{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Network.Google.AnalyticsReporting.Types
-- Copyright   : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay
-- License     : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-- Maintainer  : Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : auto-generated
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
module Network.Google.AnalyticsReporting.Types
    -- * Service Configuration

    -- * OAuth Scopes
    , analyticsScope
    , analyticsReadOnlyScope

    -- * MetricFilter
    , MetricFilter
    , metricFilter
    , mfNot
    , mfOperator
    , mfMetricName
    , mfComparisonValue

    -- * EventData
    , EventData
    , eventData
    , edEventCategory
    , edEventCount
    , edEventValue
    , edEventLabel
    , edEventAction

    -- * MetricFilterOperator
    , MetricFilterOperator (..)

    -- * ReportRow
    , ReportRow
    , reportRow
    , rrMetrics
    , rrDimensions

    -- * PivotHeaderEntry
    , PivotHeaderEntry
    , pivotHeaderEntry
    , pheDimensionValues
    , pheDimensionNames
    , pheMetric

    -- * PivotValueRegion
    , PivotValueRegion
    , pivotValueRegion
    , pvrValues

    -- * ReportRequest
    , ReportRequest
    , reportRequest
    , rMetrics
    , rPivots
    , rCohortGroup
    , rSamplingLevel
    , rIncludeEmptyRows
    , rDateRanges
    , rViewId
    , rHideTotals
    , rHideValueRanges
    , rMetricFilterClauses
    , rSegments
    , rPageToken
    , rDimensions
    , rDimensionFilterClauses
    , rPageSize
    , rOrderBys
    , rFiltersExpression

    -- * MetricHeaderEntry
    , MetricHeaderEntry
    , metricHeaderEntry
    , mheName
    , mheType

    -- * GoalSetData
    , GoalSetData
    , goalSetData
    , gsdGoals

    -- * CohortGroup
    , CohortGroup
    , cohortGroup
    , cgCohorts
    , cgLifetimeValue

    -- * SimpleSegment
    , SimpleSegment
    , simpleSegment
    , ssOrFiltersForSegment

    -- * DimensionFilterClause
    , DimensionFilterClause
    , dimensionFilterClause
    , dfcOperator
    , dfcFilters

    -- * DimensionFilterClauseOperator
    , DimensionFilterClauseOperator (..)

    -- * CohortType
    , CohortType (..)

    -- * OrderBy
    , OrderBy
    , orderBy
    , obOrderType
    , obSortOrder
    , obFieldName

    -- * Dimension
    , Dimension
    , dimension
    , dName
    , dHistogramBuckets

    -- * DateRangeValues
    , DateRangeValues
    , dateRangeValues
    , drvPivotValueRegions
    , drvValues

    -- * PivotHeader
    , PivotHeader
    , pivotHeader
    , phTotalPivotGroupsCount
    , phPivotHeaderEntries

    -- * SearchUserActivityRequest
    , SearchUserActivityRequest
    , searchUserActivityRequest
    , suarViewId
    , suarDateRange
    , suarUser
    , suarPageToken
    , suarPageSize
    , suarActivityTypes

    -- * MetricHeader
    , MetricHeader
    , metricHeader
    , mhPivotHeaders
    , mhMetricHeaderEntries

    -- * SegmentFilter
    , SegmentFilter
    , segmentFilter
    , sfNot
    , sfSimpleSegment
    , sfSequenceSegment

    -- * OrderByOrderType
    , OrderByOrderType (..)

    -- * DateRange
    , DateRange
    , dateRange
    , drEndDate
    , drStartDate

    -- * Report
    , Report
    , report
    , rNextPageToken
    , rData
    , rColumnHeader

    -- * PageviewData
    , PageviewData
    , pageviewData
    , pdPageTitle
    , pdPagePath

    -- * EcommerceDataActionType
    , EcommerceDataActionType (..)

    -- * ReportData
    , ReportData
    , reportData
    , rdMinimums
    , rdRows
    , rdTotals
    , rdSamplesReadCounts
    , rdMaximums
    , rdDataLastRefreshed
    , rdRowCount
    , rdSamplingSpaceSizes
    , rdIsDataGolden

    -- * SegmentFilterClause
    , SegmentFilterClause
    , segmentFilterClause
    , sfcMetricFilter
    , sfcNot
    , sfcDimensionFilter

    -- * SegmentSequenceStep
    , SegmentSequenceStep
    , segmentSequenceStep
    , sssMatchType
    , sssOrFiltersForSegment

    -- * OrFiltersForSegment
    , OrFiltersForSegment
    , orFiltersForSegment
    , offsSegmentFilterClauses

    -- * SegmentDefinition
    , SegmentDefinition
    , segmentDefinition
    , sdSegmentFilters

    -- * OrderBySortOrder
    , OrderBySortOrder (..)

    -- * User
    , User
    , user
    , uUserId
    , uType

    -- * Pivot
    , Pivot
    , pivot
    , pStartGroup
    , pMetrics
    , pMaxGroupCount
    , pDimensions
    , pDimensionFilterClauses

    -- * TransactionData
    , TransactionData
    , transactionData
    , tdTransactionId
    , tdTransactionTax
    , tdTransactionShipping
    , tdTransactionRevenue

    -- * SequenceSegment
    , SequenceSegment
    , sequenceSegment
    , ssFirstStepShouldMatchFirstHit
    , ssSegmentSequenceSteps

    -- * Metric
    , Metric
    , metric
    , mFormattingType
    , mAlias
    , mExpression

    -- * SegmentMetricFilterOperator
    , SegmentMetricFilterOperator (..)

