graphviz-2999.8.0.0: Graphviz bindings for Haskell.




This module defines the various attributes that different parts of a Graphviz graph can have. These attributes are based on the documentation found at:

For more information on usage, etc. please see that document.

A summary of known current constraints/limitations/differences:

  • There might still be a few cases where quotes are still not escaped/parsed correctly; if you find such a situation, please let me know; however, you should be able to use String values directly without having to worry about when quotes are required or extra escaping of quote characters as PrintDot and ParseDot instances for String should take care of that for you.
  • Note that for an edge, in Dot parlance if the edge goes from A to B, then A is the tail node and B is the head node (since A is at the tail end of the arrow).
  • ColorList and PointfList are defined as actual lists (but LayerList is not). Note that for the Color Attribute for node values, only a single Color is valid; edges are allowed multiple colors with one spline/arrow per color in the list (but you must have at least one Color in the list). This might be changed in future.
  • Style is implemented as a list of StyleItem values; note that empty lists are not allowed.
  • A lot of values have a possible value of none. These now have custom constructors. In fact, most constructors have been expanded upon to give an idea of what they represent rather than using generic terms.
  • PointF and Point have been combined, and feature support for pure Int-based co-ordinates as well as Double ones (i.e. no floating point-only points for Point). The optional ! and third value for Point are not available.
  • Rect uses two Point values to denote the lower-left and top-right corners.
  • The two LabelLoc attributes have been combined.
  • The defined LayerSep is not used to parse LayerRange or LayerList; the default ([' ', :, '\t']) is instead used.
  • SplineType has been replaced with [Spline].
  • Only polygon-based Shapes are available.
  • PortPos only has the CompassPoint option, not PortName[:CompassPoint] (since record shapes aren't allowed, and parsing HTML-like labels could be problematic).
  • Not every Attribute is fully documented/described. However, all those which have specific allowed values should be covered.
  • Deprecated Overlap algorithms are not defined.
  • The global Orientation attribute is not defined, as it is difficult to distinguish from the node-based Orientation Attribute; also, its behaviour is duplicated by Rotate.


The actual Dot attributes.

data Attribute Source

These attributes have been implemented in a permissive manner: that is, rather than split them up based on which type of value they are allowed, they have all been included in the one data type, with functions to determine if they are indeed valid for what they're being applied to.

To interpret the Valid for listings:

Valid for Graphs.
Valid for Clusters.
Valid for Sub-Graphs (and also Clusters).
Valid for Nodes.
Valid for Edges.

The Default listings are those that the various Graphviz commands use if that Attribute isn't specified (in cases where this is none, this is equivalent to a Nothing value; that is, no value is used). The Parsing Default listings represent what value is used (i.e. corresponds to True) when the Attribute name is listed on its own in Dot source code.


Damping Double

Valid for: G; Default: 0.99; Minimum: 0.0; Notes: neato only

K Double

Valid for: GC; Default: 0.3; Minimum: 0; Notes: sfdp, fdp only


Valid for: ENGC; Default: none; Notes: svg, postscript, map only

ArrowHead ArrowType

Valid for: E; Default: normal

ArrowSize Double

Valid for: E; Default: 1.0; Minimum: 0.0

ArrowTail ArrowType

Valid for: E; Default: normal

Aspect AspectType

Valid for: G; Notes: dot only

Bb Rect

Valid for: G; Notes: write only

BgColor Color

Valid for: GC; Default: X11Color Transparent

Center Bool

Valid for: G; Default: False; Parsing Default: True

Charset String

Valid for: G; Default: "UTF-8"

ClusterRank ClusterMode

Valid for: G; Default: Local; Notes: dot only

ColorScheme ColorScheme

Valid for: ENCG; Default: X11

Color [Color]

Valid for: ENC; Default: X11Color Black

Comment String

Valid for: ENG; Default: ""

Compound Bool

Valid for: G; Default: False; Parsing Default: True; Notes: dot only

Concentrate Bool

Valid for: G; Default: False; Parsing Default: True

Constraint Bool

Valid for: E; Default: True; Parsing Default: True; Notes: dot only

Decorate Bool

Valid for: E; Default: False; Parsing Default: True

DefaultDist Double

Valid for: G; Default: 1+(avg. len)*sqrt(|V|); Minimum: epsilon; Notes: neato only

Dimen Int

Valid for: G; Default: 2; Minimum: 2; Notes: sfdp, fdp, neato only

Dim Int

Valid for: G; Default: 2; Minimum: 2; Notes: sfdp, fdp, neato only

Dir DirType

Valid for: E; Default: Forward (directed), NoDir (undirected)

