{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                  #-}

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}

{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators              #-}

-- |

-- Module      : Web.Google.Static.Maps

-- Description : Bindings to the Google Static Maps API

-- Copyright   : (c) Mike Pilgrem 2017, 2018

-- Maintainer  : public@pilgrem.com

-- Stability   : experimental


-- This module has no connection with Google Inc. or its affiliates.


-- The <https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/static-maps/intro Google Static Maps API>

-- returns a map as an image via an HTTP request. This library provides bindings

-- in Haskell to that API (version 2).


-- NB: The use of the Google Static Maps API services is subject to the

-- <https://developers.google.com/maps/terms Google Maps APIs Terms of Service>,

-- which terms restrict the use of content.


-- The following are not yet implemented: non-PNG image formats; and encoded

-- polyline paths.


-- The code below is an example console application to test the use of the

-- library with the Google Static Maps API.


-- > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- >

-- > module Main (main) where

-- >

-- > import Data.Maybe (fromJust)

-- > import Graphics.Gloss (Display (..), display, white)   -- package gloss

-- > import Graphics.Gloss.Juicy (fromDynamicImage)         -- package gloss-juicy

-- > import Network.HTTP.Client (newManager)

-- > import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (tlsManagerSettings)

-- > import Web.Google.Static.Maps (Center (..), Key (..), Location (..), Size (..),

-- >     staticmap, StaticmapResponse (..), Zoom (..))

-- >

-- > main :: IO ()

-- > main = do

-- >     putStrLn "A test of the Google Static Maps API.\nNB: The use of the \

-- >         \API services is subject to the Google Maps APIs Terms of Serivce \

-- >         \at https://developers.google.com/maps/terms.\n"

-- >     mgr <- newManager tlsManagerSettings


-- >         secret = Just $ Secret "<REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_ACTUAL_GOOGLE_\

-- >             \URL_SIGNING_SECRET>"  -- If using a digital signature

-- >         center = Just $ Center (Location 42.165950 (-71.362015))

-- >         zoom   = Just $ Zoom 17

-- >         w      = 400

-- >         h      = 400

-- >         size   = Size w h

-- >     result <- staticmap mgr apiKey secret center zoom size Nothing Nothing

-- >                   [] Nothing Nothing Nothing [] [] Nothing

-- >     case result of

-- >         Right response -> do

-- >             let picture = fromJust $ fromDynamicImage response

-- >                 title   = "Test Google Static Maps API"

-- >                 window  = InWindow title (w, h) (10, 10)

-- >             display window white picture

-- >         Left err -> putStrLn $ "Error! Result:\n" ++ show err

module Web.Google.Static.Maps

       ( -- * Functions


         -- * API

       , GoogleStaticMapsAPI

       , api

         -- * Types

       , Key               (..)

       , Secret            (..)

       , Signature         (..)

       , Center            (..)

       , Location          (..)

       , LatLng            (..)

       , Address           (..)

       , Zoom              (..)

       , Size              (..)

       , Scale             (..)

       , Format            (..)

       , MapStyle          (..)

       , Feature           (..)

       , Element           (..)

       , MapStyleOp        (..)

       , Visibility        (..)

       , MapType           (..)

       , Language          (..)

       , Region            (..)

       , Markers           (..)

       , MarkerStyle       (..)

       , MarkerSize        (..)

       , MarkerColor       (..)

       , MarkerLabel       (..)

       , StdColor          (..)

       , URI               (..)

       , URIAuth           (..)

       , Anchor            (..)

       , StdAnchor         (..)

       , Path              (..)

       , PathStyle         (..)

       , PathWeight        (..)

       , PathColor         (..)

       , PathGeodesic      (..)

       , Visible           (..)

       , StaticmapResponse

       ) where

import Codec.Picture.Types (DynamicImage (..))

import Crypto.Hash.Algorithms (SHA1)

import Crypto.MAC.HMAC (HMAC, hmac)

import Data.ByteArray (convert)

import qualified Data.ByteString as B (pack, unpack)

import Data.ByteString.Base64.URL (decode, encode)

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L (unpack)

import Data.ByteString.Builder (stringUtf8, toLazyByteString)

import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8 (fromString)

import Data.List (intersperse)

import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)

import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))

import Data.Text (Text)

import qualified Data.Text as T (append, concat, pack)

import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8)

import Data.Word (Word8)

import Debug.Trace (trace)

import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager)

import Network.URI (URI (..), URIAuth (..), uriToString)

import Servant.API ((:>), Get, QueryParam, QueryParams, safeLink,

    ToHttpApiData (..))

import Servant.Client (BaseUrl (..), client, ClientEnv (..), ClientM,

    runClientM, ServantError)

import Servant.JuicyPixels (PNG)

import Servant.Utils.Links (LinkArrayElementStyle (..), linkURI')

import Text.Bytedump (hexString)

import Web.Google.Maps.Common (Address (..), googleMapsApis, Key (..),

    Language (..), LatLng (..), Location (..), Region (..))

