grisette- Symbolic evaluation as a library
Copyright(c) Sirui Lu 2024
LicenseBSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
PortabilityGHC only
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred





data a --> b where infixr 0 Source #

General symbolic function type. Use the # operator to apply the function. Note that this function should be applied to symbolic values only. It is by itself already a symbolic value, but can be considered partially concrete as the function body is specified. Use -~> for uninterpreted general symbolic functions.

The result would be partially evaluated.

>>> let f = ("x" :: TypedConstantSymbol Integer) --> ("x" + 1 + "y" :: SymInteger) :: Integer --> Integer
>>> f # 1    -- 1 has the type SymInteger
(+ 2 y)
>>> f # "a"  -- "a" has the type SymInteger
(+ 1 (+ a y))


GeneralFun :: (SupportedNonFuncPrim a, SupportedPrim b) => TypedConstantSymbol a -> Term b -> a --> b 


Instances details
Lift (a --> b :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun


lift :: Quote m => (a --> b) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (a --> b) -> Code m (a --> b) #

(SupportedPrim (ca --> cb), SupportedNonFuncPrim ca, LinkedRep ca sa, LinkedRep cb sb) => ToSym (Union (ca --> cb)) (sa -~> sb) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.Core.Control.Monad.Union


toSym :: Union (ca --> cb) -> sa -~> sb Source #

Show (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun


showsPrec :: Int -> (a --> b) -> ShowS #

show :: (a --> b) -> String #

showList :: [a --> b] -> ShowS #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c, GeneralFunArg d, GeneralFunArg e, GeneralFunArg f, GeneralFunArg g, GeneralFunArg h, GeneralFunArg i) => Binary (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> (h --> i)))))))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


put :: (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> (h --> i)))))))) -> Put #

get :: Get (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> (h --> i)))))))) #

putList :: [a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> (h --> i)))))))] -> Put #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c, GeneralFunArg d, GeneralFunArg e, GeneralFunArg f, GeneralFunArg g, GeneralFunArg h) => Binary (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> h))))))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


put :: (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> h))))))) -> Put #

get :: Get (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> h))))))) #

putList :: [a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> h))))))] -> Put #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c, GeneralFunArg d, GeneralFunArg e, GeneralFunArg f, GeneralFunArg g) => Binary (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> g)))))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


put :: (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> g)))))) -> Put #

get :: Get (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> g)))))) #

putList :: [a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> g)))))] -> Put #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c, GeneralFunArg d, GeneralFunArg e, GeneralFunArg f) => Binary (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> f))))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


put :: (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> f))))) -> Put #

get :: Get (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> f))))) #

putList :: [a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> f))))] -> Put #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c, GeneralFunArg d, GeneralFunArg e) => Binary (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> e)))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


put :: (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> e)))) -> Put #

get :: Get (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> e)))) #

putList :: [a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> e)))] -> Put #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c, GeneralFunArg d) => Binary (a --> (b --> (c --> d))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


put :: (a --> (b --> (c --> d))) -> Put #

get :: Get (a --> (b --> (c --> d))) #

putList :: [a --> (b --> (c --> d))] -> Put #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c) => Binary (a --> (b --> c)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


put :: (a --> (b --> c)) -> Put #

get :: Get (a --> (b --> c)) #

putList :: [a --> (b --> c)] -> Put #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b) => Binary (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


put :: (a --> b) -> Put #

get :: Get (a --> b) #

putList :: [a --> b] -> Put #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c, GeneralFunArg d, GeneralFunArg e, GeneralFunArg f, GeneralFunArg g, GeneralFunArg h, GeneralFunArg i) => Serial (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> (h --> i)))))))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


serialize :: MonadPut m => (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> (h --> i)))))))) -> m () #

deserialize :: MonadGet m => m (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> (h --> i)))))))) #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c, GeneralFunArg d, GeneralFunArg e, GeneralFunArg f, GeneralFunArg g, GeneralFunArg h) => Serial (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> h))))))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


