, OverloadedStrings
           , KindSignatures
           , DataKinds
           , FlexibleContexts
           , UndecidableInstances
           , LambdaCase

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fwarn-tabs #-}
--                                                    2016.02.21
-- |
-- Module      :  Language.Hakaru.Pretty.Haskell
-- Copyright   :  Copyright (c) 2016 the Hakaru team
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  wren@community.haskell.org
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  GHC-only
module Language.Hakaru.Pretty.Haskell
    -- * The user-facing API
    , prettyString
    , prettyPrec
    , prettyAssoc
    , prettyPrecAssoc
    , prettyType

    -- * Helper functions (semi-public internal API)
    , ppVariable
    , ppVariables
    , ppBinder
    , ppCoerceTo
    , ppUnsafeFrom
    , ppRatio
    , Associativity(..)
    , ppBinop
    , Pretty(..)
    ) where
import           Data.Ratio
import           Text.PrettyPrint (Doc, (<>), (<+>))
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint   as PP
import qualified Data.Foldable      as F
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as L
import qualified Data.Text          as Text
import qualified Data.Sequence      as Seq -- Because older versions of "Data.Foldable" do not export 'null' apparently...
import           Prelude            hiding ((<>))

import Data.Number.Nat                 (fromNat)
import Data.Number.Natural             (fromNatural)
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.IClasses (fmap11, foldMap11, List1(..)
import Language.Hakaru.Types.DataKind
import Language.Hakaru.Types.Coercion
import Language.Hakaru.Types.HClasses
import Language.Hakaru.Types.Sing
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.AST
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.Datum
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.Reducer
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.ABT

-- | Pretty-print a term.
pretty :: (ABT Term abt) => abt '[] a -> Doc
pretty = prettyPrec 0

prettyString :: (ABT Term abt)
           => Sing a
           -> abt '[] a
           -> Doc
prettyString typ ast =
  PP.text $ Text.unpack (Text.unlines $ header  ++ [ Text.pack (prettyProg "prog" typ ast)])

prettyProg :: (ABT Term abt)
           => String
           -> Sing a
           -> abt '[] a
           -> String
prettyProg name typ ast =
    PP.renderStyle PP.style
    (    PP.sep [PP.text (name ++ " ::"), PP.nest 2 (prettyType typ)]
     PP.$+$ PP.sep [PP.text (name ++ " =") , PP.nest 2 (pretty     ast)] )

-- | Pretty-print a term at a given precendence level.
prettyPrec :: (ABT Term abt) => Int -> abt '[] a -> Doc
prettyPrec p = toDoc . prettyPrec_ p . LC_

-- | Pretty-print a variable\/term association pair.
prettyAssoc :: (ABT Term abt) => Assoc (abt '[]) -> Doc
prettyAssoc = prettyPrecAssoc 0

-- | Pretty-print an association at a given precendence level.
prettyPrecAssoc :: (ABT Term abt) => Int -> Assoc (abt '[]) -> Doc
prettyPrecAssoc p (Assoc x e) =
    toDoc $ ppFun p "Assoc"
        [ ppVariable x
        , prettyPrec 11 e

-- | Pretty-print a Hakaru type as a Haskell type.
prettyType :: Sing (a :: Hakaru) -> Doc
prettyType SInt = PP.text "Int"
prettyType SNat = PP.text "Int"
prettyType SReal = PP.text "Double"
prettyType SProb = PP.text "Prob"
prettyType (SArray t) =
  let t' = PP.nest 2 (prettyType t) in
  PP.parens (PP.sep [PP.text "MayBoxVec", t', t'])
prettyType (SMeasure t) =
  PP.parens (PP.sep [PP.text "Measure", PP.nest 2 (prettyType t)])
prettyType (SFun t1 t2) =
  PP.parens (PP.sep [prettyType t1 <+> PP.text "->", prettyType t2])
prettyType (SData _ (SDone `SPlus` SVoid)) =
  PP.text "()"
prettyType (SData _ (SDone `SPlus` SDone `SPlus` SVoid)) =
  PP.text "Bool"
prettyType (SData _ (SDone `SPlus` (SKonst t `SEt` SDone) `SPlus` SVoid)) =
  PP.parens (PP.sep [PP.text "Maybe", PP.nest 2 (prettyType t)])
prettyType (SData _ ((SKonst t1 `SEt` SDone) `SPlus`
                     (SKonst t2 `SEt` SDone) `SPlus` SVoid)) =
  PP.parens (PP.sep [PP.text "Either", PP.nest 2 (prettyType t1),
                                       PP.nest 2 (prettyType t2)])
prettyType (SData _ ((SKonst t1 `SEt` SKonst t2 `SEt` SDone) `SPlus` SVoid)) =
  PP.parens (PP.sep [prettyType t1 <> PP.comma, prettyType t2])
prettyType s = error ("TODO: prettyType: " ++ show s)

