{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes, TupleSections #-}

module Ham.UI.Brick
  , AppMode(..)
  , AppState(..)
  , AppResource
  , app

import Ham.Log
import Ham.Data
import qualified Ham.CAT as CAT
import Ham.CAT.ElecraftKX2
import Ham.CAT.YaesuFT891
import qualified Ham.Internal.FixedSequence as FS
import Ham.Internal.FixedSequence (FixedSequence)

import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class

import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Data.Time.Format (formatTime, defaultTimeLocale)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import qualified Data.Vector as V

import Brick
import Brick.Forms
import Brick.Widgets.List
import Brick.Widgets.Border
import Brick.Widgets.Dialog
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Edit as E
import qualified Brick.Focus as F
import qualified Brick.Types as T
import Brick.Main

import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border.Style
import Graphics.Vty.Attributes (defAttr, blue)
import Graphics.Vty.Input.Events
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V

import Lens.Micro

-- | Application state for the 'Brick' UI.
data AppState = AppState {
  logState :: LogState,             -- ^ State for the Hamlog monad.
  logConfig :: LogConfig,           -- ^ Configuration for the Hamlog monad.
  qsoList :: List AppResource Qso,  -- ^ List of contacts to display
  qsoForm :: Form Qso HamlogEvent AppResource, -- ^ Form to enter new contacts
  focusRing :: F.FocusRing AppResource, -- ^ Focus ring to use
  appMode :: AppMode,                   -- ^ Current mode of the app
  selectedQsoIndex :: Int,              -- ^ Index of the currently selected contact
  infoText :: FixedSequence Text,       -- ^ Text to display in the info window
  statusText :: [Text],                 -- ^ Text to display in the status line
  duplicateQsos :: S.Seq Duplicate      -- ^ Any potential duplicates found.

-- | Default AppState.
emptyAppState :: AppState
emptyAppState =
  AppState { logState = emptyLogState,
             logConfig = defaultConfig,
             qsoList = list LogList V.empty 1,
             qsoForm = newForm [] emptyQso,
             focusRing = lappDefaultFocusRing,
             appMode = AppModeList,
             selectedQsoIndex = 0,
             infoText = FS.emptyFS 10,
             statusText = [],
             duplicateQsos = S.Empty

data HamlogEvent

-- | Resource type to index widgets
data AppResource = LogList |
                   LogInfo |
                   LogQso |
                   LogQsoTimeStart |
                   LogQsoTimeEnd |
                   LogQsoFrequency |
                   LogQsoMode |
                   LogQsoCallsign |
                   LogQsoLocation |
                   LogQsoRST |
                   LogQsoExchange |
                   LogQsoMyCallsign |
                   LogQsoMyLocation |
                   LogQsoSentRST |
                   LogQsoSentExchange |
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Run a 'HamLog' action given the AppState, in the EventM monad.
hamLog :: AppState -> HamLog a -> EventM AppResource (a, AppState)
hamLog s act = do
  (a, ls, logtext) <- liftIO $ runHamLog (logConfig s) (logState s) $ act
  let s' = s { logState = ls,
               infoText = fs,
               logConfig = (logConfig s) { _configUseCat = _stateUseCat ls } } -- Turn CAT on or off depending on the state delivered by HamLog. It could be there was an initialization error, in that case we want to turn off the configured CAT use flag.
      fs = foldr FS.addElement (infoText s) logtext
  return (a, s')

-- | Default focus ring. Empty.
lappDefaultFocusRing :: F.FocusRing AppResource
lappDefaultFocusRing = F.focusRing []

-- | Focus ring for the QSO edit widget.
lappQsoFocusRing :: AppState -> F.FocusRing AppResource
lappQsoFocusRing s = formFocus $ qsoForm s

-- | Add a new QSO at the beginning of the list and go to edit mode immediately.
lappNewQso :: AppState -> EventM AppResource AppState
lappNewQso s = do
  (q, s') <- hamLog s newQsoNow
  s'' <- lupdateQsoList 0 s' >>= lupdateQsoForm

  -- Edit the new QSO (at index 0)
  return $ s'' { appMode = AppModeQso, focusRing = lappQsoFocusRing s'', selectedQsoIndex = 0 }

