gore-and-ash- Core of FRP game engine called Gore&Ash

Copyright(c) Anton Gushcha, 2015-2016 Oganyan Levon, 2016
Safe HaskellNone




The core of all engine. It contains generic arrow operations and helpers, definition of core module system, game session declaration and utilities to control main loop of application.


Reexports of used time types

type GameTime = Timed NominalDiffTime () Source

Current value of simulation time.

type GameSession = Session IO GameTime Source

Session that stores time in diff format The only purpose is to store time while stepping simulation.

data NominalDiffTime :: *

This is a length of time, as measured by UTC. Conversion functions will treat it as seconds. It has a precision of 10^-12 s. It ignores leap-seconds, so it's not necessarily a fixed amount of clock time. For instance, 23:00 UTC + 2 hours of NominalDiffTime = 01:00 UTC (+ 1 day), regardless of whether a leap-second intervened.

Game loop control

data GameState m s a Source

Holds all data that is needed to produce next step of game simulation.

You need to call stepGame to get next game state repeatedly and finally cleanupGameState at the end of program.

is game monad is used including all enabled API of core modules;
is game state that includes chained state of core modules;
is return value of main arrow;

Typical game main loop:

main :: IO ()
main = withModule (Proxy :: Proxy AppMonad) $ do
  gs <- newGameState $ runActor' mainWire
  gsRef <- newIORef gs
  firstStep gs gsRef onCtrlC exitHandler gsRef
    -- | What to do on emergency exit
    exitHandler gsRef = do 
      gs <- readIORef gsRef 
      cleanupGameState gs

    -- | Initialization step
    firstStep gs gsRef = do 
      (_, gs') <- stepGame gs $ do 
        -- ... some initialization steps
      writeIORef gsRef gs'
      gameLoop gs' gsRef

    -- | Normal game loop
    gameLoop gs gsRef = do 
      (_, gs') <- stepGame gs (return ())
      writeIORef gsRef gs'
      gameLoop gs' gsRef

-- | Executes given handler on Ctrl-C pressing
onCtrlC :: IO a -> IO () -> IO a
p onCtrlC q = catchJust isUserInterrupt p (const $ q >> p onCtrlC q)
    isUserInterrupt :: AsyncException -> Maybe ()
    isUserInterrupt UserInterrupt = Just ()
    isUserInterrupt _             = Nothing


NFData s => NFData (GameState m s a) Source 

stepGame Source


:: (GameModule m s, NFData s, MonadIO m') 
=> GameState m s a

Current game state

-> GameMonadT m b

Some action to perform before each frame

-> m' (Maybe a, GameState m s a)

Main wire can inhibit therefore result is Maybe

Main loop of the game where each frame is calculated.

Call it frequently enough for smooth simulation. At the end of application there should be call to cleanupGameState.

newGameState Source


:: (GameModule m s, MonadIO m') 
=> GameWire m () a

Wire that we calculate

-> m' (GameState m s a) 

Creates new game state from given main wire.

Use stepGame to update the state and free it with cleanupGameState at the end of your application.

If you need some initialization steps, you can use newGameStateM version.

newGameStateM Source


:: (GameModule m s, MonadIO m') 
=> GameMonadT m (GameWire m () a)

Action that makes wire to execute

-> m' (GameState m s a) 

Creates new game state, monadic version that allows some initialization steps in game monad.

The function is helpful if you want to make an global actor from your main wire.

Use stepGame to update the state and free it with cleanupGameState at the end of your application.

See also newGameState.

cleanupGameState Source


:: (GameModule m s, MonadIO m') 
=> GameState m s a

Game state with resources

-> m' () 

Cleanups resources that is holded in game state.

The function should be called before the exit of application to free all resources catched by core modules.

Core module definition

data GameMonadT m a Source

Basic game monad transformer which wraps core modules.

Here goes all core API that accessable from each game object. All specific (mods etc) API should be included in inner m monad.

Core modules monads stacked up here.
Value caried by the monad.

The monad is used to create new arrows, there a 90% chances that you will create your own arrows. You could use Control.Wire.Core module and especially mkGen, mkGen_ and mkSFN functions to create new arrows.

class Monad m => GameModule m s | m -> s, s -> m where Source

Describes how to run core modules. Each core module must define an instance of the class.

The class describes how the module is executed each game frame and how to pass its own state to the next state.

The state s must be unique for each game module.

GameMonadT has m parameter that should implement the class.

