Copyright | (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Retrieves your YouTube Analytics data.
- youTubeAnalyticsService :: ServiceConfig
- youTubeScope :: Proxy '[""]
- youTubeAnalyticsReadOnlyScope :: Proxy '[""]
- youTubePartnerScope :: Proxy '[""]
- youTubeAnalyticsMonetaryReadOnlyScope :: Proxy '[""]
- youTubeReadOnlyScope :: Proxy '[""]
- type YouTubeAnalyticsAPI = GroupsInsertResource :<|> (GroupsListResource :<|> (GroupsDeleteResource :<|> (GroupsUpdateResource :<|> (ReportsQueryResource :<|> (GroupItemsInsertResource :<|> (GroupItemsListResource :<|> GroupItemsDeleteResource))))))
- module Network.Google.Resource.YouTubeAnalytics.GroupItems.Delete
- module Network.Google.Resource.YouTubeAnalytics.GroupItems.Insert
- module Network.Google.Resource.YouTubeAnalytics.GroupItems.List
- module Network.Google.Resource.YouTubeAnalytics.Groups.Delete
- module Network.Google.Resource.YouTubeAnalytics.Groups.Insert
- module Network.Google.Resource.YouTubeAnalytics.Groups.List
- module Network.Google.Resource.YouTubeAnalytics.Groups.Update
- module Network.Google.Resource.YouTubeAnalytics.Reports.Query
- data GroupContentDetails
- groupContentDetails :: GroupContentDetails
- gcdItemType :: Lens' GroupContentDetails (Maybe Text)
- gcdItemCount :: Lens' GroupContentDetails (Maybe Word64)
- data Group
- group' :: Group
- gEtag :: Lens' Group (Maybe Text)
- gSnippet :: Lens' Group (Maybe GroupSnippet)
- gKind :: Lens' Group Text
- gContentDetails :: Lens' Group (Maybe GroupContentDetails)
- gId :: Lens' Group (Maybe Text)
- data GroupItemResource
- groupItemResource :: GroupItemResource
- girKind :: Lens' GroupItemResource (Maybe Text)
- girId :: Lens' GroupItemResource (Maybe Text)
- data ResultTableColumnHeadersItem
- resultTableColumnHeadersItem :: ResultTableColumnHeadersItem
- rtchiColumnType :: Lens' ResultTableColumnHeadersItem (Maybe Text)
- rtchiName :: Lens' ResultTableColumnHeadersItem (Maybe Text)
- rtchiDataType :: Lens' ResultTableColumnHeadersItem (Maybe Text)
- data ResultTable
- resultTable :: ResultTable
- rtKind :: Lens' ResultTable Text
- rtRows :: Lens' ResultTable [[JSONValue]]
- rtColumnHeaders :: Lens' ResultTable [ResultTableColumnHeadersItem]
- data GroupSnippet
- groupSnippet :: GroupSnippet
- gsPublishedAt :: Lens' GroupSnippet (Maybe UTCTime)
- gsTitle :: Lens' GroupSnippet (Maybe Text)
- data GroupItem
- groupItem :: GroupItem
- giEtag :: Lens' GroupItem (Maybe Text)
- giKind :: Lens' GroupItem Text
- giResource :: Lens' GroupItem (Maybe GroupItemResource)
- giGroupId :: Lens' GroupItem (Maybe Text)
- giId :: Lens' GroupItem (Maybe Text)
- data GroupItemListResponse
- groupItemListResponse :: GroupItemListResponse
- gilrEtag :: Lens' GroupItemListResponse (Maybe Text)
- gilrKind :: Lens' GroupItemListResponse Text
- gilrItems :: Lens' GroupItemListResponse [GroupItem]
- data GroupListResponse
- groupListResponse :: GroupListResponse
- glrEtag :: Lens' GroupListResponse (Maybe Text)
- glrNextPageToken :: Lens' GroupListResponse (Maybe Text)
- glrKind :: Lens' GroupListResponse Text
- glrItems :: Lens' GroupListResponse [Group]
Service Configuration
youTubeAnalyticsService :: ServiceConfig Source #
Default request referring to version v1
of the YouTube Analytics API. This contains the host and root path used as a starting point for constructing service requests.