serialize :: MonadPut m => (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> h))))))) -> m () #

deserialize :: MonadGet m => m (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> h))))))) #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c, GeneralFunArg d, GeneralFunArg e, GeneralFunArg f, GeneralFunArg g) => Serial (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> g)))))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


serialize :: MonadPut m => (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> g)))))) -> m () #

deserialize :: MonadGet m => m (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> g)))))) #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c, GeneralFunArg d, GeneralFunArg e, GeneralFunArg f) => Serial (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> f))))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


serialize :: MonadPut m => (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> f))))) -> m () #

deserialize :: MonadGet m => m (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> f))))) #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c, GeneralFunArg d, GeneralFunArg e) => Serial (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> e)))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


serialize :: MonadPut m => (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> e)))) -> m () #

deserialize :: MonadGet m => m (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> e)))) #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c, GeneralFunArg d) => Serial (a --> (b --> (c --> d))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


serialize :: MonadPut m => (a --> (b --> (c --> d))) -> m () #

deserialize :: MonadGet m => m (a --> (b --> (c --> d))) #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c) => Serial (a --> (b --> c)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


serialize :: MonadPut m => (a --> (b --> c)) -> m () #

deserialize :: MonadGet m => m (a --> (b --> c)) #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b) => Serial (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


serialize :: MonadPut m => (a --> b) -> m () #

deserialize :: MonadGet m => m (a --> b) #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c, GeneralFunArg d, GeneralFunArg e, GeneralFunArg f, GeneralFunArg g, GeneralFunArg h, GeneralFunArg i) => Serialize (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> (h --> i)))))))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


put :: Putter (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> (h --> i)))))))) #

get :: Get (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> (h --> i)))))))) #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c, GeneralFunArg d, GeneralFunArg e, GeneralFunArg f, GeneralFunArg g, GeneralFunArg h) => Serialize (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> h))))))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


put :: Putter (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> h))))))) #

get :: Get (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> (g --> h))))))) #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c, GeneralFunArg d, GeneralFunArg e, GeneralFunArg f, GeneralFunArg g) => Serialize (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> g)))))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


put :: Putter (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> g)))))) #

get :: Get (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> (f --> g)))))) #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c, GeneralFunArg d, GeneralFunArg e, GeneralFunArg f) => Serialize (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> f))))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


put :: Putter (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> f))))) #

get :: Get (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> (e --> f))))) #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c, GeneralFunArg d, GeneralFunArg e) => Serialize (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> e)))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


put :: Putter (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> e)))) #

get :: Get (a --> (b --> (c --> (d --> e)))) #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c, GeneralFunArg d) => Serialize (a --> (b --> (c --> d))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


put :: Putter (a --> (b --> (c --> d))) #

get :: Get (a --> (b --> (c --> d))) #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b, GeneralFunArg c) => Serialize (a --> (b --> c)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


put :: Putter (a --> (b --> c)) #

get :: Get (a --> (b --> c)) #

(GeneralFunArg a, GeneralFunArg b) => Serialize (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Serialize


put :: Putter (a --> b) #

get :: Get (a --> b) #

NFData (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun


rnf :: (a --> b) -> () #

Eq (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun


(==) :: (a --> b) -> (a --> b) -> Bool #

(/=) :: (a --> b) -> (a --> b) -> Bool #

EvalSym (SymType b) => EvalSym (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.Core.Data.Class.EvalSym


evalSym :: Bool -> Model -> (a --> b) -> a --> b Source #

ExtractSym (SymType b) => ExtractSym (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.Core.Data.Class.ExtractSym


extractSym :: (a --> b) -> AnySymbolSet Source #

extractSymMaybe :: forall (knd :: SymbolKind). IsSymbolKind knd => (a --> b) -> Maybe (SymbolSet knd) Source #

(Apply st, LinkedRep ca sa, LinkedRep ct st) => Apply (ca --> ct) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun

Associated Types

type FunType (ca --> ct) Source #


apply :: (ca --> ct) -> FunType (ca --> ct) Source #

ITEOp (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.Core.Data.Class.ITEOp


symIte :: SymBool -> (a --> b) -> (a --> b) -> a --> b Source #

Mergeable (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.Core.Data.Class.Mergeable

PPrint (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.Core.Data.Class.PPrint


pformat :: (a --> b) -> Doc ann Source #

pformatPrec :: Int -> (a --> b) -> Doc ann Source #

pformatList :: [a --> b] -> Doc ann Source #

SimpleMergeable (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.Core.Data.Class.SimpleMergeable


mrgIte :: SymBool -> (a --> b) -> (a --> b) -> a --> b Source #

SubstSym (SymType b) => SubstSym (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.Core.Data.Class.SubstSym


substSym :: forall cb sb (knd :: SymbolKind). (LinkedRep cb sb, IsSymbolKind knd) => TypedSymbol knd cb -> sb -> (a --> b) -> a --> b Source #

(SupportedNonFuncPrim a, SupportedPrim b) => SBVRep (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun

Associated Types

type SBVType (a --> b) Source #

(SupportedNonFuncPrim a0, Eq a0, Show a0, Hashable a0, Typeable a0, SupportedNonFuncPrim a1, Eq a1, Show a1, Hashable a1, Typeable a1, SupportedNonFuncPrim a2, Eq a2, Show a2, Hashable a2, Typeable a2, SupportedNonFuncPrim a3, Eq a3, Show a3, Hashable a3, Typeable a3, SupportedNonFuncPrim a4, Eq a4, Show a4, Hashable a4, Typeable a4, SupportedNonFuncPrim a5, Eq a5, Show a5, Hashable a5, Typeable a5, SupportedNonFuncPrim a6, Eq a6, Show a6, Hashable a6, Typeable a6, SupportedNonFuncPrim a7, Eq a7, Show a7, Hashable a7, Typeable a7) => SupportedPrim (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun


primTypeRep :: TypeRep (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) Source #

sameCon :: (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) -> (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) -> Bool Source #

hashConWithSalt :: Int -> (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) -> Int Source #

pformatCon :: (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) -> String Source #

defaultValue :: a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7)))))) Source #

pevalITETerm :: Term Bool -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) Source #

pevalEqTerm :: Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) -> Term Bool Source #

pevalDistinctTerm :: NonEmpty (Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7)))))))) -> Term Bool Source #

conSBVTerm :: (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) Source #

symSBVName :: TypedSymbol 'AnyKind (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) -> Int -> String Source #

symSBVTerm :: SBVFreshMonad m => String -> m (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7)))))))) Source #

withPrim :: ((PrimConstraint (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))), SMTDefinable (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7)))))))), Mergeable (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7)))))))), Typeable (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))))) => a) -> a Source #

sbvIte :: SBV Bool -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) Source #

sbvEq :: SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) -> SBV Bool Source #

sbvDistinct :: NonEmpty (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7)))))))) -> SBV Bool Source #

parseSMTModelResult :: Int -> ([([CV], CV)], CV) -> a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7)))))) Source #

castTypedSymbol :: forall (knd' :: SymbolKind) (knd :: SymbolKind). IsSymbolKind knd' => TypedSymbol knd (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) -> Maybe (TypedSymbol knd' (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7)))))))) Source #

funcDummyConstraint :: SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> (a6 --> a7))))))) -> SBV Bool Source #