Typical backbone of new core module:

  -- | State of your module
  data MyModuleState s = MyModuleState {
    -- | Next state in state chain of modules
  , myModuleNextState :: !s
  } deriving (Generic)
  -- | Needed to step game state
  instance NFData s => NFData (MyModuleState s)
  -- | Creation of initial state
  emptyMyModuleState :: s -> MyModuleState s 
  emptyMyModuleState s = MyModuleState {
      myModuleNextState = s
  -- Your monad transformer that implements module API
  newtype MyModuleT s m a = MyModuleT { runMyModuleT :: StateT (MyModuleState s) m a }
    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState (MyModuleState s), MonadFix, MonadTrans, MonadIO, MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadMask)
  instance GameModule m s => GameModule (MyModuleT s m) (MyModuleState s) where 
    type ModuleState (MyModuleT s m) = MyModuleState s
    runModule (MyModuleT m) s = do
      -- First phase: execute all dependent modules actions and transform own state 
      ((a, s'), nextState) <- runModule (runStateT m s) (myModuleNextState s)
      -- Second phase: here you could execute your IO actions
      return (a, s' { 
         myModuleNextState = nextState 
    newModuleState = emptyMyModuleState $ newModuleState
    withModule _ = id
    cleanupModule _ = return ()
  -- | Define your module API
  class OtherModuleMonad m => MyModuleMonad m where
    -- | The function would be seen in any arrow
    myAwesomeFunction :: AnotherModule m => a -> b -> m (a, b) 
  -- | Implementation of API
  instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} OtherModuleMonad m => MyModuleMonad (MyModuleT s m) where
     myAwesomeFunction = ...
  -- | Passing calls through other modules
  instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (MyModuleMonad m, MonadTrans mt) => MyModuleMonad (mt m) where 
    myAwesomeFunction a b = lift $ myAwesomeFunction a b

After the backbone definition you could include your monad to application stack with ModuleStack and use it within any arrow in your application.

Associated Types

type ModuleState m :: * Source

Defines what state has given module.

The correct implentation of the association: >>> type ModuleState (MyModuleT s m) = MyModuleState s


runModule :: MonadIO m' => m a -> s -> m' (a, s) Source

Executes module action with given state. Produces new state that should be passed to next step

Each core module has responsibility of executing underlying modules with nested call to runModule.

Typically there are two phases of execution:

  • Calculation of own state and running underlying modules
  • Execution of IO actions that are queued in module state

Some of modules requires IO monad at the end of monad stack to call IO actions in place within first phase of module execution (example: network module). You should avoid the pattern and prefer to execute IO actions at the second phase as bad designed use of first phase could lead to strange behavior at arrow level.

newModuleState :: MonadIO m' => m' s Source

Creates new state of module.

Typically there are nested calls to newModuleState for nested modules. newModuleState = emptyMyModuleState $ newModuleState

withModule :: Proxy m -> IO a -> IO a Source

Wrap action with module initialization and cleanup.

Could be withSocketsDo or another external library initalization.

cleanupModule :: s -> IO () Source

Cleanup resources of the module, should be called on exit (actually cleanupGameState do this for your)


GameModule IO IOState Source

Module stack that does IO action.

Could be used in ModuleStack as end monad:

type AppStack = ModuleStack [LoggingT, ActorT, NetworkT] IO
GameModule Identity IdentityState Source

Module stack that does only pure actions in its first phase.

Could be used in ModuleStack as end monad:

type AppStack = ModuleStack [LoggingT, ActorT] Identity

type family ModuleStack ms endm :: * -> * Source

Type level function that constucts complex module stack from given list of modules.

The type family helps to simplify chaining of core modules at user application:

-- | Application monad is monad stack build from given list of modules over base monad (IO)
type AppStack = ModuleStack [LoggingT, ActorT, NetworkT] IO
newtype AppState = AppState (ModuleState AppStack)
  deriving (Generic)

instance NFData AppState 

-- | Wrapper around type family to enable automatic deriving
-- Note: There could be need of manual declaration of module API stub instances, as GHC can fail to derive instance automatically.
newtype AppMonad a = AppMonad (AppStack a)
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFix, MonadIO, LoggingMonad, NetworkMonad, ActorMonad, MonadThrow, MonadCatch)

-- | Top level wrapper for module stack
instance GameModule AppMonad AppState where 
  type ModuleState AppMonad = AppState
  runModule (AppMonad m) (AppState s) = do 
    (a, s') <- runModule m s 
    return (a, AppState s')
  newModuleState = AppState $ newModuleState
  withModule _ = withModule (Proxy :: Proxy AppStack)
  cleanupModule (AppState s) = cleanupModule s 

-- | Arrow that is build over the monad stack
type AppWire a b = GameWire AppMonad a b
-- | Action that makes indexed app wire
type AppActor i a b = GameActor AppMonad i a b

There are two endpoint monads that are currently built in the core:

  • Identity - for modules stack that does only pure actions at it first phase;
  • IO - most common case, modules can execute IO actions in place at firts phase.


ModuleStack `[]` curm = curm 
ModuleStack (m : ms) curm = ModuleStack ms (m (ModuleState curm) curm) 

Arrow combinators and helpers

type GameWire m a b = Wire GameTime () (GameMonadT m) a b Source

Game wire with given API m and input value a and output value b.

Typically end point application defines a type synonyms:

-- | Arrow that is build over the monad stack
type AppWire a b = GameWire AppMonad a b

Lifting monad to arrow

liftGameMonad :: Monad m => GameMonadT m b -> GameWire m a b Source

Takes game monad and wraps it into game wire.