    -- * MetricHeaderEntryType
    , MetricHeaderEntryType (..)

    -- * SegmentMetricFilter
    , SegmentMetricFilter
    , segmentMetricFilter
    , smfOperator
    , smfMetricName
    , smfMaxComparisonValue
    , smfScope
    , smfComparisonValue

    -- * ReportRequestSamplingLevel
    , ReportRequestSamplingLevel (..)

    -- * Xgafv
    , Xgafv (..)

    -- * GetReportsRequest
    , GetReportsRequest
    , getReportsRequest
    , grrUseResourceQuotas
    , grrReportRequests

    -- * UserActivitySession
    , UserActivitySession
    , userActivitySession
    , uasPlatform
    , uasDeviceCategory
    , uasActivities
    , uasSessionDate
    , uasDataSource
    , uasSessionId

    -- * SegmentSequenceStepMatchType
    , SegmentSequenceStepMatchType (..)

    -- * GoalData
    , GoalData
    , goalData
    , gdGoalPreviousStep2
    , gdGoalName
    , gdGoalPreviousStep3
    , gdGoalIndex
    , gdGoalCompletionLocation
    , gdGoalPreviousStep1
    , gdGoalCompletions
    , gdGoalValue

    -- * Activity
    , Activity
    , activity
    , aEvent
    , aHostname
    , aActivityType
    , aMedium
    , aPageview
    , aCampaign
    , aGoals
    , aChannelGrouping
    , aAppview
    , aSource
    , aActivityTime
    , aEcommerce
    , aCustomDimension
    , aKeyword
    , aLandingPagePath

    -- * Cohort
    , Cohort
    , cohort
    , cDateRange
    , cName
    , cType

    -- * SegmentMetricFilterScope
    , SegmentMetricFilterScope (..)

    -- * EcommerceData
    , EcommerceData
    , ecommerceData
    , edEcommerceType
    , edTransaction
    , edProducts
    , edActionType

    -- * EcommerceDataEcommerceType
    , EcommerceDataEcommerceType (..)

    -- * DimensionFilter
    , DimensionFilter
    , dimensionFilter
    , dfNot
    , dfOperator
    , dfExpressions
    , dfDimensionName
    , dfCaseSensitive

    -- * GetReportsResponse
    , GetReportsResponse
    , getReportsResponse
    , grrReports
    , grrResourceQuotasRemaining
    , grrQueryCost

    -- * DimensionFilterOperator
    , DimensionFilterOperator (..)

    -- * ActivityActivityType
    , ActivityActivityType (..)

    -- * MetricFormattingType
    , MetricFormattingType (..)

    -- * CustomDimension
    , CustomDimension
    , customDimension
    , cdValue
    , cdIndex

    -- * Segment
    , Segment
    , segment
    , sDynamicSegment
    , sSegmentId

    -- * ProductData
    , ProductData
    , productData
    , pdProductName
    , pdProductSKU
    , pdItemRevenue
    , pdProductQuantity

    -- * SegmentDimensionFilterOperator
    , SegmentDimensionFilterOperator (..)

    -- * ResourceQuotasRemaining
    , ResourceQuotasRemaining
    , resourceQuotasRemaining
    , rqrHourlyQuotaTokensRemaining
    , rqrDailyQuotaTokensRemaining

    -- * SegmentDimensionFilter
    , SegmentDimensionFilter
    , segmentDimensionFilter
    , sdfOperator
    , sdfMinComparisonValue
    , sdfMaxComparisonValue
    , sdfExpressions
    , sdfDimensionName
    , sdfCaseSensitive

    -- * DynamicSegment
    , DynamicSegment
    , dynamicSegment
    , dsUserSegment
    , dsName
    , dsSessionSegment

    -- * MetricFilterClause
    , MetricFilterClause
    , metricFilterClause
    , mfcOperator
    , mfcFilters

    -- * MetricFilterClauseOperator
    , MetricFilterClauseOperator (..)

    -- * UserType
    , UserType (..)

    -- * ColumnHeader
    , ColumnHeader
    , columnHeader
    , chMetricHeader
    , chDimensions

    -- * SearchUserActivityResponse
    , SearchUserActivityResponse
    , searchUserActivityResponse
    , suarNextPageToken
    , suarSampleRate
    , suarSessions
    , suarTotalRows

    -- * ScreenviewData
    , ScreenviewData
    , screenviewData
    , sdMobileDeviceModel
    , sdMobileDeviceBranding
    , sdAppName
    , sdScreenName
    ) where

import           Network.Google.AnalyticsReporting.Types.Product
import           Network.Google.AnalyticsReporting.Types.Sum
import           Network.Google.Prelude

-- | Default request referring to version 'v4' of the Analytics Reporting API. This contains the host and root path used as a starting point for constructing service requests.
analyticsReportingService :: ServiceConfig
  = defaultService (ServiceId "analyticsreporting:v4")

-- | View and manage your Google Analytics data
analyticsScope :: Proxy '["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics"]
analyticsScope = Proxy

-- | View your Google Analytics data
analyticsReadOnlyScope :: Proxy '["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.readonly"]
analyticsReadOnlyScope = Proxy