- data Attribute
- = Custom String [String]
- | EPS FilePath
- | PNG FilePath
- | Grid (Maybe [String])
- | Key (Maybe [String])
- | Border (Maybe [String])
- | XTicks (Maybe [String])
- | YTicks (Maybe [String])
- | Size Size
- | Aspect Aspect
- | BoxAspect Aspect
- | LineStyle Int [LineAttr]
- | Title String
- | XLabel String
- | YLabel String
- | XRange (Double, Double)
- | YRange (Double, Double)
- | ZRange (Double, Double)
- | Palette [(Double, (Double, Double, Double))]
- | ColorBox (Maybe [String])
- | XTime
- | XFormat String
- data Size
- data Aspect
- data LineAttr
- data LineSpec
- = DefaultStyle Int
- | CustomStyle [LineAttr]
- data PlotType
- = Lines
- | Points
- | LinesPoints
- | Impulses
- | Dots
- | Steps
- | FSteps
- | HiSteps
- | ErrorBars
- | XErrorBars
- | YErrorBars
- | XYErrorBars
- | ErrorLines
- | XErrorLines
- | YErrorLines
- | XYErrorLines
- | Boxes
- | FilledCurves
- | BoxErrorBars
- | BoxXYErrorBars
- | FinanceBars
- | CandleSticks
- | Vectors
- | PM3d
- data PlotStyle = PlotStyle {}
- linearScale :: Fractional a => Integer -> (a, a) -> [a]
- defaultStyle :: PlotStyle
- plotList :: Show a => [Attribute] -> [a] -> IO ()
- plotListStyle :: Show a => [Attribute] -> PlotStyle -> [a] -> IO ()
- plotLists :: Show a => [Attribute] -> [[a]] -> IO ()
- plotListsStyle :: Show a => [Attribute] -> [(PlotStyle, [a])] -> IO ()
- plotFunc :: Show a => [Attribute] -> [a] -> (a -> a) -> IO ()
- plotFuncs :: Show a => [Attribute] -> [a] -> [a -> a] -> IO ()
- plotPath :: Show a => [Attribute] -> [(a, a)] -> IO ()
- plotPaths :: Show a => [Attribute] -> [[(a, a)]] -> IO ()
- plotPathStyle :: Show a => [Attribute] -> PlotStyle -> [(a, a)] -> IO ()
- plotPathsStyle :: Show a => [Attribute] -> [(PlotStyle, [(a, a)])] -> IO ()
- plotParamFunc :: Show a => [Attribute] -> [a] -> (a -> (a, a)) -> IO ()
- plotParamFuncs :: Show a => [Attribute] -> [a] -> [a -> (a, a)] -> IO ()
- plotDots :: Show a => [Attribute] -> [(a, a)] -> IO ()
- data Plot3dType
- data CornersToColor
- data Attribute3d
- plotMesh3d :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) => [Attribute] -> [Attribute3d] -> [[(a, b, c)]] -> IO ()
- plotFunc3d :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) => [Attribute] -> [Attribute3d] -> [b] -> [c] -> (b -> c -> a) -> IO ()
- epspdfPlot :: FilePath -> ([Attribute] -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- inclPlot :: FilePath -> ([Attribute] -> IO ()) -> IO String
Custom String [String] | anything that is allowed after gnuplot's |
EPS FilePath | |
PNG FilePath | |
Grid (Maybe [String]) | |
Key (Maybe [String]) | |
Border (Maybe [String]) | |
XTicks (Maybe [String]) | |
YTicks (Maybe [String]) | |
Size Size | |
Aspect Aspect | |
BoxAspect Aspect | |
LineStyle Int [LineAttr] | |
Title String | |
XLabel String | |
YLabel String | |
XRange (Double, Double) | |
YRange (Double, Double) | |
ZRange (Double, Double) | |
Palette [(Double, (Double, Double, Double))] | |
ColorBox (Maybe [String]) | |
XTime | |
XFormat String |
linearScale :: Fractional a => Integer -> (a, a) -> [a]Source
plotList :: Show a => [Attribute] -> [a] -> IO ()Source
plotList [] (take 30 (let fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs) in fibs))
plotFunc :: Show a => [Attribute] -> [a] -> (a -> a) -> IO ()Source
plotFunc [] (linearScale 1000 (-10,10)) sin
plotFuncs :: Show a => [Attribute] -> [a] -> [a -> a] -> IO ()Source
plotFuncs [] (linearScale 1000 (-10,10)) [sin, cos]
plotParamFunc :: Show a => [Attribute] -> [a] -> (a -> (a, a)) -> IO ()Source
plotParamFunc [] (linearScale 1000 (0,2*pi)) (\t -> (sin (2*t), cos t))
plotMesh3d :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) => [Attribute] -> [Attribute3d] -> [[(a, b, c)]] -> IO ()Source
let xs = [-2,-1.8..2::Double] in plotMesh3d [] [] (do x <- xs; return (do y <- xs; return (x,y,cos(x*x+y*y))))
plotFunc3d :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) => [Attribute] -> [Attribute3d] -> [b] -> [c] -> (b -> c -> a) -> IO ()Source
let xs = [-2,-1.8..2::Double] in plotFunc3d [] [] xs xs (\x y -> exp(-(x*x+y*y)))
:: FilePath | |
-> ([Attribute] -> IO ()) | Drawing function that expects some gnuplot attributes. |
-> IO () |
Redirects the output of a plotting function to an EPS file and additionally converts it to PDF.
:: FilePath | |
-> ([Attribute] -> IO ()) | Drawing function that expects some gnuplot attributes. |
-> IO String |
Creates an EPS and a PDF graphics and returns a string that can be inserted into a LaTeX document to include this graphic.
Different from GHCi, Hugs doesn't output a return value from an IO monad.
So you must wrap it with a putStr
Nevertheless this implementation which returns the LaTeX command as string
is the most flexible one.