class Pretty (f :: Hakaru -> *) where
    -- | A polymorphic variant if 'prettyPrec', for internal use.
    prettyPrec_ :: Int -> f a -> Docs

type Docs = [Doc]

-- So far as I can tell from the documentation, if the input is a singleton list then the result is the same as that singleton.
toDoc :: Docs -> Doc
toDoc = PP.sep

-- | Pretty-print a variable.
ppVariable :: Variable (a :: Hakaru) -> Doc
ppVariable x = hint <> (PP.int . fromNat . varID) x
        | Text.null (varHint x) = PP.char 'x' -- We used to use '_' but...
        | otherwise             = (PP.text . Text.unpack . varHint) x

-- | Pretty-print a list of variables as a list of variables. N.B., the output is not valid Haskell code since it uses the special built-in list syntax rather than using the 'List1' constructors...
ppVariables :: List1 Variable (xs :: [Hakaru]) -> Docs
ppVariables = ppList . go
    go :: List1 Variable (xs :: [Hakaru]) -> Docs
    go Nil1         = []
    go (Cons1 x xs) = ppVariable x : go xs

-- | Pretty-print Hakaru binders as a Haskell lambda, as per our HOAS API.
ppBinder :: (ABT Term abt) => abt xs a -> Docs
ppBinder e =
    case ppViewABT e of
    ([],  body) -> body
    (vars,body) -> PP.char '\\' <+> PP.sep vars <+> PP.text "->" : body

ppUncurryBinder :: (ABT Term abt) => abt xs a -> Docs
ppUncurryBinder e =
    case ppViewABT e of
    (vars,body) -> PP.char '\\' <+> unc vars <+> PP.text "->" : body
    unc :: [Doc] -> Doc
    unc []     = PP.text "()"
    unc (x:xs) = PP.parens (x <> PP.comma <> unc xs)

ppViewABT :: (ABT Term abt) => abt xs a -> ([Doc], Docs)
ppViewABT e = go [] (viewABT e)
    go :: (ABT Term abt) => [Doc] -> View (Term abt) xs a -> ([Doc],Docs)
    go xs (Syn  t)   = (reverse xs, prettyPrec_ 0 (LC_ (syn t)))
    go xs (Var  x)   = (reverse xs, [ppVariable x])
    go xs (Bind x v) =
        -- HACK: how can we avoid calling 'unviewABT' here?
        let x' = if True -- x `memberVarSet` freeVars (unviewABT v)
                 then ppVariable x
                 else PP.char '_'
        in go (x' : xs) v