(SupportedNonFuncPrim a0, Eq a0, Show a0, Hashable a0, Typeable a0, SupportedNonFuncPrim a1, Eq a1, Show a1, Hashable a1, Typeable a1, SupportedNonFuncPrim a2, Eq a2, Show a2, Hashable a2, Typeable a2, SupportedNonFuncPrim a3, Eq a3, Show a3, Hashable a3, Typeable a3, SupportedNonFuncPrim a4, Eq a4, Show a4, Hashable a4, Typeable a4, SupportedNonFuncPrim a5, Eq a5, Show a5, Hashable a5, Typeable a5, SupportedNonFuncPrim a6, Eq a6, Show a6, Hashable a6, Typeable a6) => SupportedPrim (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun


primTypeRep :: TypeRep (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) Source #

sameCon :: (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) -> (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) -> Bool Source #

hashConWithSalt :: Int -> (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) -> Int Source #

pformatCon :: (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) -> String Source #

defaultValue :: a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6))))) Source #

pevalITETerm :: Term Bool -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) Source #

pevalEqTerm :: Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) -> Term Bool Source #

pevalDistinctTerm :: NonEmpty (Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6))))))) -> Term Bool Source #

conSBVTerm :: (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) Source #

symSBVName :: TypedSymbol 'AnyKind (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) -> Int -> String Source #

symSBVTerm :: SBVFreshMonad m => String -> m (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6))))))) Source #

withPrim :: ((PrimConstraint (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))), SMTDefinable (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6))))))), Mergeable (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6))))))), Typeable (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))))) => a) -> a Source #

sbvIte :: SBV Bool -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) Source #

sbvEq :: SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) -> SBV Bool Source #

sbvDistinct :: NonEmpty (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6))))))) -> SBV Bool Source #

parseSMTModelResult :: Int -> ([([CV], CV)], CV) -> a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6))))) Source #

castTypedSymbol :: forall (knd' :: SymbolKind) (knd :: SymbolKind). IsSymbolKind knd' => TypedSymbol knd (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) -> Maybe (TypedSymbol knd' (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6))))))) Source #

funcDummyConstraint :: SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> (a5 --> a6)))))) -> SBV Bool Source #

(SupportedNonFuncPrim a0, Eq a0, Show a0, Hashable a0, Typeable a0, SupportedNonFuncPrim a1, Eq a1, Show a1, Hashable a1, Typeable a1, SupportedNonFuncPrim a2, Eq a2, Show a2, Hashable a2, Typeable a2, SupportedNonFuncPrim a3, Eq a3, Show a3, Hashable a3, Typeable a3, SupportedNonFuncPrim a4, Eq a4, Show a4, Hashable a4, Typeable a4, SupportedNonFuncPrim a5, Eq a5, Show a5, Hashable a5, Typeable a5) => SupportedPrim (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun


primTypeRep :: TypeRep (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) Source #

sameCon :: (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) -> (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) -> Bool Source #

hashConWithSalt :: Int -> (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) -> Int Source #

pformatCon :: (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) -> String Source #

defaultValue :: a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5)))) Source #

pevalITETerm :: Term Bool -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) Source #

pevalEqTerm :: Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) -> Term Bool Source #

pevalDistinctTerm :: NonEmpty (Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5)))))) -> Term Bool Source #

conSBVTerm :: (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) Source #

symSBVName :: TypedSymbol 'AnyKind (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) -> Int -> String Source #

symSBVTerm :: SBVFreshMonad m => String -> m (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5)))))) Source #

withPrim :: ((PrimConstraint (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))), SMTDefinable (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5)))))), Mergeable (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5)))))), Typeable (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))))) => a) -> a Source #

sbvIte :: SBV Bool -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) Source #

sbvEq :: SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) -> SBV Bool Source #

sbvDistinct :: NonEmpty (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5)))))) -> SBV Bool Source #

parseSMTModelResult :: Int -> ([([CV], CV)], CV) -> a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5)))) Source #

castTypedSymbol :: forall (knd' :: SymbolKind) (knd :: SymbolKind). IsSymbolKind knd' => TypedSymbol knd (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) -> Maybe (TypedSymbol knd' (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5)))))) Source #

funcDummyConstraint :: SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> (a4 --> a5))))) -> SBV Bool Source #