DirEdgeConstraints DEConstraints

Valid for: G; Default: NoConstraints; Parsing Default: EdgeConstraints; Notes: neato only

Distortion Double

Valid for: N; Default: 0.0; Minimum: -100.0

DPI Double

Valid for: G; Default: 96.0, 0.0; Notes: svg, bitmap output only; "resolution" is a synonym


Valid for: E; Default: ""; Notes: svg, map only

EdgeTarget EscString

Valid for: E; Default: none; Notes: svg, map only

EdgeTooltip EscString

Valid for: E; Default: ""; Notes: svg, cmap only

Epsilon Double

Valid for: G; Default: .0001 * # nodes (mode == KK), .0001 (mode == Major); Notes: neato only

ESep DPoint

Valid for: G; Default: +3; Notes: not dot

FillColor Color

Valid for: NC; Default: X11Color LightGray (nodes), X11Color Black (clusters)

FixedSize Bool

Valid for: N; Default: False; Parsing Default: True

FontColor Color

Valid for: ENGC; Default: X11Color Black

FontName String

Valid for: ENGC; Default: "Times-Roman"

FontNames String

Valid for: G; Default: ""; Notes: svg only

FontPath String

Valid for: G; Default: system-dependent

FontSize Double

Valid for: ENGC; Default: 14.0; Minimum: 1.0

Group String

Valid for: N; Default: ""; Notes: dot only


Valid for: E; Default: ""; Notes: svg, map only

HeadClip Bool

Valid for: E; Default: True; Parsing Default: True

HeadLabel Label

Valid for: E; Default: ""

HeadPort PortPos

Valid for: E; Default: PP CenterPoint

HeadTarget EscString

Valid for: E; Default: none; Notes: svg, map only

HeadTooltip EscString

Valid for: E; Default: ""; Notes: svg, cmap only

Height Double

Valid for: N; Default: 0.5; Minimum: 0.02

ID Label

Valid for: GNE; Default: ""; Notes: svg, postscript, map only

Image String

Valid for: N; Default: ""

ImageScale ScaleType

Valid for: N; Default: NoScale; Parsing Default: UniformScale


Valid for: E; Default: ""; Notes: svg, map only

LabelAngle Double

Valid for: E; Default: -25.0; Minimum: -180.0

LabelDistance Double

Valid for: E; Default: 1.0; Minimum: 0.0

LabelFloat Bool

Valid for: E; Default: False; Parsing Default: True

LabelFontColor Color

Valid for: E; Default: X11Color Black

LabelFontName String

Valid for: E; Default: "Times-Roman"

LabelFontSize Double

Valid for: E; Default: 14.0; Minimum: 1.0

LabelJust Justification

Valid for: GC; Default: JCenter

LabelLoc VerticalPlacement

Valid for: GCN; Default: VTop (clusters), VBottom (root graphs), VCenter (nodes)

LabelTarget EscString

Valid for: E; Default: none; Notes: svg, map only

LabelTooltip EscString

Valid for: E; Default: ""; Notes: svg, cmap only

Label Label

Valid for: ENGC; Default: StrLabel "N" (nodes), StrLabel "" (otherwise)

Landscape Bool

Valid for: G; Default: False; Parsing Default: True

LayerSep String

Valid for: G; Default: " :t"

Layers LayerList

Valid for: G; Default: ""

Layer LayerRange

Valid for: EN; Default: ""

Layout String

Valid for: G; Default: ""

Len Double

Valid for: E; Default: 1.0 (neato), 0.3 (fdp); Notes: fdp, neato only

LevelsGap Double

Valid for: G; Default: 0.0; Notes: neato only

Levels Int

Valid for: G; Default: MAXINT; Minimum: 0; Notes: sfdp only

LHead String

Valid for: E; Default: ""; Notes: dot only

LPos Point

Valid for: EGC; Notes: write only

LTail String

Valid for: E; Default: ""; Notes: dot only

Margin DPoint

Valid for: NG; Default: device-dependent

MaxIter Int

Valid for: G; Default: 100 * # nodes (mode == KK), 200 (mode == Major), 600 (fdp); Notes: fdp, neato only

MCLimit Double

Valid for: G; Default: 1.0; Notes: dot only

MinDist Double

Valid for: G; Default: 1.0; Minimum: 0.0; Notes: circo only

MinLen Int

Valid for: E; Default: 1; Minimum: 0; Notes: dot only

Model Model

Valid for: G; Default: ShortPath; Notes: neato only

Mode ModeType

Valid for: G; Default: Major; Notes: neato only

Mosek Bool

Valid for: G; Default: False; Parsing Default: True; Notes: neato only; requires the Mosek software

