gtksourceview2- Binding to the GtkSourceView library.
Portabilityportable (depends on GHC)
Safe HaskellNone







SourceView is the main object of the gtksourceview library. It provides a text view which syntax highlighting, undo/redo and text marks. Use a SourceBuffer to display text with a SourceView.




sourceViewNew :: IO SourceView Source

Create a new SourceView widget with a default SourceBuffer.

sourceViewSetAutoIndent Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> Bool

enable whether to enable auto indentation.

-> IO () 

If True auto indentation of text is enabled.

sourceViewGetAutoIndent Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> IO Bool

returns True if auto indentation is enabled.

Returns whether auto indentation of text is enabled.

sourceViewSetIndentOnTab Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> Bool

enable whether to indent a block when tab is pressed.

-> IO () 

If True, when the tab key is pressed and there is a selection, the selected text is indented of one level instead of being replaced with the t characters. Shift+Tab unindents the selection.

sourceViewGetIndentOnTab Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> IO Bool

returns True if the selection is indented when tab is pressed.

Returns whether when the tab key is pressed the current selection should get indented instead of replaced with the t character.

sourceViewSetIndentWidth Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> Int

width indent width in characters.

-> IO () 

Sets the number of spaces to use for each step of indent. If width is -1, the value of the tabWidth property will be used.

sourceViewGetIndentWidth Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> IO Int

returns indent width.

Returns the number of spaces to use for each step of indent. See sourceViewSetIndentWidth for details.

sourceViewSetInsertSpacesInsteadOfTabs Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> Bool

enable whether to insert spaces instead of tabs.

-> IO () 

If True any tabulator character inserted is replaced by a group of space characters.

sourceViewGetInsertSpacesInsteadOfTabs Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> IO Bool

returns True if spaces are inserted instead of tabs.

Returns whether when inserting a tabulator character it should be replaced by a group of space characters.

sourceViewSetSmartHomeEnd Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> SourceSmartHomeEndType

smartHe the desired behavior among SourceSmartHomeEndType.

-> IO () 

Set the desired movement of the cursor when HOME and END keys are pressed.

sourceViewGetSmartHomeEnd Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> IO SourceSmartHomeEndType

returns a SourceSmartHomeEndTypeend value.

Returns a SourceSmartHomeEndType end value specifying how the cursor will move when HOME and END keys are pressed.

sourceViewSetMarkCategoryPriority Source


:: (SourceViewClass sv, GlibString string) 
=> sv 
-> string

category a mark category.

-> Int

priority the priority for the category

-> IO () 

Set the priority for the given mark category. When there are multiple marks on the same line, marks of categories with higher priorities will be drawn on top.

sourceViewGetMarkCategoryPriority Source


:: (SourceViewClass sv, GlibString string) 
=> sv 
-> string

category a mark category.

-> IO Int

returns the priority or if category exists but no priority was set, it defaults to 0.

Gets the priority which is associated with the given category.

sourceViewSetMarkCategoryIconFromPixbuf Source


:: (SourceViewClass sv, GlibString string) 
=> sv 
-> string

category a mark category.

-> Maybe Pixbuf

pixbuf a Pixbuf or Nothing.

-> IO () 

Sets the icon to be used for category to pixbuf. If pixbuf is Nothing, the icon is unset.

sourceViewSetMarkCategoryIconFromStock Source


:: (SourceViewClass sv, GlibString string) 
=> sv 
-> string

category a mark category.

-> Maybe string

stockId the stock id or Nothing.

-> IO () 

Sets the icon to be used for category to the stock item stockId. If stockId is Nothing, the icon is unset.

sourceViewSetMarkCategoryIconFromIconName Source


:: (SourceViewClass sv, GlibString string) 
=> sv 
-> string

category a mark category.

-> Maybe string

name the themed icon name or Nothing.

-> IO () 

Sets the icon to be used for category to the named theme item name. If name is Nothing, the icon is unset.

sourceViewSetMarkCategoryBackground Source


:: (SourceViewClass sv, GlibString string) 
=> sv 
-> string

category a mark category.

-> Maybe Color

color background color or Nothing to unset it.

-> IO () 

Sets given background color for mark category. If color is Nothing, the background color is unset.

sourceViewGetMarkCategoryBackground Source


:: (SourceViewClass sv, GlibString string) 
=> sv 
-> string

category a mark category.

-> Color

dest destination Color structure to fill in.

-> IO Bool

returns True if background color for category was set and dest is set to a valid color, or False otherwise.

Gets the background color associated with given category.

sourceViewSetHighlightCurrentLine Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> Bool

show whether to highlight the current line

-> IO () 

If show is True the current line is highlighted.

sourceViewGetHighlightCurrentLine Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> IO Bool

returns True if the current line is highlighted.

Returns whether the current line is highlighted

sourceViewSetShowLineMarks Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> Bool

show whether line marks should be displayed.