-- TODO: since switching to ABT2, this instance requires -XFlexibleContexts; we should fix that if we can
-- BUG: since switching to ABT2, this instance requires -XUndecidableInstances; must be fixed!
instance (ABT Term abt) => Pretty (LC_ abt) where
  prettyPrec_ p (LC_ e) =
    caseVarSyn e ((:[]) . ppVariable) $ \t ->
        case t of
        o :$ es      -> ppSCon p o es
        NaryOp_ o es ->
            -- TODO: make sure these ops actually have those precedences in the Prelude!!
            let prettyNaryOp :: NaryOp a -> (String, Int, Maybe String)
                prettyNaryOp And  = ("&&", 3, Just "true")
                prettyNaryOp Or   = ("||", 2, Just "false")
                prettyNaryOp Xor  = ("`xor`", 0, Just "false")
                -- BUG: even though 'Iff' is associative (in Boolean algebras), we should not support n-ary uses in our *surface* syntax. Because it's too easy for folks to confuse "a <=> b <=> c" with "(a <=> b) /\ (b <=> c)".
                prettyNaryOp Iff      = ("`iff`", 0, Just "true")
                prettyNaryOp (Min  _) = ("`min`", 5, Nothing)
                prettyNaryOp (Max  _) = ("`max`", 5, Nothing)
                -- TODO: pretty print @(+ negate)@ as @(-)@ and @(* recip)@ as @(/)@
                prettyNaryOp (Sum  _) = ("+",     6, Just "zero")
                prettyNaryOp (Prod _) = ("*",     7, Just "one")
            let (opName,opPrec,maybeIdentity) = prettyNaryOp o in
            if Seq.null es
                case maybeIdentity of
                Just identity -> [PP.text identity]
                Nothing ->
                    ppFun p "syn"
                        [ toDoc $ ppFun 11 "NaryOp_"
                            [ PP.text (showsPrec 11 o "")
                            , PP.text "(Seq.fromList [])"
                parens (p > opPrec)
                    . PP.punctuate (PP.space <> PP.text opName)
                    . map (prettyPrec opPrec)
                    $ F.toList es

        Literal_ v    -> prettyPrec_ p v
        Empty_   _    -> [PP.text "empty"]
        Array_ e1 e2  ->
            ppFun 11 "array"
                [ ppArg e1 <+> PP.char '$'
                , toDoc $ ppBinder e2
        ArrayLiteral_ es -> ppFun 11 "arrayLit" (ppList $ map (prettyPrec 0) es)
        Datum_ d      -> prettyPrec_ p (fmap11 LC_ d)
        Case_  e1 bs  ->
            -- TODO: should we also add hints to the 'Case_' constructor to know whether it came from 'if_', 'unpair', etc?
             ppFun p "case_"
                 [ ppArg e1
                 , toDoc $ ppList (map (toDoc . prettyPrec_ 0) bs)
        Bucket b ee r  ->
            ppFun p "bucket"
            [ ppArg b
            , ppArg ee
            , toDoc $ parens True (prettyPrec_ p r)

        Superpose_ pes ->
            case pes of
            (e1,e2) L.:| [] ->
                -- Or we could print it as @weight e1 *> e2@ excepting that has an extra redex in it compared to the AST itself.
                ppFun 11 "pose"
                    [ ppArg e1 <+> PP.char '$'
                    , ppArg e2
            _ ->
                ppFun p "superpose"
                    [ toDoc
                    . ppList
                    . map (\(e1,e2) -> ppTuple [pretty e1, pretty e2])
                    $ L.toList pes

        Reject_ _ -> [PP.text "reject"]

-- | Pretty-print @(:$)@ nodes in the AST.
ppSCon :: (ABT Term abt) => Int -> SCon args a -> SArgs abt args -> Docs
ppSCon p Lam_ = \(e1 :* End) ->
    parens (p > 0) $ adjustHead (PP.text "lam $" <+>) (ppBinder e1)
ppSCon p App_ = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> ppBinop "`app`" 9 LeftAssoc p e1 e2 -- BUG: this puts extraneous parentheses around e2 when it's a function application...
ppSCon p Let_ = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
    parens (p > 0) $
            (PP.text "let_" <+> ppArg e1 <+> PP.char '$' <+>)
            (ppBinder e2)
ppSCon p (Ann_ typ) = \(e1 :* End) ->
    ppFun p "ann_"
        [ PP.text (showsPrec 11 typ "") -- TODO: make this prettier. Add hints to the singletons?
        , ppArg e1
ppSCon p (PrimOp_     o) = \es          -> ppPrimOp     p o es
ppSCon p (ArrayOp_    o) = \es          -> ppArrayOp    p o es
ppSCon p (CoerceTo_   c) = \(e1 :* End) -> ppCoerceTo   p c e1
ppSCon p (UnsafeFrom_ c) = \(e1 :* End) -> ppUnsafeFrom p c e1
ppSCon p (MeasureOp_  o) = \es          -> ppMeasureOp  p o es
ppSCon p Dirac           = \(e1 :* End) -> ppApply1 p "dirac" e1
ppSCon p MBind = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
    parens (p > 1) $
            (prettyPrec 1 e1 <+> PP.text ">>=" <+>)
            (ppBinder e2)
ppSCon p (Transform_ t) = ppTransform p t
ppSCon p Integrate = \(e1 :* e2 :* e3 :* End) ->
    ppFun p "integrate"
        [ ppArg e1
        , ppArg e2
        , toDoc $ parens True (ppBinder e3)
ppSCon p (Summate _ _) = \(e1 :* e2 :* e3 :* End) ->
    ppFun p "summate"
        [ ppArg e1
        , ppArg e2
        , toDoc $ parens True (ppBinder e3)