OAuth Scopes
youTubeScope :: Proxy '[""] Source #
Manage your YouTube account
youTubeAnalyticsReadOnlyScope :: Proxy '[""] Source #
View YouTube Analytics reports for your YouTube content
youTubePartnerScope :: Proxy '[""] Source #
View and manage your assets and associated content on YouTube
youTubeAnalyticsMonetaryReadOnlyScope :: Proxy '[""] Source #
View monetary and non-monetary YouTube Analytics reports for your YouTube content
youTubeReadOnlyScope :: Proxy '[""] Source #
View your YouTube account
API Declaration
type YouTubeAnalyticsAPI = GroupsInsertResource :<|> (GroupsListResource :<|> (GroupsDeleteResource :<|> (GroupsUpdateResource :<|> (ReportsQueryResource :<|> (GroupItemsInsertResource :<|> (GroupItemsListResource :<|> GroupItemsDeleteResource)))))) Source #
Represents the entirety of the methods and resources available for the YouTube Analytics API service.
data GroupContentDetails Source #
groupContentDetails :: GroupContentDetails Source #
Creates a value of GroupContentDetails
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
data GroupItemResource Source #
groupItemResource :: GroupItemResource Source #
Creates a value of GroupItemResource
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
data ResultTableColumnHeadersItem Source #
resultTableColumnHeadersItem :: ResultTableColumnHeadersItem Source #
Creates a value of ResultTableColumnHeadersItem
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
rtchiColumnType :: Lens' ResultTableColumnHeadersItem (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of the column (DIMENSION or METRIC).
rtchiName :: Lens' ResultTableColumnHeadersItem (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the dimension or metric.
rtchiDataType :: Lens' ResultTableColumnHeadersItem (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of the data in the column (STRING, INTEGER, FLOAT, etc.).
data ResultTable Source #
Contains a single result table. The table is returned as an array of rows that contain the values for the cells of the table. Depending on the metric or dimension, the cell can contain a string (video ID, country code) or a number (number of views or number of likes).
See: resultTable
smart constructor.
resultTable :: ResultTable Source #
Creates a value of ResultTable
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
rtKind :: Lens' ResultTable Text Source #
This value specifies the type of data included in the API response. For the query method, the kind property value will be youtubeAnalytics#resultTable.
rtRows :: Lens' ResultTable [[JSONValue]] Source #
The list contains all rows of the result table. Each item in the list is an array that contains comma-delimited data corresponding to a single row of data. The order of the comma-delimited data fields will match the order of the columns listed in the columnHeaders field. If no data is available for the given query, the rows element will be omitted from the response. The response for a query with the day dimension will not contain rows for the most recent days.
rtColumnHeaders :: Lens' ResultTable [ResultTableColumnHeadersItem] Source #
This value specifies information about the data returned in the rows fields. Each item in the columnHeaders list identifies a field returned in the rows value, which contains a list of comma-delimited data. The columnHeaders list will begin with the dimensions specified in the API request, which will be followed by the metrics specified in the API request. The order of both dimensions and metrics will match the ordering in the API request. For example, if the API request contains the parameters dimensions=ageGroup,gender&metrics=viewerPercentage, the API response will return columns in this order: ageGroup,gender,viewerPercentage.
data GroupSnippet Source #
groupSnippet :: GroupSnippet Source #
Creates a value of GroupSnippet
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
data GroupItemListResponse Source #
A paginated list of grouList resources returned in response to a youtubeAnalytics.groupApi.list request.
See: groupItemListResponse
smart constructor.
groupItemListResponse :: GroupItemListResponse Source #
Creates a value of GroupItemListResponse
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
data GroupListResponse Source #
A paginated list of grouList resources returned in response to a youtubeAnalytics.groupApi.list request.
See: groupListResponse
smart constructor.
groupListResponse :: GroupListResponse Source #
Creates a value of GroupListResponse
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: