gtk-0.13.9: Binding to the Gtk+ graphical user interface library.
Portabilityportable (depends on GHC)
Safe HaskellNone




Support for named paper sizes



PaperSize handles paper sizes. It uses the standard called "PWG 5101.1-2002 PWG: Standard for Media Standardized Names" to name the paper sizes (and to get the data for the page sizes). In addition to standard paper sizes, PaperSize allows to construct custom paper sizes with arbitrary dimensions.

The PaperSize object stores not only the dimensions (width and height) of a paper size and its name, it also provides default print margins.

Printing support has been added in Gtk+ 2.10.




paperSizeNew Source


:: GlibString string 
=> Maybe string

name - a paper size name, or Nothing

-> IO PaperSize 

Creates a new PaperSize object by parsing a PWG 5101.1-2002 paper name.

If name is Nothing, the default paper size is returned, see paperSizeGetDefault.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.10

paperSizeNewFromPpd Source


:: GlibString string 
=> string

ppdName - a PPD paper name

-> string

ppdDisplayName - the corresponding human-readable name

-> Double

width - the paper width, in points

-> Double

height - the paper height in points

-> IO PaperSize 

Creates a new PaperSize object by using PPD information.

If ppdName is not a recognized PPD paper name, ppdDisplayName, width and height are used to construct a custom PaperSize object.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.10

paperSizeNewCustom Source


:: GlibString string 
=> string

name - the paper name

-> string

displayName - the human-readable name

-> Double

width - the paper width, in units of unit

-> Double

height - the paper height, in units of unit

-> Unit

unit - the unit for width and height

-> IO PaperSize 

Creates a new PaperSize object with the given parameters.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.10


paperSizeCopy Source


:: PaperSize 
-> IO PaperSize

returns a copy of other

Copies an existing PaperSize.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.10

paperSizeIsEqual Source


:: PaperSize 
-> PaperSize

size2 - another PaperSize object

-> IO Bool

returns True, if size1 and size2 represent the same paper size

Compares two PaperSize objects.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.10

paperSizeGetName Source


:: GlibString string 
=> PaperSize 
-> IO string

returns the name of size

Gets the name of the PaperSize.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.10

paperSizeGetDisplayName Source


:: GlibString string 
=> PaperSize 
-> IO string

returns the human-readable name of size

Gets the human-readable name of the PaperSize.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.10

paperSizeGetPpdName Source


:: GlibString string 
=> PaperSize 
-> IO (Maybe string)

returns the PPD name of size, or Nothing

Gets the PPD name of the PaperSize, which may be

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.10

paperSizeGetWidth Source


:: PaperSize 
-> Unit

unit - the unit for the return value

-> IO Double

returns the paper width

Gets the paper width of the PaperSize, in units of unit.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.10

paperSizeGetHeight Source


:: PaperSize 
-> Unit

unit - the unit for the return value

-> IO Double

returns the paper height

Gets the paper height of the PaperSize, in units of unit.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.10

paperSizeIsCustom Source


:: PaperSize 
-> IO Bool

returns whether size is a custom paper size.

Returns True if size is not a standard paper size.

paperSizeSetSize Source


:: PaperSize 
-> Double

width - the new width in units of unit

-> Double

height - the new height in units of unit

-> Unit

unit - the unit for width and height

-> IO () 

Changes the dimensions of a size to width x height.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.10

paperSizeGetDefaultTopMargin Source


:: PaperSize 
-> Unit

unit - the unit for the return value

-> IO Double

returns the default top margin

Gets the default top margin for the PaperSize.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.10

paperSizeGetDefaultBottomMargin Source


:: PaperSize 
-> Unit

unit - the unit for the return value

-> IO Double

returns the default bottom margin

Gets the default bottom margin for the PaperSize.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.10

paperSizeGetDefaultLeftMargin Source


:: PaperSize 
-> Unit

unit - the unit for the return value

-> IO Double

returns the default left margin

Gets the default left margin for the PaperSize.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.10

paperSizeGetDefaultRightMargin Source


:: PaperSize 
-> Unit

unit - the unit for the return value

-> IO Double

returns the default right margin

Gets the default right margin for the PaperSize.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.10

paperSizeGetDefault Source


:: GlibString string 
=> IO string

returns the name of the default paper size.

Returns the name of the default paper size, which depends on the current locale.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.10

paperSizeGetPaperSizes Source


:: Bool

includeCustom - whether to include custom paper sizes as defined in the page setup dialog

-> IO [PaperSize] 

Creates a list of known paper sizes.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.12