NodeSep Double

Valid for: G; Default: 0.25; Minimum: 0.02; Notes: dot only

NoJustify Bool

Valid for: GCNE; Default: False; Parsing Default: True

Normalize Bool

Valid for: G; Default: False; Parsing Default: True; Notes: not dot

Nslimit1 Double

Valid for: G; Notes: dot only

Nslimit Double

Valid for: G; Notes: dot only

Ordering String

Valid for: G; Default: ""; Notes: dot only

Orientation Double

Valid for: N; Default: 0.0; Minimum: 360.0

OutputOrder OutputMode

Valid for: G; Default: BreadthFirst

OverlapScaling Double

Valid for: G; Default: -4; Minimum: -1.0e10; Notes: prism only

Overlap Overlap

Valid for: G; Default: KeepOverlaps; Parsing Default: KeepOverlaps; Notes: not dot

PackMode PackMode

Valid for: G; Default: PackNode; Notes: not dot

Pack Pack

Valid for: G; Default: False; Parsing Default: DoPack; Notes: not dot

Pad DPoint

Valid for: G; Default: DVal 0.0555 (4 points)

PageDir PageDir

Valid for: G; Default: BL

Page Point

Valid for: G

PenColor Color

Valid for: C; Default: X11Color Black

PenWidth Double

Valid for: CNE; Default: 1.0; Minimum: 0.0

Peripheries Int

Valid for: NC; Default: shape default (nodes), 1 (clusters); Minimum: 0

Pin Bool

Valid for: N; Default: False; Parsing Default: True; Notes: fdp, neato only

Pos Pos

Valid for: EN

QuadTree QuadType

Valid for: G; Default: NormalQT; Parsing Default: NormalQT; Notes: sfdp only

Quantum Double

Valid for: G; Default: 0.0; Minimum: 0.0

RankDir RankDir

Valid for: G; Default: TB; Notes: dot only

RankSep Double

Valid for: G; Default: 0.5 (dot), 1.0 (twopi); Minimum: 0.02; Notes: twopi, dot only

Rank RankType

Valid for: S; Notes: dot only

Ratio Ratios

Valid for: G

Rects Rect

Valid for: N; Notes: write only

Regular Bool

Valid for: N; Default: False; Parsing Default: True

ReMinCross Bool

Valid for: G; Default: False; Parsing Default: True; Notes: dot only

RepulsiveForce Double

Valid for: G; Default: 1.0; Minimum: 0.0; Notes: sfdp only

Root Root

Valid for: GN; Default: NodeName "" (graphs), NotCentral (nodes); Parsing Default: IsCentral; Notes: circo, twopi only

Rotate Int

Valid for: G; Default: 0

SameHead String

Valid for: E; Default: ""; Notes: dot only

SameTail String

Valid for: E; Default: ""; Notes: dot only

SamplePoints Int

Valid for: N; Default: 8 (output), 20 (overlap and image maps)

SearchSize Int

Valid for: G; Default: 30; Notes: dot only

Sep DPoint

Valid for: G; Default: +4; Notes: not dot

ShapeFile String

Valid for: N; Default: ""

Shape Shape

Valid for: N; Default: Ellipse

ShowBoxes Int

Valid for: ENG; Default: 0; Minimum: 0; Notes: dot only

Sides Int

Valid for: N; Default: 4; Minimum: 0

Size Point

Valid for: G

Skew Double

Valid for: N; Default: 0.0; Minimum: -100.0

Smoothing SmoothType

Valid for: G; Default: NoSmooth; Notes: sfdp only

SortV Int

Valid for: GCN; Default: 0; Minimum: 0

Splines EdgeType

Valid for: G; Parsing Default: SplineEdges

Start StartType

Valid for: G; Default: ""; Notes: fdp, neato only

StyleSheet String

Valid for: G; Default: ""; Notes: svg only

Style [StyleItem]

Valid for: ENC


Valid for: E; Default: ""; Notes: svg, map only

TailClip Bool

Valid for: E; Default: True; Parsing Default: True

TailLabel Label

Valid for: E; Default: ""

TailPort PortPos

Valid for: E; Default: center

TailTarget EscString

Valid for: E; Default: none; Notes: svg, map only

TailTooltip EscString

Valid for: E; Default: ""; Notes: svg, cmap only

Target EscString

Valid for: ENGC; Default: none; Notes: svg, map only

Tooltip EscString

Valid for: NEC; Default: ""; Notes: svg, cmap only

TrueColor Bool

Valid for: G; Parsing Default: True; Notes: bitmap output only

Vertices [Point]

