--  The HiPar Toolkit: state transformer routines
--  Author : Manuel M. T. Chakravarty
--  Created: 3 March 95
--  Version $Revision: $ from $Date: 2004/11/13 16:42:45 $
--  Copyright (C) [1995..1999] Manuel M. T. Chakravarty
--  This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
--  (at your option) any later version.
--  This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  GNU General Public License for more details.
--- DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------
--  This module provides basic support for the use of state transformers.
--  The state transformer is build around the `IO' monad to allow the
--  manipulation of external state. It encapsulated two separate states with
--  the intention to use the first one for the omnipresent compiler state
--  consisting of the accumulated error messages etc. and to use the second as
--  a generic component that can be used in different ways by the different
--  phases of the compiler.
--  The module also supports the use of exceptions and fatal errors.
--- DOCU ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--  language: Haskell 98
--  * We explicitly do not use any names for the monad types and functions
--    that are used by either Haskell's `IO' monad or GHC's `ST' monad.  Since
--    Haskell 1.4, `STB' is an instance of the `Monad' constructor class.
--  * To integrate the Haskell prelude `IO' monad into our `STB' monad we use
--    the technique from ``Composing monads'' by Mark P. Jones and Luc
--    Duponcheel (Report YALEU/DCS/RR-1004) from 1993, Section 8.
--  * The use of GHC's inplace-update goodies within monads of kind `STB' is
--    possible, bacause `IO' is based on `ST' in the GHC.
--  * In the following, we call the two kinds of state managed by the `STB' the
--    base state (the omnipresent state of the compiler) and generic state.
--  * `STB' is a newtype, which requires careful wrapping and unwrapping of its
--    values in the following definitions.
--- TODO ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--  * with constructor classes, the state transformer business can be made
--    more elegant (they weren't around when this module was initially written)
--  * it would be possible to maintain the already applied changes to the base
--    and generic state even in the case of a fatal error, when in `listIO'
--    every IO operation is encapsulated into a handler that transforms IO
--    errors into exceptions

module StateTrans (-- the monad and the generic operations
                   STB, fixSTB,
                   -- monad specific operations
                   readBase, writeBase, transBase, readGeneric, writeGeneric,
                   transGeneric, liftIO, runSTB, interleave,
                   -- exception handling and fatal errors
                   throwExc, fatal, catchExc, fatalsHandledBy,
                   -- mutable variables and arrays
                   MVar, newMV, readMV, assignMV)

import Prelude hiding     (catch)

import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
import Control.Monad      (liftM, ap)
import Control.Exception  (catch)
import System.IO  (fixIO)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)

import Errors (interr)

infixr 1 +>=, +>

-- BEWARE! You enter monad country. Read any of Wadler's or
-- Launchbury/Peyton-Jones' texts before entering. Otherwise,
-- your mental health my be in danger.  You have been warned!

-- state transformer base and its monad operations
-- -----------------------------------------------

-- the generic form of a state transformer using the external state represented
-- by `IO'; `STB' is a abbreviation for state transformer base
-- the first state component `bs' is provided for the omnipresent compiler
-- state and the, second, `gs' for the generic component
-- the third component of the result distinguishes between erroneous and
-- successful computations where
--   `Left (tag, msg)' -- stands for an exception identified by `tag' with
--                        error message `msg', and
--   `Right a'         -- is a successfully delivered result

newtype STB bs gs a = STB (bs -> gs -> IO (bs, gs, Either (String, String) a))

instance Functor (STB bs gs) where
  fmap = liftM

instance Applicative (STB bs gs) where
  pure  = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad (STB bs gs) where
  return = yield
  (>>=)  = (+>=)
  (>>)   = (+>)

-- the monad's unit
yield   :: a -> STB bs gs a
yield a  = STB $ \bs gs -> return (bs, gs, Right a)

-- the monad's bind
--  * exceptions are propagated
(+>=)   :: STB bs gs a -> (a -> STB bs gs b) -> STB bs gs b
m +>= k  = let
             STB m' = m
           STB $ \bs gs -> m' bs gs >>= \(bs', gs', res) ->
                     case res of
                       Left  exc -> return (bs', gs', Left exc)  -- prop exc
                       Right a   -> let
                                      STB k' = k a
                                    k' bs' gs'                   -- cont

-- bind dropping the result of the first state transfomer
(+>)   :: STB bs gs a -> STB bs gs b -> STB bs gs b
k +> m  = k +>= const m

-- fixpoint combinator in the monad
fixSTB   :: (a -> STB bs gs a) -> STB bs gs a
-- builds on the fixpoint combinator embedded within the IO monad; the
-- future overall result wrapped into a closure with the function extracting
-- the user-level result component is used to build the cycle
fixSTB m  = STB $ \bs gs
                  -> fixIO (\future -> let
                                         STB m' = m (extractResult future)
                                       m' bs gs)
              extractResult (_, _, Right r) = r
              extractResult (_, _, Left _ ) = interr "StateTrans: fixSTB: \
                                                     \Tried to access result \
                                                     \of unsuccessful \
                                                     \recursive computation!"

