module Components.DataProcessors.PersistentDataProcessor (processReturnedValues) where

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Data.Text (Text)
import Text.JSON (encodeStrict,toJSObject,JSValue,showJSONs,toJSObject,showJSON)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Model.ServerExceptions
import Model.ServerObjectTypes
import Components.ObjectHandlers.ObjectsHandler (getSubFields)

-- with root objects we want one json representation of separate graphql results...

processReturnedValues :: [RootObject] -> [[[[Text]]]] -> String
processReturnedValues robjs rlts = encodeStrict $ toJSObject [("data", toJSObject [processReturnedValue x y | (x,y) <- zip robjs rlts])]
-- with qraphql query object and sql return data, we want json representation on graphql query results...

processReturnedValue :: RootObject -> [[[Text]]] -> (String, JSValue)
processReturnedValue (NestedObject alias name _ _ sfs) rlts = (if (alias==Nothing) then name else (fromJust alias), showJSONs $ processSubFields sfs rlts)
-- with SubFields and data rows, we want json representation on qraphql query data

processSubFields :: [Field] -> [[[Text]]] -> [JSValue]
processSubFields _ [] = []
processSubFields sfs rlts = foldr (\x y -> x++y) [] [((showJSON $ toJSObject $ composeGraphQlRow sfs $ fetchGraphQlRow typ):(processSubFields sfs [removeDataRow typ])) |typ<-rlts,(length typ)>0]
composeGraphQlRow :: [Field] -> [[Text]] -> [(String,JSValue)]
composeGraphQlRow [] ([]:t) = [] -- done

-- composeGraphQlRow _ [] = [] -- no data

composeGraphQlRow _ ([]:t) = E.throw EOFDataProcessingException
composeGraphQlRow [] _ = E.throw EOFDataProcessingException
composeGraphQlRow (a:b) ((h:t):j)
    | (isLeft a)==True = (((getScalarFieldLabel $ fromLeft (E.throw InvalidScalarException) a), (showJSON h)):(composeGraphQlRow b (removeNDataColumns 1 ((h:t):j))))
    | otherwise = (((getNestedObjectFieldLabel $ fromRight (E.throw InvalidObjectException) a), showJSONs (processSubFields (getSubFields $ fromRight (E.throw InvalidObjectException) a) [pullNDataColumns nestedObjectFieldCount ((h:t):j)])):(composeGraphQlRow b (removeNDataColumns nestedObjectFieldCount ((h:t):j))))
    nestedObjectFieldCount = (countNestedObjectQueriedFields $ fromRight (E.throw InvalidObjectException) a)
fetchGraphQlRow :: [[Text]] -> [[Text]]
fetchGraphQlRow rlts = [t | (h:t)<-rlts, (h)==(head $ head rlts)]
removeDataRow :: [[Text]] -> [[Text]]
removeDataRow rlts = [x | x<-rlts, (head x)/=(head $ head rlts)]
getScalarFieldLabel :: ScalarType -> String
getScalarFieldLabel (ScalarType alias name trans arg) = if (alias/=Nothing) then (fromJust alias) else name
getNestedObjectFieldLabel :: NestedObject -> String
getNestedObjectFieldLabel (NestedObject alias name sobj ss sfs) = if (alias/=Nothing) then (fromJust alias) else name
pullNDataColumns :: Int -> [[Text]] -> [[Text]]
pullNDataColumns _ [] = []
pullNDataColumns cnt rslt
    | (cnt<0) = E.throw InvalidArgumentException
    | otherwise = [if (length x)<cnt then (E.throw EOFDataProcessingException) else (take cnt x) | x<-rslt]
-- count how many columns are added to sql data result for this nested object including the nested object id

countNestedObjectQueriedFields :: NestedObject -> Int
countNestedObjectQueriedFields (NestedObject alias name sobj ss sfs) = 1+(countNestedObjectQueriedSubFields sfs)
countNestedObjectQueriedSubFields :: [Field] -> Int
countNestedObjectQueriedSubFields [] = 0
countNestedObjectQueriedSubFields (h:t)
 | (isLeft h)==True = 1+(countNestedObjectQueriedSubFields t)
 | otherwise = (countNestedObjectQueriedFields (fromRight (E.throw InvalidObjectException) h))+(countNestedObjectQueriedSubFields t)
-- remove nested object columns from data row that is including nested object id

removeNDataColumns :: Int -> [[Text]] -> [[Text]]
removeNDataColumns 0 rslt = rslt
removeNDataColumns (-1) _ = E.throw EOFDataProcessingException
removeNDataColumns _ [[]] = [[]]
removeNDataColumns _ ([]:t) = E.throw EOFDataProcessingException
removeNDataColumns cnt rslt = removeNDataColumns (cnt-1) [t | (h:t)<-rslt]