ppSCon p (Product _ _) = \(e1 :* e2 :* e3 :* End) ->
    ppFun p "product"
        [ ppArg e1
        , ppArg e2
        , toDoc $ parens True (ppBinder e3)

ppSCon _ Plate = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
    ppFun 11 "plate"
        [ ppArg e1 <+> PP.char '$'
        , toDoc $ ppBinder e2

ppSCon _ Chain = \(e1 :* e2 :* e3 :* End) ->
    ppFun 11 "chain"
        [ ppArg e1
        , ppArg e2 <+> PP.char '$'
        , toDoc $ ppBinder e3

ppTransform :: (ABT Term abt)
            => Int -> Transform args a -> SArgs abt args -> Docs
ppTransform p t es =
  case t of
     Expect ->
       case es of
         e1 :* e2 :* End ->
           parens (p > 0) $
                (PP.text "expect" <+> ppArg e1 <+> PP.char '$' <+>)
                (ppBinder e2)
     _ -> ppApply p (transformName t) es

ppCoerceTo :: ABT Term abt => Int -> Coercion a b -> abt '[] a -> Docs
ppCoerceTo =
    -- BUG: this may not work quite right when the coercion isn't one of the special named ones...
    \p c e -> ppFun p (prettyShow c) [ppArg e]
    prettyShow (CCons (Signed HRing_Real) CNil)           = "fromProb"
    prettyShow (CCons (Signed HRing_Int)  CNil)           = "nat2int"
    prettyShow (CCons (Continuous HContinuous_Real) CNil) = "fromInt"
    prettyShow (CCons (Continuous HContinuous_Prob) CNil) = "nat2prob"
    prettyShow (CCons (Continuous HContinuous_Prob)
        (CCons (Signed HRing_Real) CNil))                 = "nat2real"
    prettyShow (CCons (Signed HRing_Int)
        (CCons (Continuous HContinuous_Real) CNil))       = "nat2real"
    prettyShow c = "coerceTo_ " ++ showsPrec 11 c ""

ppUnsafeFrom :: ABT Term abt => Int -> Coercion a b -> abt '[] b -> Docs
ppUnsafeFrom =
    -- BUG: this may not work quite right when the coercion isn't one of the special named ones...
    \p c e -> ppFun p (prettyShow c) [ppArg e]
    prettyShow (CCons (Signed HRing_Real) CNil) = "unsafeProb"
    prettyShow (CCons (Signed HRing_Int)  CNil) = "unsafeNat"
    prettyShow c = "unsafeFrom_ " ++ showsPrec 11 c ""