Valid for: N; Notes: write only

ViewPort ViewPort

Valid for: G; Default: none

VoroMargin Double

Valid for: G; Default: 0.05; Minimum: 0.0; Notes: not dot

Weight Double

Valid for: E; Default: 1.0; Minimum: 0 (dot), 1 (neato,fdp,sfdp)

Width Double

Valid for: N; Default: 0.75; Minimum: 0.01

Z Double

Valid for: N; Default: 0.0; Minimum: -MAXFLOAT, -1000

Validity functions on Attribute values.

usedByGraphs :: Attribute -> BoolSource

Determine if this Attribute is valid for use with Graphs.

usedBySubGraphs :: Attribute -> BoolSource

Determine if this Attribute is valid for use with SubGraphs.

usedByClusters :: Attribute -> BoolSource

Determine if this Attribute is valid for use with Clusters.

usedByNodes :: Attribute -> BoolSource

Determine if this Attribute is valid for use with Nodes.

usedByEdges :: Attribute -> BoolSource

Determine if this Attribute is valid for use with Edges.

Value types for Attributes.

type EscString = StringSource

Some Attributes (mainly label-like ones) take a String argument that allows for extra escape codes. This library doesn't do any extra checks or special parsing for these escape codes, but usage of EscString rather than String indicates that the Graphviz tools will recognise these extra escape codes for these Attributes.

The extra escape codes include (note that these are all Strings):

Replace with the name of the node (for Node Attributes).
Replace with the name of the graph (for Node Attributes) or the name of the graph or cluster, whichever is applicable (for Graph, Cluster and Edge Attributes).
Replace with the name of the edge, formed by the two adjoining nodes and the edge type (for Edge Attributes).
Replace with the name of the tail node (for Edge Attributes).
Replace with the name of the head node (for Edge Attributes).
Replace with the object's label (for all Attributes).

Also, if the Attribute in question is Label, HeadLabel or TailLabel, then \n, \l and \r split the label into lines centered, left-justified and right-justified respectively.

newtype URL Source

No checks are placed on the content of a URL value; however, you should ensure that it does not contain any '>' or '<' characters; Graphviz might care about escaping other characters properly, but for the purposes of this library the presence of these characters will make it harder to parse URLs.




urlString :: EscString

newtype ArrowType Source

Dot has a basic grammar of arrow shapes which allows usage of up to 1,544,761 different shapes from 9 different basic ArrowShapes. Note that whilst an explicit list is used in the definition of ArrowType, there must be at least one tuple and a maximum of 4 (since that is what is required by Dot). For more information, see:

The 19 basic arrows shown on the overall attributes page have been defined below as a convenience. Parsing of the 5 backward-compatible special cases is also supported.


AType [(ArrowModifier, ArrowShape)] 

data LayerID Source

You should not have any quote characters for the LRName option, as it won't be parseable.


LRInt Int 
LRName String 

data LayerList Source

The list represent (Separator, Name). You should not have any quote characters for any of the Strings, since there are parsing problems with them.


LL String [(String, String)] 

data Pack Source


PackMargin Int

If non-negative, then packs; otherwise doesn't.

data PackMode Source


PackArray Bool Bool (Maybe Int)

Sort by cols, sort by user, number of rows/cols

data EdgeType Source

Controls how (and if) edges are represented.

data PageDir Source

Upper-case first character is major order; lower-case second character is minor order.



data Spline Source

The number of points in the list must be equivalent to 1 mod 3; note that this is not checked.


Spline (Maybe Point) (Maybe Point) [Point] 

data Root Source

Specify the root node either as a Node attribute or a Graph attribute.



For Nodes only


For Nodes only

NodeName String

For Graphs only

data StyleName Source



Nodes and Edges


Nodes and Edges


Nodes and Edges


Nodes and Edges


Nodes and Edges


Nodes and Clusters


Nodes only


Nodes and Clusters

DD String

Device Dependent

Types representing the Dot grammar for ArrowType.

data ArrowSide Source

Represents which side (when looking towards the node the arrow is pointing to) is drawn.



Default ArrowType aliases.

The 9 primitive ArrowShapes.

5 derived Arrows.

5 supported cases for backwards compatibility

ArrowModifier instances

noMods :: ArrowModifierSource

Apply no modifications to an ArrowShape.

Other exported functions/values