-- | Secret for digital signature

newtype Secret = Secret Text

    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Signature

newtype Signature = Signature Text

    deriving (Eq, Show, ToHttpApiData)

-- | Center of the map: not required if the map includes markers or paths.

newtype Center = Center Location

    deriving (Eq, Show, ToHttpApiData)

-- | Zoom level: the lowest level, in which the whole world can be seen, is 0.

-- Each succeeding level doubles the precision. Not required if the map includes

-- markers or paths.

newtype Zoom = Zoom Int

    deriving (Eq, Show, ToHttpApiData)

-- | Size in pixels: there are maximum allowable values.

data Size = Size

    { width  :: Int

    , height :: Int

    } deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToHttpApiData Size where

    toUrlPiece (Size width' height') =

        T.pack (show width' ++ "x" ++ show height')

-- | Scale

data Scale

    = Single     -- ^ The default value.

    | Double

    | Quadruple

    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToHttpApiData Scale where

    toUrlPiece scale = case scale of

        Single    -> "1"

        Double    -> "2"

        Quadruple -> "4"

-- | Image format

data Format

    = Png8   -- ^ The default value.

    | Png32

    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToHttpApiData Format where

    toUrlPiece format = case format of

        Png8  -> "png8"

        Png32 -> "png32"

-- | MapStyle

data MapStyle = MapStyle (Maybe Feature) (Maybe Element) [MapStyleOp]

    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToHttpApiData MapStyle where

    toUrlPiece (MapStyle featureOpt elementOpt ops) =

        T.concat $ intersperse "|" $ catMaybes [featureUrl, elementUrl] ++



        featureUrl = T.append "feature:" . toUrlPiece <$> featureOpt

        elementUrl = T.append "element:" . toUrlPiece <$> elementOpt

        opsUrl = toUrlPiece ops

-- | Map feature

data Feature

    = AllFeatures

    | Administrative

    | AdministrativeCountry

    | AdministrativeLandParcel

    | AdministrativeLocality

    | AdministrativeNeighborhood

    | AdministrativeProvince

    | Landscape

    | LandscapeManMade

    | LandscapeNatural

    | LandscapeNaturalLandcover

    | LandscapeNaturalTerrain

    | Poi

    | PoiAttraction

    | PoiBusiness

    | PoiGovernment

    | PoiMedical

    | PoiPark

    | PoiPlaceOfWorship

    | PoiSchool

    | PoiSportsComplex

    | Road

    | RoadArterial

    | RoadHighway

    | RoadHighwayControlledAccess

    | RoadLocal

    | Transit

    | TransitLine

    | TransitStation

    | TransitStationAirport

    | TransitStationBus

    | TransitStationRail

    | Water

    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToHttpApiData Feature where

    toUrlPiece feature = case feature of

        AllFeatures                 -> "all"

        Administrative              -> "administrative"

        AdministrativeCountry       -> "administrative.country"

        AdministrativeLandParcel    -> "administrative.land_parcel"

        AdministrativeLocality      -> "administrative.locality"

        AdministrativeNeighborhood  -> "administrative.neighborhood"

        AdministrativeProvince      -> "administrative.province"

        Landscape                   -> "landscape"

        LandscapeManMade            -> "landscape.man_made"

        LandscapeNatural            -> "landscape.natural"

        LandscapeNaturalLandcover   -> "landscape.landcover"

        LandscapeNaturalTerrain     -> "landscape.terrain"

        Poi                         -> "poi"

        PoiAttraction               -> "poi.attraction"

        PoiBusiness                 -> "poi.business"

        PoiGovernment               -> "poi.government"

        PoiMedical                  -> "poi.medical"

        PoiPark                     -> "poi.park"

        PoiPlaceOfWorship           -> "poi.place_of_worship"

        PoiSchool                   -> "poi.school"

        PoiSportsComplex            -> "poi.sports_complex"