-- | Pretty-print a 'PrimOp' @(:$)@ node in the AST.
    :: (ABT Term abt, typs ~ UnLCs args, args ~ LCs typs)
    => Int -> PrimOp typs a -> SArgs abt args -> Docs
ppPrimOp p Not  = \(e1 :* End)       -> ppApply1 p "not" e1
ppPrimOp p Impl = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
    -- TODO: make prettier
    ppFun p "syn"
        [ toDoc $ ppFun 11 "Impl"
            [ ppArg e1
            , ppArg e2
ppPrimOp p Diff = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
    -- TODO: make prettier
    ppFun p "syn"
        [ toDoc $ ppFun 11 "Diff"
            [ ppArg e1
            , ppArg e2
ppPrimOp p Nand = \(e1 :* e2 :* End)        -> ppApply2 p "nand" e1 e2 -- TODO: make infix...
ppPrimOp p Nor  = \(e1 :* e2 :* End)        -> ppApply2 p "nor" e1 e2 -- TODO: make infix...
ppPrimOp _ Pi        = \End                 -> [PP.text "pi"]
ppPrimOp p Sin       = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "sin"   e1
ppPrimOp p Cos       = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "cos"   e1
ppPrimOp p Tan       = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "tan"   e1
ppPrimOp p Asin      = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "asin"  e1
ppPrimOp p Acos      = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "acos"  e1
ppPrimOp p Atan      = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "atan"  e1
ppPrimOp p Sinh      = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "sinh"  e1
ppPrimOp p Cosh      = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "cosh"  e1
ppPrimOp p Tanh      = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "tanh"  e1
ppPrimOp p Asinh     = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "asinh" e1
ppPrimOp p Acosh     = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "acosh" e1
ppPrimOp p Atanh     = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "atanh" e1
ppPrimOp p RealPow   = \(e1 :* e2 :* End)   -> ppBinop "**" 8 RightAssoc p e1 e2
ppPrimOp p Choose    = \(e1 :* e2 :* End)   -> ppApply2 p "choose" e1 e2
ppPrimOp p Exp       = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "exp"   e1
ppPrimOp p Log       = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "log"   e1
ppPrimOp _ (Infinity _)     = \End          -> [PP.text "infinity"]
ppPrimOp p GammaFunc = \(e1 :* End)         -> ppApply1 p "gammaFunc" e1
ppPrimOp p BetaFunc  = \(e1 :* e2 :* End)   -> ppApply2 p "betaFunc" e1 e2
ppPrimOp p (Equal   _) = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> ppBinop "==" 4 NonAssoc   p e1 e2
ppPrimOp p (Less    _) = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> ppBinop "<"  4 NonAssoc   p e1 e2
ppPrimOp p (NatPow  _) = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> ppBinop "^"  8 RightAssoc p e1 e2
ppPrimOp p (Negate  _) = \(e1 :* End)       -> ppApply1 p "negate" e1
ppPrimOp p (Abs     _) = \(e1 :* End)       -> ppApply1 p "abs_"   e1
ppPrimOp p (Signum  _) = \(e1 :* End)       -> ppApply1 p "signum" e1
ppPrimOp p (Recip   _) = \(e1 :* End)       -> ppApply1 p "recip"  e1
ppPrimOp p (NatRoot _) = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
    -- N.B., argument order is swapped!
    ppBinop "`thRootOf`" 9 LeftAssoc p e2 e1
ppPrimOp p (Erf _)     = \(e1 :* End)        -> ppApply1 p "erf"   e1
ppPrimOp p Floor       = \(e1 :* End)        -> ppApply1 p "floor" e1

-- | Pretty-print a 'ArrayOp' @(:$)@ node in the AST.
    :: (ABT Term abt, typs ~ UnLCs args, args ~ LCs typs)
    => Int -> ArrayOp typs a -> SArgs abt args -> Docs
ppArrayOp p (Index   _) = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
    ppBinop "!" 9 LeftAssoc p e1 e2
ppArrayOp p (Size    _) = \(e1 :* End) ->
    ppApply1 p "size" e1
ppArrayOp p (Reduce  _) = \(e1 :* e2 :* e3 :* End) ->
    ppFun p "reduce"
        [ ppArg e1 -- N.B., @e1@ uses lambdas rather than being a binding form!
        , ppArg e2
        , ppArg e3