(SupportedNonFuncPrim a0, Eq a0, Show a0, Hashable a0, Typeable a0, SupportedNonFuncPrim a1, Eq a1, Show a1, Hashable a1, Typeable a1, SupportedNonFuncPrim a2, Eq a2, Show a2, Hashable a2, Typeable a2, SupportedNonFuncPrim a3, Eq a3, Show a3, Hashable a3, Typeable a3, SupportedNonFuncPrim a4, Eq a4, Show a4, Hashable a4, Typeable a4) => SupportedPrim (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun


primTypeRep :: TypeRep (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) Source #

sameCon :: (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) -> (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) -> Bool Source #

hashConWithSalt :: Int -> (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) -> Int Source #

pformatCon :: (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) -> String Source #

defaultValue :: a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4))) Source #

pevalITETerm :: Term Bool -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) Source #

pevalEqTerm :: Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) -> Term Bool Source #

pevalDistinctTerm :: NonEmpty (Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4))))) -> Term Bool Source #

conSBVTerm :: (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) Source #

symSBVName :: TypedSymbol 'AnyKind (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) -> Int -> String Source #

symSBVTerm :: SBVFreshMonad m => String -> m (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4))))) Source #

withPrim :: ((PrimConstraint (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))), SMTDefinable (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4))))), Mergeable (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4))))), Typeable (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))))) => a) -> a Source #

sbvIte :: SBV Bool -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) Source #

sbvEq :: SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) -> SBV Bool Source #

sbvDistinct :: NonEmpty (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4))))) -> SBV Bool Source #

parseSMTModelResult :: Int -> ([([CV], CV)], CV) -> a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4))) Source #

castTypedSymbol :: forall (knd' :: SymbolKind) (knd :: SymbolKind). IsSymbolKind knd' => TypedSymbol knd (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) -> Maybe (TypedSymbol knd' (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4))))) Source #

funcDummyConstraint :: SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> (a3 --> a4)))) -> SBV Bool Source #

(SupportedNonFuncPrim a0, Eq a0, Show a0, Hashable a0, Typeable a0, SupportedNonFuncPrim a1, Eq a1, Show a1, Hashable a1, Typeable a1, SupportedNonFuncPrim a2, Eq a2, Show a2, Hashable a2, Typeable a2, SupportedNonFuncPrim a3, Eq a3, Show a3, Hashable a3, Typeable a3) => SupportedPrim (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun


primTypeRep :: TypeRep (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) Source #

sameCon :: (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) -> (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) -> Bool Source #

hashConWithSalt :: Int -> (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) -> Int Source #

pformatCon :: (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) -> String Source #

defaultValue :: a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3)) Source #

pevalITETerm :: Term Bool -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) Source #

pevalEqTerm :: Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) -> Term Bool Source #

pevalDistinctTerm :: NonEmpty (Term (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3)))) -> Term Bool Source #

conSBVTerm :: (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) Source #

symSBVName :: TypedSymbol 'AnyKind (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) -> Int -> String Source #

symSBVTerm :: SBVFreshMonad m => String -> m (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3)))) Source #

withPrim :: ((PrimConstraint (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))), SMTDefinable (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3)))), Mergeable (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3)))), Typeable (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))))) => a) -> a Source #

sbvIte :: SBV Bool -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) Source #

sbvEq :: SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) -> SBV Bool Source #

sbvDistinct :: NonEmpty (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3)))) -> SBV Bool Source #

parseSMTModelResult :: Int -> ([([CV], CV)], CV) -> a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3)) Source #

castTypedSymbol :: forall (knd' :: SymbolKind) (knd :: SymbolKind). IsSymbolKind knd' => TypedSymbol knd (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) -> Maybe (TypedSymbol knd' (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3)))) Source #

funcDummyConstraint :: SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> (a2 --> a3))) -> SBV Bool Source #

