32
  | Finished !Key
  | SocketInterrupted !Key
  | UserInterrupted !Key
  | Accept !Key !PortNumber !Word32 -- update that DCC RESUME triggers
  deriving (Show, Eq)               -- Word32 is the offset

makeLenses ''DCCOffer
makeLenses ''DCCTransfer
makeLenses ''DCCState

emptyDCCState :: DCCState
emptyDCCState = DCCState mempty mempty

-- | Smart constructor for new DCCOffers.
dccOffer :: Text -> UserInfo -> HostName -> PortNumber
         -> FilePath -> Word32 -> DCCOffer
dccOffer network userFrom hostaddr port filename filesize =
  DCCOffer network userFrom hostaddr port filename filesize 0 Pending

-- | Launch a supervisor thread for downloading the offer referred by @Key@ and
--   return the DCCState accordingly.
supervisedDownload ::
  FilePath        ->
  Key             ->
  TChan DCCUpdate ->
  DCCState        ->
  IO DCCState
supervisedDownload dir key updChan state = do
  let Just offer = view (dsOffers . at key) state -- Previously check
  supervisorThread <- async $
      withAsync (startDownload dir key updChan offer) $ \realTransferThread ->
        do upd <- E.catches (Finished key <$ wait realTransferThread)
                    [ E.Handler (\(_ :: IOException) ->
                                   return (SocketInterrupted key))
                    -- exception thrown by cancel on async >= 2.2
                    , E.Handler (\(_ :: AsyncCancelled) ->
                                   return (UserInterrupted key))
           atomically (writeTChan updChan upd)
  let startPercent = percent (_dccOffset offer) (_dccSize offer)
      newTransfer  = DCCTransfer (Just supervisorThread) startPercent
      newOffer     = offer { _dccStatus = Downloading }
      newState     = set (dsOffers . at key) (Just newOffer)
                   $ set (dsTransfers . at key) (Just newTransfer) state
  return newState

-- |
startDownload :: FilePath -> Key -> TChan DCCUpdate -> DCCOffer -> IO ()
startDownload dir key updChan offer@(DCCOffer _ _ from port name totalSize offset _) = do
  let openMode = if offset > 0 then AppendMode else WriteMode
      filepath = dir </> name
  bracket (connect param) close $ \conn ->
    bracket (openFile filepath openMode) hClose $ \hdl ->
      do -- Has to decouple @send@ from @recv@, tells how much
         -- have we downloaded.
         recvChan1 <- atomically newTChan
         recvChan2 <- atomically (dupTChan recvChan1)

         -- Two threads, one for @send@ the progress to the
         -- server and another to signal how much progress
         -- have we done to the main thread. `withAsync` guarantee
         -- correct exception handling when the user cancels the
         -- transfer.
         -- Notice how recvSendLoop starts at offset instead of 0, this
         -- is so DCC RESUME start acknowledgement as if the starting
         -- size was recently @recv@. DCC is a mess.
         withAsync (sendStream totalSize conn recvChan1)
           $ \outThread -> withAsync (report offer key recvChan2 updChan)
             $ \_reportThread -> do recvSendLoop offset recvChan1 conn hdl
                                    wait outThread
    param = ConnectionParams
              { cpBind   = Just "" -- only support IPv4
              , cpHost   = from
              , cpPort   = port
              , cpSocks  = Nothing
              , cpTls    = Nothing }

    buffSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024

    recvSendLoop size chan conn hdl =
      do bytes <- recv conn buffSize
         unless (B.null bytes) $
           do B.hPut hdl bytes
              let newSize = size + fromIntegral (B.length bytes)
              atomically (writeTChan chan newSize)
              recvSendLoop newSize chan conn hdl

-- | @send@ing the current size to the fileserver. As an independent
--   acknowledgement stream, it doesn't match the protocol, but matches
--   what other clients and servers do in practice.
sendStream :: Word32 -> Connection -> TChan Word32 -> IO ()
sendStream maxSize conn chan =
  do val <- atomically (readTChan chan)
     let valBE = toStrict (toLazyByteString (word32BE val))
     send conn valBE
     unless (val >= maxSize) (sendStream maxSize conn chan)

-- | Generate @PercentUpdate@ for each percent of download.
report :: DCCOffer -> Key -> TChan Word32 -> TChan DCCUpdate -> IO ()
report offer key input output = compareAndUpdate (percent offset totalsize)
    offset    = _dccOffset offer
    totalsize = _dccSize   offer

    compareAndUpdate :: Word32 -> IO ()
    compareAndUpdate prevPercent =
      do curSize <- atomically $ readTChan input
         let curPercent = percent curSize totalsize
             updateEv   = PercentUpdate key curPercent
         if curPercent == 100
           then atomically (writeTChan output updateEv)
           else do when (curPercent > prevPercent)
                        (atomically (writeTChan output updateEv))
                   compareAndUpdate curPercent

-- Avoid overflow via Word64
percent :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32
percent a total = fromIntegral (fromIntegral a * 100 `div` fromIntegral total :: Word64)