Note: Result of wire is calclulated each frame.

liftGameMonad1 :: Monad m => (a -> GameMonadT m b) -> GameWire m a b Source

Takes game monad and wraps it into game wire.

Note: Result of wire is calclulated each frame.

liftGameMonad2 :: Monad m => (a -> b -> GameMonadT m c) -> GameWire m (a, b) c Source

Takes game monad and wraps it into game wire.

Note: Result of wire is calclulated each frame.

liftGameMonad3 :: Monad m => (a -> b -> c -> GameMonadT m d) -> GameWire m (a, b, c) d Source

Takes game monad and wraps it into game wire.

Note: Result of wire is calclulated each frame.

liftGameMonad4 :: Monad m => (a -> b -> c -> d -> GameMonadT m e) -> GameWire m (a, b, c, d) e Source

Takes game monad and wraps it into game wire.

Note: Result of wire is calclulated each frame.

liftGameMonadOnce :: Monad m => GameMonadT m b -> GameWire m a b Source

Takes game monad and wraps it into game wire.

Note: Result of wire is calculated ONCE and next execution returns cached value

liftGameMonad1Once :: Monad m => (a -> GameMonadT m b) -> GameWire m a b Source

Takes game monad and wraps it into game wire.

Note: Result of wire is calculated ONCE and next execution returns cached value

liftGameMonad2Once :: Monad m => (a -> b -> GameMonadT m c) -> GameWire m (a, b) c Source

Takes game monad and wraps it into game wire.

Note: Result of wire is calculated ONCE and next execution returns cached value

liftGameMonad3Once :: Monad m => (a -> b -> c -> GameMonadT m d) -> GameWire m (a, b, c) d Source

Takes game monad and wraps it into game wire.

Note: Result of wire is calculated ONCE and next execution returns cached value

liftGameMonad4Once :: Monad m => (a -> b -> c -> d -> GameMonadT m e) -> GameWire m (a, b, c, d) e Source

Takes game monad and wraps it into game wire.

Note: Result of wire is calculated ONCE and next execution returns cached value

Event functions

once' :: Monad m => GameWire m a (Event b) -> GameWire m a (Event b) Source

Pass through first occurence and then forget about event producer.

Note: netwire once combinator still holds it event producer when event is produced.

mapE :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> GameWire m (Event a) (Event b) Source

Mapping events as a wire.

It is semantically equal to:

>>> arr (fmap f)

filterE :: (a -> Bool) -> Wire s e m (Event a) (Event a) Source

Forget all occurrences for which the given predicate is false.

  • Depends: now.

filterEG Source


:: (Foldable f, Filterable f, FilterConstraint f a, Monad m) 
=> (a -> Bool)

Predicate to test elements that are left in collection

-> GameWire m (Event (f a)) (Event (f a))

Wire that leaves only non empty collections

Same as filterE but for generic Foldable and Filterable.

filterEGM Source


:: (Foldable f, Filterable f, FilterConstraint f a, Monad m) 
=> (a -> GameMonadT m Bool)

Predicate to test elements that are left in collection

-> GameWire m (Event (f a)) (Event (f a))

Wire that leaves only non empty collections

Same as filterEG but with monadic action.

filterJustE :: Monad m => GameWire m (Event (Maybe a)) (Event a) Source

Filters only Just events

Shortcut for:

>>> mapE fromJust . filterE isJust

filterJustLE :: (Monad m, Filterable f, FilterConstraint f (Maybe a), Functor f) => GameWire m (Event (f (Maybe a))) (Event (f a)) Source

Filters only Just events in foldable struct

liftGameMonadEvent1 :: Monad m => (a -> GameMonadT m b) -> GameWire m (Event a) (Event b) Source

Lifting game monad action to event processing arrow

Synonym for onEventM from Control.Wire.Core.Unsafe.Event.

changes :: (Monad m, Eq a) => GameWire m a (Event a) Source

Fires when input value changes


stateWire :: MonadFix m => b -> GameWire m (a, b) b -> GameWire m a b Source

Loops output of wire to it input, first parameter is start value of state

Common combinator for build game actors.

chainWires :: Monad m => [GameWire m a a] -> GameWire m a a Source

Sequence compose list of wires (right to left order)

dispense :: Monad m => [a] -> GameWire m (Event b) a Source

Infinitely dispense given elements and switches to next item on event.

Note: is not defined on empty list.

Note: not delayed version, new item is returned on same frame when input event occurs.

dDispense :: Monad m => [a] -> GameWire m (Event b) a Source

Infinitely dispense given elements and switches to next item on event.

Note: is not defined on empty list.

Note: delayed version, new item is returned on frame after input event occurs.

withInit :: Monad m => (c -> GameMonadT m a) -> (a -> GameWire m c b) -> GameWire m c b Source

Helper to run initalization step for wire

nothingInhibit :: Monad m => GameWire m (Maybe a) a Source

Inhibits if gets Nothing

Time utilities

deltaTime :: (Fractional b, Monad m) => GameWire m a b Source

Returns delta time scince last frame.