groundhog-0.4.0: Type-safe datatype-database mapping library.

Safe HaskellNone



This module provides mechanism for flexible and typesafe usage of plain data values and fields. The expressions can used in conditions and right part of Update statement. Example:

 StringField ==. "abc" &&. NumberField >. (0 :: Int) ||. MaybeField ==. (Nothing :: Maybe String) ||. MaybeField ==. Just "def"

Note that polymorphic values like numbers or Nothing must have a type annotation



class Expression db r a whereSource

Instances of this type can be converted to UntypedExpr. It is useful for uniform manipulation over fields, constant values, etc.


toExpr :: a -> UntypedExpr db rSource


PurePersistField a => Expression db r a 
(PersistEntity v, IsUniqueKey k, ~ * k (Key v (Unique u)), ~ * (RestrictionHolder v c) r') => Expression db r' (u (UniqueMarker v)) 
(EntityConstr v c, ~ * (RestrictionHolder v c) r') => Expression db r' (AutoKeyField v c) 
(EntityConstr v c, PersistField a, ~ * (RestrictionHolder v c) r') => Expression db r' (SubField v c a) 
(EntityConstr v c, PersistField a, ~ * (RestrictionHolder v c) r') => Expression db r' (Field v c a) 
(PersistField a, ~ * db' db, ~ * r' r) => Expression db' r' (Expr db r a) 

class Unifiable a b Source


(Normalize bk a (ak, r), Normalize ak b (bk, r)) => Unifiable a b 
Unifiable a a 

class (Expression db r a, Unifiable a a') => ExpressionOf db r a a' Source

This helper class can make type signatures more concise


(Expression db r a, Unifiable a a') => ExpressionOf db r a a' 

(=.) :: (FieldLike f db r a', Expression db r b, Unifiable f b) => f -> b -> Update db rSource

Update field

(&&.) :: Cond db r -> Cond db r -> Cond db rSource

Boolean "and" operator.

(||.) :: Cond db r -> Cond db r -> Cond db rSource

Boolean "or" operator.

(==.) :: (Expression db r a, Expression db r b, Unifiable a b) => a -> b -> Cond db rSource

(/=.) :: (Expression db r a, Expression db r b, Unifiable a b) => a -> b -> Cond db rSource

(<.) :: (Expression db r a, Expression db r b, Unifiable a b) => a -> b -> Cond db rSource

(<=.) :: (Expression db r a, Expression db r b, Unifiable a b) => a -> b -> Cond db rSource

(>.) :: (Expression db r a, Expression db r b, Unifiable a b) => a -> b -> Cond db rSource

(>=.) :: (Expression db r a, Expression db r b, Unifiable a b) => a -> b -> Cond db rSource