-- | This function can only be called after a @cancel@ has been issued
--   on the supervisor thread at @Key@
reportStopWithStatus :: Key -> ConnectionStatus -> DCCState -> DCCState
reportStopWithStatus key newstatus
  = set (dsOffers    . ix key . dccStatus) newstatus
  . set (dsTransfers . ix key . dtThread ) Nothing

-- | Parse a "DCC SEND" command.
parseSEND :: Text -> UserInfo -> Text -> Either String DCCOffer
parseSEND network userFrom = parseOnly (sendFormat network userFrom)

sendFormat :: Text -> UserInfo -> Parser DCCOffer
sendFormat network userFrom =
  do name      <- string "SEND" *> space *> nameFormat
     addr      <- ipv4Dotted <$ space <*> decimal
     port      <- space *> decimal
     totalsize <- space *> decimal
     return (dccOffer network userFrom addr port name totalsize)

-- | Parse a "DCC RESUME" command.
parseACCEPT :: DCCState -> UserInfo -> Text -> Maybe DCCUpdate
parseACCEPT state userFrom text =
  case parseOnly acceptFormat text of
    Left _ -> Nothing
    Right (fileName, port, offset) ->
      do (key, _) <- find (predicate fileName) offerList
         return (Accept key port offset)
    offerList = I.toDescList (_dsOffers state)

    predicate fileName (key, offer) =
      view dccFileName offer == fileName &&
      view dccFromInfo offer == userFrom &&
      statusAtKey key state  == Pending

acceptFormat :: Parser (FilePath, PortNumber, Word32)
acceptFormat =
  do filepath <- string "ACCEPT" *> space *> nameFormat
     port     <- space *> decimal
     offset   <- space *> decimal
     return (filepath, port, offset)

-- Depending on the software, if the filename contains no spaces, the
-- DCC SEND can be sent without a \" enclosing it. Handle that
-- correctly.
nameFormat :: Parser FilePath
nameFormat = do textPath <- try quotedName <|> noSpaceName
                return (takeFileName (Text.unpack textPath))
    quotedName = char '\"' *> takeWhile1 ('\"' /=) <* char '\"'
    noSpaceName = takeWhile1 (' ' /=)

-- | Assuming little-endian
ipv4Dotted :: Word32 -> HostName
ipv4Dotted addr = ipv4Format (bigToLittleEndian (hostAddressToTuple addr))
    bigToLittleEndian (a, b, c, d) = (d, c, b, a)

    ipv4Format (d,c,b,a) =
      show d <> "." <> show c <> "." <> show b <> "." <> show a

getFileOffset :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Word32)
getFileOffset path =
  do res <- E.try (withFile path ReadMode hFileSize)
     return $! case res :: Either IOError Integer of
                 Right n | n > 0 -> Just $! fromIntegral n
                 _               -> Nothing

insertAsNewMax :: DCCOffer -> DCCState -> DCCState
insertAsNewMax newoffer (DCCState offers transfers) =
  let newmax    = if I.null offers then 1 else 1 + fst (I.findMax offers)
      newOffers = I.insert newmax newoffer offers
  in DCCState newOffers transfers

ctcpToTuple :: IrcMsg -> Maybe (UserInfo, Identifier, Text, Text)
ctcpToTuple (Ctcp fromU target command txt) =
  Just (fromU, target, command, txt)
ctcpToTuple (CtcpNotice fromU target command txt) =
  Just (fromU, target, command, txt)
ctcpToTuple _ = Nothing

-- | Check the status of a download at @Key@ by checking the invariants
--   at @DCCState@
statusAtKey :: Key -> DCCState -> ConnectionStatus
statusAtKey key (DCCState offers _) =
  case I.lookup key offers of
    Nothing -> NotExist
    Just d  -> view dccStatus d

-- | Craft a CTCP message indicating we want to resume a download at the offset.
resumeMsg ::
  Word32           {- ^ offset        -} ->
  DCCOffer         {- ^ offer         -} ->
  (String, String) {- ^ (target, txt) -}
resumeMsg sizeoffset offer = (target, txt)
    filename = _dccFileName offer
    port = show (_dccPort offer)
    sizeoffset' = show sizeoffset
    quoting = if ' ' `elem` filename then "\"" else ""

    txt = concat ["RESUME ", quoting, filename, quoting,
                  " ", port, " ", sizeoffset' ]
    target = views (dccFromInfo . uiNick) (Text.unpack . idText) offer

-- | Modify the @DCCState@ following the corresponding @DCCUpdate@
acceptUpdate :: DCCUpdate -> DCCState -> DCCState
acceptUpdate (Accept k port offset) state =
  case view (dsOffers . at k) state of
    Nothing       -> state -- check at call-site
    Just oldOffer -> set (dsOffers . at k) (Just newOffer) state
        newOffer = oldOffer { _dccPort = port, _dccOffset = offset }
acceptUpdate _ state = state

-- | Check if the payload of a "DCC" CTCP message is SEND
isSend :: Text -> Bool
isSend txt
  | "SEND":_ <- Text.splitOn " " txt = True
  | otherwise                        = False