-> IO () 

If True line marks will be displayed beside the text.

sourceViewGetShowLineMarks Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> IO Bool

returns True if the line marks are displayed.

Returns whether line marks are displayed beside the text.

sourceViewSetShowLineNumbers Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> Bool

show whether line numbers should be displayed.

-> IO () 

If True line numbers will be displayed beside the text.

sourceViewGetShowLineNumbers Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> IO Bool

returns True if the line numbers are displayed.

Returns whether line numbers are displayed beside the text.

sourceViewSetShowRightMargin Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> Bool

show whether to show a right margin.

-> IO () 

If True a right margin is displayed

sourceViewGetShowRightMargin Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> IO Bool

returns True if the right margin is shown.

Returns whether a right margin is displayed.

sourceViewSetRightMarginPosition Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> Word

pos the width in characters where to position the right margin.

-> IO () 

Sets the position of the right margin in the given view.

sourceViewGetRightMarginPosition Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> IO Int

returns the position of the right margin.

Gets the position of the right margin in the given view.

sourceViewSetTabWidth Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> Int

width width of tab in characters.

-> IO () 

Sets the width of tabulation in characters.

sourceViewGetTabWidth Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> IO Int

returns width of tab.

Returns the width of tabulation in characters.

sourceViewSetDrawSpaces Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> [SourceDrawSpacesFlags]

flags SourceDrawSpacesFlags specifing how white spaces should be displayed

-> IO () 

Set if and how the spaces should be visualized. Specifying flags as [] will disable display of spaces.

sourceViewGetDrawSpaces Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> IO [SourceDrawSpacesFlags]

returns the SourceDrawSpacesFlags, [] if no spaces should be drawn.

Returns the SourceDrawSpacesFlags specifying if and how spaces should be displayed for this view.

sourceViewGetGutter Source


:: SourceViewClass sv 
=> sv 
-> TextWindowType

windowType the gutter window type

-> IO SourceGutter 

Returns the SourceGutter object associated with windowType for view. Only TextWindowLeft and TextWindowRight are supported, respectively corresponding to the left and right gutter. The line numbers and mark category icons are rendered in the gutter corresponding to TextWindowLeft.


sourceViewAutoIndent :: SourceViewClass sv => Attr sv Bool Source

Whether to enable auto indentation.

Default value: False

sourceViewCompletion :: SourceViewClass sv => ReadAttr sv SourceCompletion Source

The completion object associated with the view.

sourceViewDrawSpaces :: SourceViewClass sv => Attr sv [SourceDrawSpacesFlags] Source

Set if and how the spaces should be visualized.

sourceViewHighlightCurrentLine :: SourceViewClass sv => Attr sv Bool Source

Whether to highlight the current line.

Default value: False

sourceViewIndentOnTab :: SourceViewClass sv => Attr sv Bool Source

Whether to indent the selected text when the tab key is pressed.

Default value: True

sourceViewIndentWidth :: SourceViewClass sv => Attr sv Int Source

Width of an indentation step expressed in number of spaces.

Allowed values: [GMaxulong,32]

Default value: -1

sourceViewInsertSpacesInsteadOfTabs :: SourceViewClass sv => Attr sv Bool Source

Whether to insert spaces instead of tabs.

Default value: False

sourceViewRightMarginPosition :: SourceViewClass sv => Attr sv Int Source

Position of the right margin.

Allowed values: [1,200]

Default value: 80

sourceViewShowLineNumbers :: SourceViewClass sv => Attr sv Bool Source

Whether to display line numbers

Default value: False

sourceViewShowRightMargin :: SourceViewClass sv => Attr sv Bool Source

Whether to display line mark pixbufs

Default value: False

sourceViewSmartHomeEnd :: SourceViewClass sv => Attr sv SourceSmartHomeEndType Source

Set the behavior of the HOME and END keys.

Default value: SourceSmartHomeEndDisabled

Since 2.0

sourceViewTabWidth :: SourceViewClass sv => Attr sv Int Source

Width of an tab character expressed in number of spaces.

Allowed values: [1,32]

Default value: 8


sourceViewMoveLines :: SourceViewClass sv => Signal sv (Bool -> Int -> IO ()) Source

The moveLines signal is a keybinding which gets emitted when the user initiates moving a line. The default binding key is Alt+Up/Down arrow. And moves the currently selected lines, or the current line by count. For the moment, only count of -1 or 1 is valid.

sourceViewShowCompletion :: SourceViewClass sv => Signal sv (IO ()) Source

The showCompletion signal is a keybinding signal which gets emitted when the user initiates a completion in default mode.

Applications should not connect to it, but may emit it with gSignalEmitByName if they need to control the default mode completion activation.

sourceViewLineMarkActivated :: SourceViewClass sv => Signal sv (TextIter -> EventM EAny ()) Source

Emitted when a line mark has been activated (for instance when there was a button press in the line marks gutter). You can use iter to determine on which line the activation took place.
