Copyright | (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Updates a job. Fields that are set in the job state will be updated. This method supports patch semantics.
See: Google Maps Coordinate API Reference for
- type JobsPatchResource = "coordinate" :> ("v1" :> ("teams" :> (Capture "teamId" Text :> ("jobs" :> (Capture "jobId" (Textual Word64) :> (QueryParam "progress" JobsPatchProgress :> (QueryParam "note" Text :> (QueryParam "customerPhoneNumber" Text :> (QueryParam "customerName" Text :> (QueryParam "address" Text :> (QueryParam "assignee" Text :> (QueryParam "lat" (Textual Double) :> (QueryParam "lng" (Textual Double) :> (QueryParam "title" Text :> (QueryParams "customField" Text :> (QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> (ReqBody '[JSON] Job :> Patch '[JSON] Job)))))))))))))))))
- jobsPatch :: Word64 -> Text -> Job -> JobsPatch
- data JobsPatch
- jpJobId :: Lens' JobsPatch Word64
- jpProgress :: Lens' JobsPatch (Maybe JobsPatchProgress)
- jpNote :: Lens' JobsPatch (Maybe Text)
- jpTeamId :: Lens' JobsPatch Text
- jpCustomerPhoneNumber :: Lens' JobsPatch (Maybe Text)
- jpCustomerName :: Lens' JobsPatch (Maybe Text)
- jpAddress :: Lens' JobsPatch (Maybe Text)
- jpPayload :: Lens' JobsPatch Job
- jpAssignee :: Lens' JobsPatch (Maybe Text)
- jpLat :: Lens' JobsPatch (Maybe Double)
- jpLng :: Lens' JobsPatch (Maybe Double)
- jpTitle :: Lens' JobsPatch (Maybe Text)
- jpCustomField :: Lens' JobsPatch [Text]
REST Resource
type JobsPatchResource = "coordinate" :> ("v1" :> ("teams" :> (Capture "teamId" Text :> ("jobs" :> (Capture "jobId" (Textual Word64) :> (QueryParam "progress" JobsPatchProgress :> (QueryParam "note" Text :> (QueryParam "customerPhoneNumber" Text :> (QueryParam "customerName" Text :> (QueryParam "address" Text :> (QueryParam "assignee" Text :> (QueryParam "lat" (Textual Double) :> (QueryParam "lng" (Textual Double) :> (QueryParam "title" Text :> (QueryParams "customField" Text :> (QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> (ReqBody '[JSON] Job :> Patch '[JSON] Job))))))))))))))))) Source #
A resource alias for
method which the
request conforms to.
Creating a Request
Creates a value of JobsPatch
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
Updates a job. Fields that are set in the job state will be updated. This method supports patch semantics.
See: jobsPatch
smart constructor.
Request Lenses
jpProgress :: Lens' JobsPatch (Maybe JobsPatchProgress) Source #
Job progress
jpAssignee :: Lens' JobsPatch (Maybe Text) Source #
Assignee email address, or empty string to unassign.
jpCustomField :: Lens' JobsPatch [Text] Source #
Sets the value of custom fields. To set a custom field, pass the field id (from /team/teamId/custom_fields), a URL escaped '=' character, and the desired value as a parameter. For example, customField=12%3DAlice. Repeat the parameter for each custom field. Note that '=' cannot appear in the parameter value. Specifying an invalid, or inactive enum field will result in an error 500.