        Road                        -> "road"

        RoadArterial                -> "road.arterial"

        RoadHighway                 -> "road.highway"

        RoadHighwayControlledAccess -> "road.controlled_access"

        RoadLocal                   -> "road.local"

        Transit                     -> "transit"

        TransitLine                 -> "transit.line"

        TransitStation              -> "transit.station"

        TransitStationAirport       -> "transit.station.airport"

        TransitStationBus           -> "transit.station.bus"

        TransitStationRail          -> "transit.station.rail"

        Water                       -> "water"

-- | Feature element

data Element

    = AllElements

    | AllGeometry

    | GeometryFill

    | GeometryStroke

    | AllLabels

    | LabelsIcon

    | LabelsText

    | LabelsTextFill

    | LabelsTextStroke

    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToHttpApiData Element where

    toUrlPiece element = case element of

        AllElements      -> "all"

        AllGeometry      -> "geometry"

        GeometryFill     -> "geometry.fill"

        GeometryStroke   -> "geometry.stroke"

        AllLabels        -> "labels"

        LabelsIcon       -> "labels.icon"

        LabelsText       -> "labels.text"

        LabelsTextFill   -> "labels.text.fill"

        LabelsTextStroke -> "labels.text.stroke"

-- | Map style operation

data MapStyleOp

    = StyleHue Word8 Word8 Word8

    | StyleLightness Double

    | StyleSaturation Double

    | StyleGamma Double

    | StyleInvertLightness Bool

    | StyleVisibility Visibility

    | StyleColor Word8 Word8 Word8

    | StyleWeight Int

    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToHttpApiData MapStyleOp where

    toUrlPiece mapStyleOp

        | StyleHue r g b <- mapStyleOp

          = T.pack $ "hue:0x" ++ hexString r ++ hexString g ++ hexString b

        | StyleLightness l <- mapStyleOp

          = T.concat ["lightness:", toUrlPiece l]

        | StyleSaturation s <- mapStyleOp

          = T.concat ["saturation:", toUrlPiece s]

        | StyleGamma g <- mapStyleOp

          = T.concat ["gamma:", toUrlPiece g]

        | StyleInvertLightness i <- mapStyleOp

          = T.concat ["invert_lightness:", toUrlPiece i]

        | StyleVisibility e <- mapStyleOp

          = T.concat ["visibility:", toUrlPiece e]

        | StyleColor r g b <- mapStyleOp

          = T.pack $ "color:0x" ++ hexString r ++ hexString g ++ hexString b

        | StyleWeight w <- mapStyleOp

          = T.concat ["weight:", toUrlPiece w]

instance ToHttpApiData [MapStyleOp] where

    toUrlPiece ops = T.concat $ intersperse "|" $ map toUrlPiece ops

-- | Visibility

data Visibility

    = On

    | Off

    | Simplified  -- ^ Removes some, not all, style features

    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToHttpApiData Visibility where

    toUrlPiece visibility = case visibility of

        On         -> "on"

        Off        -> "off"

        Simplified -> "simplified"

-- | Map type

data MapType

    = RoadMap    -- ^ The default value.

    | Satellite

    | Hybrid

    | Terrain

    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToHttpApiData MapType where

    toUrlPiece mapType = case mapType of

        RoadMap   -> "roadmap"

        Satellite -> "satellite"

        Hybrid    -> "hybrid"

        Terrain   -> "terrain"

-- | Markers

data Markers = Markers (Maybe MarkerStyle) [Location]

    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToHttpApiData Markers where

    toUrlPiece (Markers markerStyleOpt ls)

        | Nothing <- markerStyleOpt

          = toUrlPiece ls

        | Just (StdMarkerStyle Nothing Nothing Nothing) <- markerStyleOpt

          = toUrlPiece ls

        | Just markerStyle <- markerStyleOpt

          = case ls of

                [] -> toUrlPiece markerStyle

                _  -> T.concat [toUrlPiece markerStyle, "|", toUrlPiece ls]

