Readme for hack-2009.4.21

Hack: a sexy Haskell Webserver Interface

Hack is a lazy port of Rack: the ruby webserver interface.

What does a hack app look like

module Main where

import Hack
import Hack.Handler.Kibro

hello :: Application
hello = \env -> return $ Response 
    { status  = 200
    , headers = [ ("Content-Type", "text/plain") ]
    , body    = "Hello World"

main = run hello

1 minute tutorial

Install Hack

cabal install hack

Install Kibro (the only handler at the moment)

cabal install kibro

Install lighttpd 1.4.19 (used by kibro)

tar zxfv lighttpd-1.4.19.tar.gz
cd lighttpd-1.4.19
./configure --prefix=$HOME
make install

Create a new Kibro project

kibro new hello-world

Test if Kibro works

cd hello-world
kibro start

Create our hack app

put the following code in src/Main.hs

module Main where

import Hack
import Hack.Handler.Kibro

hello :: Application
hello = \env -> return $ Response 
    { status  = 200
    , headers = [ ("Content-Type", "text/plain") ]
    , body    = "Hello World"

main = run hello

restart kibro

kibro restart

demo usage of middle-ware

import Hack.SimpleRoute
import Hack.Utils

hello :: Application
hello = \env -> def {body =} .return

app :: Application
app = route [("/hello", hello), ("", hello)] empty_app

main = run app

make a middle-ware

inside Hack.hs:

type MiddleWare = Application -> Application

since Haskell has curry, middle-ware api can be of type

Params -> Application -> Application

just pass an applied middle-ware into a chain.