-- generic state manipulation
-- --------------------------

-- base state:

-- given a reader function for the base state, wrap it into an STB monad
readBase   :: (bs -> a) -> STB bs gs a
readBase f  = STB $ \bs gs -> return (bs, gs, Right (f bs))

-- given a new base state, inject it into an STB monad
writeBase     :: bs -> STB bs gs ()
writeBase bs'  = STB $ \_ gs -> return (bs', gs, Right ())

-- given a transformer function for the base state, wrap it into an STB monad
transBase   :: (bs -> (bs, a)) -> STB bs gs a
transBase f  = STB $ \bs gs -> let
                                 (bs', a) = f bs
                                 return (bs', gs, Right a)

-- generic state:

-- given a reader function for the generic state, wrap it into an STB monad
readGeneric   :: (gs -> a) -> STB bs gs a
readGeneric f  = STB $ \bs gs -> return (bs, gs, Right (f gs))

-- given a new generic state, inject it into an STB monad
writeGeneric     :: gs -> STB bs gs ()
writeGeneric gs'  = STB $ \bs _ -> return (bs, gs', Right ())

-- given a transformer function for the generic state, wrap it into an STB
-- monad
transGeneric   :: (gs -> (gs, a)) -> STB bs gs a
transGeneric f  = STB $ \bs gs -> let
                                    (gs', a) = f gs
                                  return (bs, gs', Right a)

-- interaction with the encapsulated `IO' monad
-- --------------------------------------------

-- lifts an `IO' state transformer into `STB'
liftIO   :: IO a -> STB bs gs a
liftIO m  = STB $ \bs gs -> m >>= \r -> return (bs, gs, Right r)

-- given an initial state, executes the `STB' state transformer yielding an
-- `IO' state transformer that must be placed into the context of the external
-- IO
--  * uncaught exceptions become fatal errors
runSTB         :: STB bs gs a -> bs -> gs -> IO a
runSTB m bs gs  = let
                    STB m' = m
                  m' bs gs >>= \(_, _, res) ->
                  case res of
                    Left  (tag, msg) -> let
                                          err = userError ("Exception `"
                                                           ++ tag ++ "': "
                                                           ++ msg)
                                        ioError err
                    Right a          -> return a

-- interleave the (complete) execution of an `STB' with another generic state
-- component into an `STB'
interleave :: STB bs gs' a -> gs' -> STB bs gs a
interleave m gs' = STB $ let
                           STB m' = m
                         \bs gs
                         -> (m' bs gs' >>= \(bs', _, a) -> return (bs', gs, a))

-- error and exception handling
-- ----------------------------

--  * we exploit the `UserError' component of `IOError' for fatal errors
--  * we distinguish exceptions and user-defined fatal errors
--   - exceptions are meant to be caught in order to recover the currently
--     executed operation; they turn into fatal errors if they are not caught;
--     execeptions are tagged, which allows to deal with multiple kinds of
--     execeptions at the same time and to handle them differently
--   - user-defined fatal errors abort the currently executed operation, but
--     they may be caught at the top-level in order to terminate gracefully or
--     to invoke another operation; there is no special support for different
--     handling of different kinds of fatal-errors
--  * the costs for fatal error handling are already incurred by the `IO' monad;
--   the costs for exceptions mainly is the case distinction in the definition
--   of `+>='

-- throw an exception with the given tag and message (EXPORTED)
throwExc         :: String -> String -> STB bs gs a
throwExc tag msg  = STB $ \bs gs -> return (bs, gs, Left (tag, msg))

-- raise a fatal user-defined error (EXPORTED)
--  * such an error my be caught and handled using `fatalsHandeledBy'
fatal   :: String -> STB bs gs a
fatal s  = liftIO (ioError (userError s))

-- the given state transformer is executed and exceptions with the given tag
-- are caught using the provided handler, which expects to get the exception
-- message (EXPORTED)
--  * the base and generic state observed by the exception handler is *modified*
--   by the failed state transformer upto the point where the exception was
--   thrown (this semantics is the only reasonable when it should be possible
--   to use updating for maintaining the state)
catchExc                  :: STB bs gs a
                          -> (String, String -> STB bs gs a)
                          -> STB bs gs a
catchExc m (tag, handler)  =
  STB $ \bs gs
        -> let
             STB m' = m
           m' bs gs >>= \state@(bs', gs', res) ->
           case res of
             Left (tag', msg) -> if (tag == tag')       -- exception with...
                                     STB handler' = handler msg
                                   handler' bs' gs'     -- correct tag, catch
                                   return state         -- wrong tag, rethrow
             Right _          -> return state           -- no exception

-- given a state transformer that may raise fatal errors and an error handler
-- for fatal errors, execute the state transformer and apply the error handler
-- when a fatal error occurs (EXPORTED)
--  * fatal errors are IO monad errors and errors raised by `fatal' as well as
--   uncaught exceptions
--  * the base and generic state observed by the error handler is *in contrast
--   to `catch'* the state *before* the state transformer is applied
fatalsHandledBy :: STB bs gs a -> (IOError -> STB bs gs a) -> STB bs gs a
fatalsHandledBy m handler  =
  STB $ \bs gs
        -> (let
              STB m' = m
            m' bs gs >>= \state@(gs', bs', res) ->
            case res of
              Left  (tag, msg) -> let
                                    err = userError ("Exception `" ++ tag
                                                     ++ "': " ++ msg)
                                  ioError err
              Right a          -> return state
            `catch` (\err -> let
                               STB handler' = handler err
                             handler' bs gs)

-- list mutable variables and arrays stuff into `STB'; all (EXPORTED)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------

type MVar a   = IORef a

newMV   :: a -> STB bs gs (MVar a)
newMV x  = liftIO (newIORef x)

readMV    :: MVar a -> STB bs gs a
readMV mv  = liftIO (readIORef mv)

assignMV      :: MVar a -> a -> STB bs gs ()
assignMV mv x  = liftIO (writeIORef mv x)