-- | Pretty-print a 'MeasureOp' @(:$)@ node in the AST.
    :: (ABT Term abt, typs ~ UnLCs args, args ~ LCs typs)
    => Int -> MeasureOp typs a -> SArgs abt args -> Docs
ppMeasureOp p Lebesgue    = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> ppApply2 p "lebesgue" e1 e2
ppMeasureOp _ Counting    = \End           -> [PP.text "counting"]
ppMeasureOp p Categorical = \(e1 :* End)   -> ppApply1 p "categorical" e1
ppMeasureOp p Uniform = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> ppApply2 p "uniform"     e1 e2
ppMeasureOp p Normal  = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> ppApply2 p "normal"      e1 e2
ppMeasureOp p Poisson = \(e1 :* End)       -> ppApply1 p "poisson"     e1
ppMeasureOp p Gamma   = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> ppApply2 p "gamma"       e1 e2
ppMeasureOp p Beta    = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> ppApply2 p "beta"        e1 e2

instance Pretty Literal where
    prettyPrec_ p (LNat  n) = ppFun p "nat_"  [PP.integer (fromNatural n)]
    prettyPrec_ p (LInt  i) = ppFun p "int_"  [PP.integer i]
    prettyPrec_ p (LProb l) = ppFun p "prob_" [ppRatio 11 l]
    prettyPrec_ p (LReal r) = ppFun p "real_" [ppRatio 11 r]

instance Pretty f => Pretty (Datum f) where
    prettyPrec_ p (Datum hint _typ d)
        | Text.null hint =
            ppFun p "datum_"
                [error "TODO: prettyPrec_@Datum"]
        | otherwise =
          ppFun p "ann_"
            [ PP.parens . PP.text . show $ _typ
            , PP.parens . toDoc $ ppFun p (Text.unpack hint)
                (foldMap11 ((:[]) . toDoc . prettyPrec_ 11) d)

-- HACK: need to pull this out in order to get polymorphic recursion over @xs@
ppPattern :: Int -> Pattern xs a -> Docs
ppPattern _ PWild = [PP.text "PWild"]
ppPattern _ PVar  = [PP.text "PVar"]
ppPattern p (PDatum hint d0)
    | Text.null hint = error "TODO: prettyPrec_@Pattern"
    | otherwise      = ppFun p ("p" ++ Text.unpack hint) (goCode d0)
    goCode :: PDatumCode xss vars a -> Docs
    goCode (PInr d) = goCode   d
    goCode (PInl d) = goStruct d

    goStruct :: PDatumStruct xs vars a -> Docs
    goStruct PDone       = []
    goStruct (PEt d1 d2) = goFun d1 ++ goStruct d2

    goFun :: PDatumFun x vars a -> Docs
    goFun (PKonst d) = [toDoc $ ppPattern 11 d]
    goFun (PIdent d) = [toDoc $ ppPattern 11 d]

instance Pretty (Pattern xs) where
    prettyPrec_ = ppPattern

instance (ABT Term abt) => Pretty (Branch a abt) where
    prettyPrec_ p (Branch pat e) =
        ppFun p "branch"
            [ toDoc $ prettyPrec_ 11 pat
            , PP.parens . toDoc $ ppBinder e
            -- BUG: we can't actually use the HOAS API here, since we aren't using a Prelude-defined @branch@...
            -- HACK: don't *always* print parens; pass down the precedence to 'ppBinder' to
            --       have them decide if they need to or not.

instance (ABT Term abt) => Pretty (Reducer abt xs) where
    prettyPrec_ p (Red_Fanout r1 r2)  =
        ppFun p "r_fanout"
            [ toDoc $ prettyPrec_ 11 r1
            , toDoc $ prettyPrec_ 11 r2
    prettyPrec_ p (Red_Index n o e)   =
        ppFun p "r_index"
            [ toDoc $ parens True $ ppUncurryBinder n
            , toDoc $ parens True $ ppUncurryBinder o
            , toDoc $ prettyPrec_ 11 e
    prettyPrec_ p (Red_Split b r1 r2) =
        ppFun p "r_split"
            [ toDoc $ parens True (ppUncurryBinder b)
            , toDoc $ prettyPrec_ 11 r1
            , toDoc $ prettyPrec_ 11 r2
    prettyPrec_ _ Red_Nop             =
        [ PP.text "r_nop" ]
    prettyPrec_ p (Red_Add _ e)       =
        ppFun p "r_add"
            [ toDoc $ parens True (ppUncurryBinder e)]