-- | Marker style

data MarkerStyle

    = StdMarkerStyle

          { markerSize  :: Maybe MarkerSize

          , markerColor :: Maybe MarkerColor

          , markerLabel :: Maybe MarkerLabel


    | CustomIcon

          { icon   :: URI

          , anchor :: Maybe Anchor


    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToHttpApiData MarkerStyle where

    toUrlPiece markerStyle

        | StdMarkerStyle ms mc ml <- markerStyle

          = let size'  = T.append "size:" . toUrlPiece <$> ms

                color' = T.append "color:" . toUrlPiece <$> mc

                label' = T.append "label:" . toUrlPiece <$> ml

                opts     = catMaybes [size', color', label']

            in  T.concat $ intersperse "|" opts

        | CustomIcon url ma <- markerStyle

          = let icon' = T.concat ["icon:", toUrlPiece $ uriToString id url ""]

            in  case ma of

                    Nothing -> icon'

                    Just a -> T.concat [icon', "|", "anchor:", toUrlPiece a]

-- | Marker size

data MarkerSize

    = Tiny

    | Mid

    | Small

    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToHttpApiData MarkerSize where

    toUrlPiece markerSize' = case markerSize' of

        Tiny  -> "tiny"

        Mid   -> "mid"

        Small -> "small"

-- | Marker colour

data MarkerColor

    = MarkerColor Word8 Word8 Word8

    | StdMarkerColor StdColor

    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToHttpApiData MarkerColor where

    toUrlPiece (MarkerColor r g b) = T.pack $ "0x" ++ hexString r ++ hexString g

        ++ hexString b

    toUrlPiece (StdMarkerColor stdColor) = toUrlPiece stdColor

-- | Standard colours

data StdColor

    = Black

    | Brown

    | Green

    | Purple

    | Yellow

    | Blue

    | Gray

    | Orange

    | Red

    | White

    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToHttpApiData StdColor where

    toUrlPiece stdColor = case stdColor of

        Black  -> "black"

        Brown  -> "brown"

        Green  -> "green"

        Purple -> "purple"

        Yellow -> "yellow"

        Blue   -> "blue"

        Gray   -> "gray"

        Orange -> "orange"

        Red    -> "red"

        White  -> "white"

-- | Marker label character

newtype MarkerLabel = MarkerLabel Char

    deriving (Eq, Show, ToHttpApiData)

-- | Anchor

data Anchor

    = AnchorPoint Int Int

    | StdAnchor StdAnchor

    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToHttpApiData Anchor where

    toUrlPiece anchor'

        | AnchorPoint x y <- anchor'

          = T.pack (show x ++ "," ++ show y)

        | StdAnchor stdAnchor <- anchor'

          = toUrlPiece stdAnchor

-- | Standard anchor points

data StdAnchor

    = AnchorTop

    | AnchorBottom

    | AnchorLeft

    | AnchorRight

    | AnchorCenter

    | AnchorTopLeft

    | AnchorTopRight

    | AnchorBottomLeft

    | AnchorBottomRight

    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToHttpApiData StdAnchor where

    toUrlPiece stdAnchor = case stdAnchor of

        AnchorTop         -> "top"

        AnchorBottom      -> "bottom"

        AnchorLeft        -> "left"

        AnchorRight       -> "right"

        AnchorCenter      -> "center"

        AnchorTopLeft     -> "topleft"

        AnchorTopRight    -> "topright"

        AnchorBottomLeft  -> "bottomleft"

        AnchorBottomRight -> "bottomright"

-- | Path

data Path = Path (Maybe PathStyle) [Location]

    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToHttpApiData Path where

    toUrlPiece (Path pathStyleOpt ls)

        | Nothing <- pathStyleOpt

          = toUrlPiece ls

        | Just (PathStyle Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing) <- pathStyleOpt

          = toUrlPiece ls

        | Just pathStyle <- pathStyleOpt

          = case ls of

                [] -> toUrlPiece pathStyle

                _  -> T.concat [toUrlPiece pathStyle, "|", toUrlPiece ls]

-- | Path style: a geodesic path follows the curvature of the Earth.

data PathStyle = PathStyle

    { pathWeight     :: Maybe PathWeight    -- ^ The default value is 5.

    , pathColor      :: Maybe PathColor

    , pathFillColor  :: Maybe PathColor

    , pathGeodesic   :: Maybe PathGeodesic  -- ^ The default value is false.

    } deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToHttpApiData PathStyle where

    toUrlPiece (PathStyle mw mc mfc mg) =

        T.concat $ intersperse "|" opts


        weightUrl    = T.append "weight:" . toUrlPiece <$> mw

        colorUrl     = T.append "color:" . toUrlPiece <$> mc

        fillColorUrl = T.append "fillcolor:" . toUrlPiece <$> mfc

        geodesicUrl  = T.append "geodesic:" . toUrlPiece <$> mg

        opts         = catMaybes [weightUrl, colorUrl, fillColorUrl,


-- | Path weight: in pixels.

newtype PathWeight = PathWeight Int

    deriving (Eq, Show, ToHttpApiData)

-- | Path colour

data PathColor

    = PathColor Word8 Word8 Word8

    | PathColorAlpha Word8 Word8 Word8 Word8

    | StdPathColor StdColor

    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToHttpApiData PathColor where

    toUrlPiece (PathColor r g b) = T.pack $ "0x" ++ hexString r ++ hexString g

        ++ hexString b

    toUrlPiece (PathColorAlpha r g b a) = T.pack $ "0x" ++ hexString r ++

        hexString g ++ hexString b ++ hexString a

    toUrlPiece (StdPathColor stdColor) = toUrlPiece stdColor

-- | Path is geodesic

newtype PathGeodesic = PathGeodesic Bool

    deriving (Eq, Show, ToHttpApiData)

-- | Visible locations

newtype Visible = Visible [Location]

    deriving (Eq, Show, ToHttpApiData)

-- | Google Static Maps API

type GoogleStaticMapsAPI

    =  "staticmap"

    :> QueryParam  "key"       Key

    :> QueryParam  "center"    Center

    :> QueryParam  "zoom"      Zoom

    :> QueryParam  "size"      Size

    :> QueryParam  "scale"     Scale

    :> QueryParam  "format"    Format

    :> QueryParams "style"     MapStyle

    :> QueryParam  "maptype"   MapType

    :> QueryParam  "language"  Language

    :> QueryParam  "region"    Region

    :> QueryParams "markers"   Markers

    :> QueryParams "path"      Path

    :> QueryParam  "visible"   Visible

    :> QueryParam  "signature" Signature

    :> Get '[PNG] StaticmapResponse

-- | StaticmapResponse

type StaticmapResponse = DynamicImage

-- | API type

api :: Proxy GoogleStaticMapsAPI

api = Proxy


    :: Maybe Key

    -> Maybe Center

    -> Maybe Zoom

    -> Maybe Size

    -> Maybe Scale

    -> Maybe Format

    -> [MapStyle]

    -> Maybe MapType

    -> Maybe Language

    -> Maybe Region

    -> [Markers]

    -> [Path]

    -> Maybe Visible

    -> Maybe Signature

    -> ClientM StaticmapResponse

staticmap' = client api

-- | Retrieve a static map. NB: The use of the Google Static Maps API services

-- is subject to the <https://developers.google.com/maps/terms Google Maps APIs Terms of Service>.


    :: Manager

    -> Key

    -> Maybe Secret

    -> Maybe Center

    -> Maybe Zoom

    -> Size

    -> Maybe Scale

    -> Maybe Format

    -> [MapStyle]

    -> Maybe MapType

    -> Maybe Language

    -> Maybe Region

    -> [Markers]

    -> [Path]

    -> Maybe Visible

    -> IO (Either ServantError StaticmapResponse)

















    = case secretOpt of

          Nothing -> runClientM (eval staticmap' Nothing)

-- CookieJar supported from servant-client-0.13

#if MIN_VERSION_servant_client(0,13,0)

                                (ClientEnv mgr googleMapsApis Nothing)


                                (ClientEnv mgr googleMapsApis)


          Just secret -> do

              let url = linkURI $ eval (safeLink api api) Nothing

                  signatureOpt = sign secret googleMapsApis url

              runClientM (eval staticmap' signatureOpt)

-- CookieJar supported from servant-client-0.13

#if MIN_VERSION_servant_client(0,13,0)

                         (ClientEnv mgr googleMapsApis Nothing)


                         (ClientEnv mgr googleMapsApis)



          linkURI = linkURI' LinkArrayElementPlain

          eval f = f (Just key) centerOpt zoomOpt (Just size) scaleOpt formatOpt

                     mapStyles mapTypeOpt languageOpt regionOpt markerss paths


sign :: Secret -> BaseUrl -> URI -> Maybe Signature

sign (Secret secret) baseUrl url = do

    secret' <- either (const Nothing) Just (decode $ encodeUtf8 secret)

    let url'       = UTF8.fromString $ baseUrlPath baseUrl ++ "/" ++ uriToString id url ""

        signature  = hmac secret' url' :: HMAC SHA1

        signature' = decodeUtf8 $ encode $ convert signature

    return $ Signature signature'