(SupportedNonFuncPrim a0, Eq a0, Show a0, Hashable a0, Typeable a0, SupportedNonFuncPrim a1, Eq a1, Show a1, Hashable a1, Typeable a1, SupportedNonFuncPrim a2, Eq a2, Show a2, Hashable a2, Typeable a2) => SupportedPrim (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun


primTypeRep :: TypeRep (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) Source #

sameCon :: (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) -> (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) -> Bool Source #

hashConWithSalt :: Int -> (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) -> Int Source #

pformatCon :: (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) -> String Source #

defaultValue :: a0 --> (a1 --> a2) Source #

pevalITETerm :: Term Bool -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) Source #

pevalEqTerm :: Term (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) -> Term (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) -> Term Bool Source #

pevalDistinctTerm :: NonEmpty (Term (a0 --> (a1 --> a2))) -> Term Bool Source #

conSBVTerm :: (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) Source #

symSBVName :: TypedSymbol 'AnyKind (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) -> Int -> String Source #

symSBVTerm :: SBVFreshMonad m => String -> m (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> a2))) Source #

withPrim :: ((PrimConstraint (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)), SMTDefinable (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> a2))), Mergeable (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> a2))), Typeable (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)))) => a) -> a Source #

sbvIte :: SBV Bool -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) Source #

sbvEq :: SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) -> SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) -> SBV Bool Source #

sbvDistinct :: NonEmpty (SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> a2))) -> SBV Bool Source #

parseSMTModelResult :: Int -> ([([CV], CV)], CV) -> a0 --> (a1 --> a2) Source #

castTypedSymbol :: forall (knd' :: SymbolKind) (knd :: SymbolKind). IsSymbolKind knd' => TypedSymbol knd (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) -> Maybe (TypedSymbol knd' (a0 --> (a1 --> a2))) Source #

funcDummyConstraint :: SBVType (a0 --> (a1 --> a2)) -> SBV Bool Source #

(SupportedNonFuncPrim a0, Eq a0, Show a0, Hashable a0, Typeable a0, SupportedNonFuncPrim a1, Eq a1, Show a1, Hashable a1, Typeable a1) => SupportedPrim (a0 --> a1) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun


primTypeRep :: TypeRep (a0 --> a1) Source #

sameCon :: (a0 --> a1) -> (a0 --> a1) -> Bool Source #

hashConWithSalt :: Int -> (a0 --> a1) -> Int Source #

pformatCon :: (a0 --> a1) -> String Source #

defaultValue :: a0 --> a1 Source #

pevalITETerm :: Term Bool -> Term (a0 --> a1) -> Term (a0 --> a1) -> Term (a0 --> a1) Source #

pevalEqTerm :: Term (a0 --> a1) -> Term (a0 --> a1) -> Term Bool Source #

pevalDistinctTerm :: NonEmpty (Term (a0 --> a1)) -> Term Bool Source #

conSBVTerm :: (a0 --> a1) -> SBVType (a0 --> a1) Source #

symSBVName :: TypedSymbol 'AnyKind (a0 --> a1) -> Int -> String Source #

symSBVTerm :: SBVFreshMonad m => String -> m (SBVType (a0 --> a1)) Source #

withPrim :: ((PrimConstraint (a0 --> a1), SMTDefinable (SBVType (a0 --> a1)), Mergeable (SBVType (a0 --> a1)), Typeable (SBVType (a0 --> a1))) => a) -> a Source #

sbvIte :: SBV Bool -> SBVType (a0 --> a1) -> SBVType (a0 --> a1) -> SBVType (a0 --> a1) Source #

sbvEq :: SBVType (a0 --> a1) -> SBVType (a0 --> a1) -> SBV Bool Source #

sbvDistinct :: NonEmpty (SBVType (a0 --> a1)) -> SBV Bool Source #

parseSMTModelResult :: Int -> ([([CV], CV)], CV) -> a0 --> a1 Source #

castTypedSymbol :: forall (knd' :: SymbolKind) (knd :: SymbolKind). IsSymbolKind knd' => TypedSymbol knd (a0 --> a1) -> Maybe (TypedSymbol knd' (a0 --> a1)) Source #

funcDummyConstraint :: SBVType (a0 --> a1) -> SBV Bool Source #

(SupportedNonFuncPrim a, SupportedPrim b) => SupportedPrimConstraint (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun

Associated Types

type PrimConstraint (a --> b) Source #

(SymRep ca, SymRep cb, SupportedPrim (ca --> cb)) => SymRep (ca --> cb) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymGeneralFun

Associated Types

type SymType (ca --> cb) Source #

Hashable (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun


hashWithSalt :: Int -> (a --> b) -> Int #

hash :: (a --> b) -> Int #

(LinkedRep a sa, LinkedRep b sb) => Function (a --> b) sa sb Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun


(#) :: (a --> b) -> sa -> sb Source #

(SupportedPrim (a --> b), SupportedNonFuncPrim a, SupportedPrim b) => PEvalApplyTerm (a --> b) a b Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun


pevalApplyTerm :: Term (a --> b) -> Term a -> Term b Source #

sbvApplyTerm :: SBVType (a --> b) -> SBVType a -> SBVType b Source #

(SupportedNonFuncPrim ca, LinkedRep ca sa, LinkedRep cb sb, SupportedPrim (ca --> cb)) => Solvable (ca --> cb) (sa -~> sb) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymGeneralFun


con :: (ca --> cb) -> sa -~> sb Source #

conView :: (sa -~> sb) -> Maybe (ca --> cb) Source #

sym :: Symbol -> sa -~> sb Source #

ssym :: Identifier -> sa -~> sb Source #

isym :: Identifier -> Int -> sa -~> sb Source #

ToCon (a --> b) (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.Core.Data.Class.ToCon


toCon :: (a --> b) -> Maybe (a --> b) Source #

(LinkedRep ca sa, LinkedRep cb sb) => ToCon (sa -~> sb) (ca --> cb) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.Core.Data.Class.ToCon


toCon :: (sa -~> sb) -> Maybe (ca --> cb) Source #

ToSym (a --> b) (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.Core.Data.Class.ToSym


toSym :: (a --> b) -> a --> b Source #

(SupportedPrim (ca --> cb), SupportedNonFuncPrim ca, LinkedRep ca sa, LinkedRep cb sb) => ToSym (ca --> cb) (sa -~> sb) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.Core.Data.Class.ToSym


toSym :: (ca --> cb) -> sa -~> sb Source #

(LinkedRep ca sa, LinkedRep cb sb, SupportedPrim cb, SupportedPrim (ca --> cb), SupportedNonFuncPrim ca) => LinkedRep (ca --> cb) (sa -~> sb) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymGeneralFun


underlyingTerm :: (sa -~> sb) -> Term (ca --> cb) Source #

wrapTerm :: Term (ca --> cb) -> sa -~> sb Source #

type FunType (ca --> ct) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun

type FunType (ca --> ct) = SymType ca -> FunType (SymType ct)
type PrimConstraint (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun

type SBVType (a --> b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.GeneralFun

type SBVType (a --> b) = SBV (NonFuncSBVBaseType a) -> SBVType b
type SymType (ca --> cb) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymGeneralFun

type SymType (ca --> cb) = SymType ca -~> SymType cb

buildGeneralFun :: forall a b. (SupportedNonFuncPrim a, SupportedPrim b) => TypedConstantSymbol a -> Term b -> a --> b Source #

Build a general symbolic function with a bounded symbol and a term.

generalSubstSomeTerm :: forall v. (forall a. TypedSymbol 'AnyKind a -> Term a) -> HashSet SomeTypedConstantSymbol -> Term v -> Term v Source #

General procedure for substituting symbols in a term.

substTerm :: forall knd a b. (SupportedPrim a, SupportedPrim b, IsSymbolKind knd) => TypedSymbol knd a -> Term a -> HashSet SomeTypedConstantSymbol -> Term b -> Term b Source #

Substitute a term for a symbol in a term.

freshArgSymbol :: forall a. SupportedNonFuncPrim a => [SomeTerm] -> TypedConstantSymbol a Source #

Generate a fresh argument symbol that is not used as bounded or unbounded variables in the function body for a general symbolic function.