-- |
-- Module: Network.Greskell.WebSocket.Connection.Type
-- Description: common types for Connection
-- Maintainer: Toshio Ito <debug.ito@gmail.com>
-- This is an internal module. This defines and exports common types
-- used by Connection modules. The upper module is responsible to
-- limit exports from this module.
module Network.Greskell.WebSocket.Connection.Type
  ( RawReq,
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async)
import Control.Exception.Safe (SomeException, Typeable, Exception)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue, TBQueue, TVar)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.UUID (UUID)

import Network.Greskell.WebSocket.Response (ResponseMessage)
import Network.Greskell.WebSocket.Codec (Codec)

type RawReq = BSL.ByteString
type RawRes = BSL.ByteString
type ReqID = UUID

-- | Package of Response data and related stuff.
type ResPack s = Either SomeException (ResponseMessage s)

-- | Package of request data and related stuff. It's passed from the
-- caller thread into WS handling thread.
data ReqPack s =
  { reqData :: !RawReq,
    -- ^ Encoded request data
    reqId :: !ReqID,
    -- ^ request ID
    reqOutput :: !(TQueue (ResPack s))
    -- ^ the output queue for incoming response for this request.

-- | State of the 'Connection'.
data ConnectionState =
    -- ^ Connection is open and ready to use.
  | ConnClosing
    -- ^ Connection is closing. It rejects new requests, but keeps
    -- receiving responses for pending requests. When there is no
    -- pending requests, it goes to 'ConnClosed'.
  | ConnClosed
    -- ^ Connection is closed. It rejects requests, and it doesn't
    -- expect any responses. It can close the underlying WebSocket
    -- connection.
  deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded)

-- | A WebSocket connection to a Gremlin Server.
-- Type @s@ is the body of Response, as in 'ResponseMessage'.
data Connection s =
  { connQReq :: !(TBQueue (ReqPack s)),
    -- ^ Request queue to WS (Mux) thread.
    connState :: !(TVar ConnectionState),
    connWSThread :: !(Async ()),
    -- ^ WS (Mux) thread. It keeps the underlying WebSocket
    -- connection, watches various types of events and responds to
    -- those events.
    connCodec :: !(Codec s)

-- | Exception general to a 'Connection'. It's not related to specific
-- requests.
data GeneralException =
    UnexpectedRequestId UUID
    -- ^ Server sends a 'ResponseMessage' with unknown requestId, which
    -- is kept in this exception.
  | ResponseParseFailure String
    -- ^ The 'Connection' fails to parse a data from the server. The
    -- error message is kept in this exception.
  deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable)

instance Exception GeneralException