-- | For the \"@lam $ \x ->\n@\"  style layout.
adjustHead :: (Doc -> Doc) -> Docs -> Docs
adjustHead f []     = [f (toDoc [])]
adjustHead f (d:ds) = f d : ds

{- -- unused
-- | For the \"@lam (\x ->\n\t...)@\"  style layout.
nestTail :: Int -> Docs -> Docs
nestTail _ []     = []
nestTail n (d:ds) = [d, PP.nest n (toDoc ds)]

parens :: Bool -> Docs -> Docs
parens True  ds = [PP.parens (PP.nest 1 (toDoc ds))]
parens False ds = ds

ppList :: [Doc] -> Docs
ppList = (:[]) . PP.brackets . PP.nest 1 . PP.fsep . PP.punctuate PP.comma

ppTuple :: [Doc] -> Doc
ppTuple = PP.parens . PP.sep . PP.punctuate PP.comma

ppFun :: Int -> String -> [Doc] -> Docs
ppFun _ f [] = [PP.text f]
ppFun p f ds =
    parens (p > 9) [PP.text f <+> PP.nest (1 + length f) (PP.sep ds)]

ppArg :: (ABT Term abt) => abt '[] a -> Doc
ppArg = prettyPrec 11

ppApply1 :: (ABT Term abt) => Int -> String -> abt '[] a -> Docs
ppApply1 p f e1 = ppFun p f [ppArg e1]

    :: (ABT Term abt) => Int -> String -> abt '[] a -> abt '[] b -> Docs
ppApply2 p f e1 e2 = ppFun p f [ppArg e1, ppArg e2]

    :: (ABT Term abt) => Int -> String -> SArgs abt as -> Docs
ppApply p f es = ppFun p f $ foldMap21 ppBinder es

-- | Something prettier than 'PP.rational'. This works correctly
-- for both 'Rational' and 'NonNegativeRational', though it may not
-- work for other @a@ types.
-- N.B., the resulting string assumes prefix negation and the
-- 'Fractional' @(/)@ operator are both in scope.
ppRatio :: (Show a, Integral a) => Int -> Ratio a -> Doc
ppRatio p r
    | d == 1    = ppShowS $ showsPrec p n
    | n < 0     =
        . showParen (p > 7)
            $ showChar '-' -- TODO: is this guaranteed valid no matter @a@?
            . showsPrec 8 (negate n)
            . showChar '/'
            . showsPrec 8 d
    | otherwise =
        . showParen (p > 7)
            $ showsPrec 8 n
            . showChar '/'
            . showsPrec 8 d
    d = denominator r
    n = numerator   r

    ppShowS s = PP.text (s [])

    -- TODO: we might prefer to use something like:
    PP.cat [ppIntegral n, PP.char '/' <> ppIntegral d ]
    where ppIntegral = PP.text . show

data Associativity = LeftAssoc | RightAssoc | NonAssoc

    :: (ABT Term abt)
    => String -> Int -> Associativity
    -> Int -> abt '[] a -> abt '[] b -> Docs
ppBinop op p0 assoc =
    let (p1,p2) =
            case assoc of
            LeftAssoc  -> (p0, 1 + p0)
            RightAssoc -> (1 + p0, p0)
            NonAssoc   -> (1 + p0, 1 + p0)
    in \p e1 e2 ->
        parens (p > p0)
            [ prettyPrec p1 e1
            , PP.text op
                <+> prettyPrec p2 e2

header :: [Text.Text]
header  =
  [ "{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, NegativeLiterals #-}"
  , "module Prog where"
  , ""
  , "import           Data.Number.LogFloat (LogFloat)"
  , "import           Prelude hiding (product, exp, log, (**), pi)"
  , "import           Language.Hakaru.Runtime.LogFloatPrelude"
  , "import           Language.Hakaru.Runtime.CmdLine"
  , "import           Language.Hakaru.Types.Sing"
  , "import qualified System.Random.MWC                as MWC"
  , "import           Control.Monad"
  , "import           System.Environment (getArgs)"
  , "" ]

----------------------------------------------------------- fin.