gnuplot-0.3.3: 2D and 3D plots using gnuplotSource codeContentsIndex
computed plots
plot stored data
linearScale :: Fractional a => Integer -> (a, a) -> [a]
type T = T T
list :: Show a => [a] -> T
function :: Show a => [a] -> (a -> a) -> T
functions :: Show a => [a] -> [a -> a] -> T
path :: Show a => [(a, a)] -> T
parameterFunction :: Show a => [a] -> (a -> (a, a)) -> T
listFromFile :: FilePath -> Int -> T
pathFromFile :: FilePath -> Int -> Int -> T
linearScale :: Fractional a => Integer -> (a, a) -> [a]Source
type T = T TSource
Plots can be assembled using mappend or mconcat.
computed plots
list :: Show a => [a] -> TSource
 list (take 30 (let fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs) in fibs))
function :: Show a => [a] -> (a -> a) -> TSource
 function (linearScale 1000 (-10,10)) sin
functions :: Show a => [a] -> [a -> a] -> TSource
 functions (linearScale 1000 (-10,10)) [sin, cos]
path :: Show a => [(a, a)] -> TSource
parameterFunction :: Show a => [a] -> (a -> (a, a)) -> TSource
 parameterFunction (linearScale 1000 (0,2*pi)) (\t -> (sin (2*t), cos t))
plot stored data
listFromFile :: FilePath -> Int -> TSource
pathFromFile :: FilePath -> Int -> Int -> TSource
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