hails-0.1.1: IFC enforcing web platform framework

Safe HaskellTrustworthy




This module exports a safe subset of the labeled BSON (LBSON) module. See Hails.Data.LBson.TCB for documentation.


UTF-8 String


type Document l = [Field l]Source

A LBSON document is a list of Fields

look :: (Monad m, Label l) => Key -> Document l -> m (Value l)Source

Value of field in document, or fail (Nothing) if field not found

lookup :: (Val l v, Monad m, Label l) => Key -> Document l -> m vSource

Lookup value of field in document and cast to expected type. Fail (Nothing) if field not found or value not of expected type.

valueAt :: Label l => Key -> [Field l] -> Value lSource

Value of field in document. Error if missing.

at :: forall v l. (Val l v, Label l) => Key -> Document l -> vSource

Typed value of field in document. Error if missing or wrong type.

include :: Label l => [Key] -> Document l -> Document lSource

Only include fields of document in key list

exclude :: Label l => [Key] -> Document l -> Document lSource

Exclude fields from document in key list

merge :: Label l => Document l -> Document l -> Document lSource

Merge documents with preference given to first one when both have the same key. I.e. for every (k := v) in first argument, if k exists in second argument then replace its value with v, otherwise add (k := v) to second argument.


data Field l Source

A Field is a 'Key'-'Value' pair.




key :: !Key
value :: Value l


Typeable1 Field 
(LabelState l p s, Serialize l) => Insert l p s (Document l) 
(LabelState l p s, Serialize l, Insert l p s (Document l)) => Insert l p s (Labeled l (Document l)) 
Label l => Eq (Field l) 
Label l => Show (Field l) 
(Serialize l, Label l) => BsonDocSerialize (Document l) 

(=:) :: (Val l v, Label l) => Key -> v -> Field lSource

Field with given label and typed value

(=?) :: (Val l a, Label l) => Key -> Maybe a -> Document lSource

If Just value then return one field document, otherwise return empty document

type Key = LabelSource

A Key, or attribute is a BSON label.

hailsInternalKeyPrefix :: KeySource

This prefix is reserved for HAILS keys. It should not be used by arbitrary code.


data Value l Source

A Value is either a standard BSON value, a labeled value, or a policy-labeled value.


Typeable1 Value 
Label l => Val l (Value l)

Every Value is a Val.

Label l => Eq (Value l)

Instance for Eq, only comparing unlabeled BSON values.

Label l => Show (Value l)

Instance for Show, only showing unlabeled BSON values.

class (Typeable a, Show a, Eq a, Label l) => Val l a whereSource

Haskell types of this class correspond to LBSON value types.


val :: a -> Value lSource

cast' :: Value l -> Maybe aSource


(Val a, Label l) => Val l a

Every type that is an instance of BSON Val is an instance of LBSON Val. This requires the use of OverlappingInstances extension.

Label l => Val l (Value l)

Every Value is a Val.

(Val a, Label l) => Val l (PolicyLabeled l a)

Convert between a policy-labeled value and a labeled BSON value.

(Val a, Label l) => Val l (Labeled l a)

Convert between a labeled value and a labeled BSON value.

cast :: forall m l a. (Label l, Val l a, Monad m) => Value l -> m aSource

Convert Value to expected type, or fail (Nothing) if not of that type

typed :: (Val l a, Label l) => Value l -> aSource

Convert Value to expected type. Error if not that type.

Policy labeled values

pu :: (Label l, Val a) => a -> PolicyLabeled l aSource

Wrap an unlabeled value by PolicyLabeled.

pl :: (Label l, Val a) => Labeled l a -> PolicyLabeled l aSource

Wrap an already-labeled value by PolicyLabeled.

Special Bson value types

newtype UUID


UUID ByteString 

newtype MD5


MD5 ByteString 


data Regex

The first string is the regex pattern, the second is the regex options string. Options are identified by characters, which must be listed in alphabetical order. Valid options are *i* for case insensitive matching, *m* for multiline matching, *x* for verbose mode, *l* to make \w, \W, etc. locale dependent, *s* for dotall mode ("." matches everything), and *u* to make \w, \W, etc. match unicode.


Regex UString UString 

data Javascript

Javascript code with possibly empty environment mapping variables to values that the code may reference

newtype Symbol


Symbol UString 


data ObjectId

A BSON ObjectID is a 12-byte value consisting of a 4-byte timestamp (seconds since epoch), a 3-byte machine id, a 2-byte process id, and a 3-byte counter. Note that the timestamp and counter fields must be stored big endian unlike the rest of BSON. This is because they are compared byte-by-byte and we want to ensure a mostly increasing order.


Oid Word32 Word64 

timestamp :: ObjectId -> UTCTime

Time when objectId was created

genObjectId :: LabelState l p s => LIO l p s ObjectIdSource

Generate fresh ObjectId.

Convert to/from Data.Bson

safeToBsonValue :: Label l => Value l -> Maybe BsonValueSource

Safely convert from a Value to a BsonValue.

safeFromBsonValue :: (Serialize l, Label l) => BsonValue -> Maybe (Value l)Source

Safely convert from a BsonValue to a Value.

Convert to/from Bytestring

encodeDoc :: BsonDocSerialize doc => doc -> ByteStringSource

Encodea document

decodeDoc :: BsonDocSerialize doc => ByteString -> docSource

Decode a document