--  Compiler Toolkit: compiler state management basics
--  Author : Manuel M. T. Chakravarty
--  Created: 7 November 97
--  Version $Revision: $
--  Copyright (C) [1997..1999] Manuel M. T. Chakravarty
--  This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
--  (at your option) any later version.
--  This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  GNU General Public License for more details.
--- DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------
--  This module provides basic types and services used to realize the state
--  management of the compiler.
--- DOCU ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--  language: Haskell 98
--  * The monad `PreCST' is an instance of `STB' where the base state is fixed.
--    However, the base state itself is parametrized by an extra state
--    component that can be instantiated by the compiler that uses the toolkit
--    (to store information like compiler switches) -- this is the reason for
--    adding the prefix `Pre'.
--  * The module exports the details of the `BaseState' etc as they have to be
--    know by `State'.  The latter ensures the necessary abstraction for
--    modules that do not belong to the state management.
--  * Due to this module, the state management modules can share internal
--    information about the data types hidden to the rest of the system.
--  * The following state components are maintained:
--    + idBS (triple of strings)        -- version, copyright, and disclaimer
--    + errorsBS (type `ErrorState')    -- keeps track of raised errors
--    + namesBS (type `NameSupply')     -- provides unique names
--    + extraBS (generic type)          -- extra compiler-dependent state
--                                         information, e.g., for compiler
--                                         switches
--- TODO ----------------------------------------------------------------------

module StateBase (PreCST(..), ErrorState(..), BaseState(..),
                  nop, yield, (+>=), (+>), fixCST,
                  unpackCST, readCST, writeCST, transCST, liftIO)

import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
import Control.Monad (liftM, ap)

import Position   (Position)
import UNames     (NameSupply)
import StateTrans (STB,
                   fixSTB, readGeneric, writeGeneric, transGeneric, readBase,
import qualified
       StateTrans (liftIO)
import Errors     (ErrorLvl(..), Error)

infixr 1 +>=, +>

-- state used in the whole compiler
-- --------------------------------

-- form of the error state
--  * when no error was raised yet, the error level is the lowest possible one
data ErrorState = ErrorState ErrorLvl    -- worst error level that was raised
                             Int         -- number of errors (excl warnings)
                             [Error]     -- already raised errors

-- base state (EXPORTED)
data BaseState e = BaseState {
                     idTKBS     :: (String, String, String),  -- toolkit id
                     idBS       :: (String, String, String),  -- compiler id
                     errorsBS   :: ErrorState,
                     suppliesBS :: [NameSupply],
                     extraBS    :: e                          -- extra state

-- the compiler state transformer (EXPORTED)

newtype PreCST e s a = CST (STB (BaseState e) s a)

instance Functor (PreCST e s) where
  fmap = liftM

instance Applicative (PreCST e s) where
  pure  = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad (PreCST e s) where
  return = yield
  (>>=)  = (+>=)
  (>>)   = (+>)

-- unwrapper coercion function (EXPORTED)
unpackCST   :: PreCST e s a -> STB (BaseState e) s a
unpackCST m  = let CST m' = m in m'

-- monad operations
-- ----------------

-- the monad's unit
yield   :: a -> PreCST e s a
yield a  = CST $ return a

-- the monad's bind
(+>=)   :: PreCST e s a -> (a -> PreCST e s b) -> PreCST e s b
m +>= k  = CST $ unpackCST m >>= (\a -> unpackCST (k a))

-- bind dropping the result of the first state transfomer
(+>)   :: PreCST e s a -> PreCST e s b -> PreCST e s b
k +> m  = k +>= const m

-- unit with no result
nop :: PreCST e s ()
nop  = yield ()

-- fixpoint combinator in the monad (EXPORTED)
fixCST   :: (a -> PreCST e s a) -> PreCST e s a
fixCST m  = CST $ fixSTB (unpackCST . m)

-- generic state manipulation
-- --------------------------

-- given a reader function for the state, wrap it into an CST monad (EXPORTED)
readCST   :: (s -> a) -> PreCST e s a
readCST f  = CST $ readGeneric f

-- given a new state, inject it into an CST monad (EXPORTED)
writeCST    :: s -> PreCST e s ()
writeCST s'  = CST $ writeGeneric s'

-- given a transformer function for the state, wrap it into an CST monad
transCST   :: (s -> (s, a)) -> PreCST e s a
transCST f  = CST $ transGeneric f

-- interaction with the encapsulated `IO' monad
-- --------------------------------------------

-- lifts an `IO' state transformer into `CST'
liftIO   :: IO a -> PreCST e s a
liftIO m  = CST $ (StateTrans.liftIO m)