gtksourceview2- Binding to the GtkSourceView library.
Portabilityportable (depends on GHC)
Safe HaskellNone








sourceCompletionAddProvider Source


:: SourceCompletionClass sc 
=> sc 
-> SourceCompletionProvider 
-> IO Bool

returns True if provider was successfully added, otherwise if error is provided, it will be set with the error and

Add a new SourceCompletionProvider to the completion object. This will add a reference provider, so make sure to unref your own copy when you no longer need it.

sourceCompletionRemoveProvider Source


:: SourceCompletionClass sc 
=> sc 
-> SourceCompletionProvider 
-> IO Bool

returns True if provider was successfully removed, otherwise if error is provided, it will be set with the error and

Remove provider from the completion.

sourceCompletionGetProviders :: SourceCompletionClass sc => sc -> IO [SourceCompletionProvider] Source

Get list of providers registered on completion. The returned list is owned by the completion and should not be freed.

sourceCompletionShow Source


:: SourceCompletionClass sc 
=> sc 
-> [SourceCompletionProvider]

providers A list of SourceCompletionProvider

-> SourceCompletionContext

context The SourceCompletionContext with which to start the completion

-> IO Bool

returns True if it was possible to the show completion window.

Starts a new completion with the specified SourceCompletionContext and a list of potential candidate providers for completion.

sourceCompletionHide :: SourceCompletionClass sc => sc -> IO () Source

Hides the completion if it is active (visible).

sourceCompletionGetInfoWindow :: SourceCompletionClass sc => sc -> IO SourceCompletionInfo Source

The info widget is the window where the completion displays optional extra information of the proposal.

sourceCompletionCreateContext :: SourceCompletionClass sc => sc -> Maybe TextIter -> IO SourceCompletionContext Source

Create a new SourceCompletionContext for completion. The position at which the completion using the new context will consider completion can be provider by position. If position is Nothing, the current cursor position will be used.

sourceCompletionMoveWindow :: SourceCompletionClass sc => sc -> TextIter -> IO () Source

Move the completion window to a specific iter.

sourceCompletionBlockInteractive :: SourceCompletionClass sc => sc -> IO () Source

Block interactive completion. This can be used to disable interactive completion when inserting or deleting text from the buffer associated with the completion. Use sourceCompletionUnblockInteractive to enable interactive completion again.

sourceCompletionUnblockInteractive :: SourceCompletionClass sc => sc -> IO () Source

Unblock interactive completion. This can be used after using sourceCompletionBlockInteractive to enable interactive completion again.


sourceCompletionAccelerators :: SourceCompletionClass sc => Attr sc Int Source

Number of accelerators to show for the first proposals.

Allowed values: <= 10

Default value: 5

sourceCompletionAutoCompleteDelay :: SourceCompletionClass sc => Attr sc Int Source

Determines the popup delay (in milliseconds) at which the completion will be shown for interactive completion.

Default value: 250

sourceCompletionProposalPageSize :: SourceCompletionClass sc => Attr sc Int Source

The scroll page size of the proposals in the completion window.

Allowed values: >= 1

Default value: 5

sourceCompletionProviderPageSize :: SourceCompletionClass sc => Attr sc Int Source

The scroll page size of the provider pages in the completion window.

Allowed values: >= 1

Default value: 5

sourceCompletionRememberInfoVisibility :: SourceCompletionClass sc => Attr sc Bool Source

Determines whether the visibility of the info window should be saved when the completion is hidden, and restored when the completion is shown again.

Default value: False

sourceCompletionSelectOnShow :: SourceCompletionClass sc => Attr sc Bool Source

Determines whether the first proposal should be selected when the completion is first shown.

Default value: True

sourceCompletionShowHeaders :: SourceCompletionClass sc => Attr sc Bool Source

Determines whether provider headers should be shown in the proposal list if there is more than one provider with proposals.

Default value: True

sourceCompletionShowIcons :: SourceCompletionClass sc => Attr sc Bool Source

Determines whether provider and proposal icons should be shown in the completion popup.

Default value: True

sourceCompletionView :: SourceCompletionClass sc => Attr sc SourceView Source

The SourceView bound to the completion object.


sourceCompletionActivateProposal :: SourceCompletionClass sc => Signal sc (IO ()) Source

The activateProposal signal is a keybinding signal which gets emitted when the user initiates a proposal activation.

Applications should not connect to it, but may emit it with gSignalEmitByName if they need to control the proposal activation programmatically.

sourceCompletionHideSignal :: SourceCompletionClass sc => Signal sc (IO ()) Source

Emitted when the completion window is hidden. The default handler will actually hide the window.

sourceCompletionMoveCursor :: SourceCompletionClass sc => Signal sc (ScrollStep -> Int -> IO ()) Source

The moveCursor signal is a keybinding signal which gets emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement.

Applications should not connect to it, but may emit it with gSignalEmitByName if they need to control the cursor programmatically.

sourceCompletionMovePage :: SourceCompletionClass sc => Signal sc (ScrollStep -> Int -> IO ()) Source

The movePage signal is a keybinding signal which gets emitted when the user initiates a page movement (i.e. switches between provider pages).

Applications should not connect to it, but may emit it with gSignalEmitByName if they need to control the page selection programmatically.

sourceCompletionPopulateContext :: SourceCompletionClass sc => Signal sc (SourceCompletionContext -> IO ()) Source

Emitted just before starting to populate the completion with providers. You can use this signal to add additional attributes in the context.

sourceCompletionShowSignal :: SourceCompletionClass sc => Signal sc (IO ()) Source

Emitted when the completion window is shown. The default handler will actually show the window.