hMollom-0.2.2: Library to interact with the Mollom anti-spam serviceSource codeContentsIndex
Interface to the Mollom API
getServerList :: MollomMonad [String]
checkContent :: Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> MollomMonad [(String, MollomValue)]
sendFeedback :: String -> MollomMonad Bool
getImageCaptcha :: Maybe String -> MollomMonad [(String, MollomValue)]
getAudioCaptcha :: Maybe String -> MollomMonad [(String, MollomValue)]
checkCaptcha :: String -> Maybe String -> MollomMonad Bool
getStatistics :: String -> MollomMonad Int
verifyKey :: MollomMonad Bool
detectLanguage :: String -> MollomMonad [[(String, MollomValue)]]
addBlacklistText :: String -> String -> String -> MollomMonad Bool
removeBlacklistText :: String -> MollomMonad Bool
listBlacklistText :: MollomMonad [[(String, MollomValue)]]
addBlacklistURL :: String -> MollomMonad Bool
removeBlacklistURL :: String -> MollomMonad Bool
listBlacklistURL :: MollomMonad [[(String, MollomValue)]]
data MollomConfiguration = MollomConfiguration {
mcPublicKey :: String
mcPrivateKey :: String
mcAPIVersion :: String
data MollomValue
= MInt Int
| MBool Bool
| MDouble Double
| MString String
getServerList :: MollomMonad [String]Source
request a list of Mollom servers that can handle a site's calls.
:: Maybe StringCurrent session ID
-> Maybe StringTitle of submitted post
-> Maybe StringBody of submitted post
-> Maybe StringSubmitting user's name or nick
-> Maybe StringSubmitting user's URL
-> Maybe StringSubmitting user's email address
-> Maybe StringSubmitting user's openID
-> Maybe StringSubmitting user's current IP
-> Maybe StringSubmitting user's unique site ID
-> MollomMonad [(String, MollomValue)]The monad in which the function is executing
asks Mollom whether the specified message is legitimate.
:: Stringfeedback: spam, profanity, low-quality or unwanted
-> MollomMonad Boolalways returns true
tells Mollom that the specified message was spam or otherwise abusive.
:: Maybe Stringauthor IP address
-> MollomMonad [(String, MollomValue)]session ID and CAPTCHA url
requests Mollom to generate a image CAPTCHA.
:: Maybe Stringauthor IP address
-> MollomMonad [(String, MollomValue)]
requests Mollom to generate an audio CAPTCHA
:: Stringsolution to the CAPTCHA
-> Maybe Stringauthor IP address
-> MollomMonad Bool
requests Mollom to verify the result of a CAPTCHA.
:: Stringtype of statistics demanded total_days  Number of days Mollom has been used. total_accepted  Total accepted posts. total_rejected  Total rejected spam posts. yesterday_accepted  Number of posts accepted yesterday. yesterday_rejected  Number of spam posts blocked yesterday. today_accepted  Number of posts accepted today. today_rejected  Number of spam posts rejected today.
-> MollomMonad IntValue of requested statistic
retrieves usage statistics from Mollom.
:: MollomMonad BoolAlways returns True
return a status value.
:: Stringtext to analyse
-> MollomMonad [[(String, MollomValue)]]list of (language, confidence) tuples
analyze text and return its most likely language code.
:: Stringtext to blacklist
-> Stringmatch used to search for the text, either exact or contains
-> Stringreason: spam, profanity, low-quality, or unwanted
-> MollomMonad Boolalways returns True
add text to your site's custom text blacklist.
:: Stringtext to blacklist
-> MollomMonad Boolalways returns True
remove text from your site's custom text blacklist.
:: MollomMonad [[(String, MollomValue)]]List of the current blacklisted URLs for the website corresponding to the public and private keypair
return the contents of your site's custom text blacklist.
:: StringURL to be added to custom URL blacklist for the website identified by the public and private keypair
-> MollomMonad Boolalways returns True
add a URL to your site's custom URL blacklist.
:: StringURL to be removed from the custom URL blacklist for the website identified by the public and private keypair
-> MollomMonad Boolalways returns True
remove a URL from your site's custom URL blacklist.
:: MollomMonad [[(String, MollomValue)]]List of the current blacklisted URLs for the website corresponding to the public and private keypair
return the contents of your site's custom URL blacklist.
data MollomConfiguration Source
mcPublicKey :: String
mcPrivateKey :: String
mcAPIVersion :: String
show/hide Instances
data MollomValue Source
MInt Int
MBool Bool
MDouble Double
MString String
show/hide Instances
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