-- | Given a QSO, create a form for editing it.
mkQsoForm :: Qso -> QsoDefaults -> Form Qso HamlogEvent AppResource
mkQsoForm q q_def = newForm fieldStates q
    timeStart = f _qsoDefaultTimeStart $ label "Start:" @@= editShowableField qsoTimeStart LogQsoTimeStart
    timeEnd   = f _qsoDefaultTimeEnd   $ label "End:"   @@= editShowableField qsoTimeEnd LogQsoTimeEnd
    f d s = case d q_def of
      FixedValue _ -> []
      DefaultValue _ -> [s]
    fieldStates = concat [
                          f _qsoDefaultCallsign     $ label "Callsign:"     @@= editTextField qsoCallsign LogQsoCallsign (Just 1),
                          f _qsoDefaultLocation     $ label "Location:"     @@= editTextField qsoLocation LogQsoLocation (Just 1),
                          f _qsoDefaultRST          $ label "RST received:" @@= editShowableField qsoRST LogQsoRST,
                          f _qsoDefaultExchange     $ label "Exchg recvd:"  @@= editTextField qsoExchange LogQsoExchange (Just 1),
                          f _qsoDefaultSentRST      $ label "RST sent:"     @@= editShowableField qsoSentRST LogQsoSentRST,
                          f _qsoDefaultSentExchange $ label "Exchg sent:"   @@= editTextField qsoSentExchange LogQsoSentExchange (Just 1),
                          f _qsoDefaultFrequency    $ label "Frequency:"    @@= editShowableField qsoFrequency LogQsoFrequency,
                          f _qsoDefaultMode         $ label "Mode (CW,PH,FM,RY):" @@= editShowableField qsoMode LogQsoMode,
                          f _qsoDefaultSentCallsign $ label "My callsign:"  @@= editTextField qsoSentCallsign LogQsoMyCallsign (Just 1),
                          f _qsoDefaultSentLocation $ label "My location:"  @@= editTextField qsoSentLocation LogQsoMyLocation (Just 1),
                          f _qsoDefaultNotes        $ label "Notes:"        @@= editTextField qsoNotes LogQsoNotes Nothing]
    label s w = -- padBottom (Pad 1) $
                (vLimit 1 $ hLimit 20 $ str s <+> fill ' ') <+> w

-- | Create a form for editing the currently selected QSO.
mkSelectedQsoForm :: AppState -> Form Qso HamlogEvent AppResource
mkSelectedQsoForm s = qsoForm
    q_def   = _configQsoDefaults $ logConfig s
    qsoForm = mkQsoForm selectedQso q_def
    selectedQso = maybe emptyQso id $ snd <$> listSelectedElement (qsoList s)

-- | Selected QSO. If none is selected, the empty QSO is returned.
lselectedQso :: AppState -> Qso
lselectedQso s = maybe emptyQso id $ snd <$> listSelectedElement (qsoList s)

-- | Drawing function. Draws depending on current AppMode.
lappDraw :: AppState -> [Widget AppResource]
lappDraw s = case (appMode s) of
  AppModeQuestion _ dlg _ _ -> [ renderDialog dlg $ str "", mainView ]
  _                         -> [ mainView ]
    mainView = ((renderListWidget <=> lappStatusTextWidget s) <+> (qsoWidget <=> lappHelp s <=> appInfoWidget s)) <=> statusWidget
    renderListWidget = border $ hLimit 30 $ renderList lrenderLogListItem True l
    l = qsoList s
    qsoWidget = border $ {-padTop (Pad 0) $-} renderForm $ qsoForm s
    statusWidget = lappStatusWidget s

lappStatusTextWidget :: AppState -> Widget AppResource
lappStatusTextWidget s = str t
  where t = unlines $ map T.unpack $ statusText s

-- | Information widget. Shows dupes.
appInfoWidget :: AppState -> Widget AppResource
appInfoWidget s = info
  where info = padTop (Pad 1) $ borderWithLabel (str "Info") body
        body = case (appMode s) of
          -- AppModeList -> str ""
          _ -> vLimitPercent 30 $ viewport LogInfo Both $ vBox $ fmap txt (FS.toList $ infoText s) <> toList (fmap f dupes)
                    dupes = duplicateQsos s
                    dupeToText dupe = T.pack $ show dupe
                    f dupe = if (duplicateBand dupe) && (duplicateMode dupe)
                             then withAttr "dupeWarn" $ txt $ dupeToText dupe
                             else txt $ dupeToText dupe

-- | Rendering a list item in the log list.
lrenderLogListItem :: Bool -> Qso -> Widget AppResource
lrenderLogListItem True  q = withAttr ("qsoList" <> "selected") $ str $ lrenderLogListItem_str q
lrenderLogListItem False q = withAttr ("qsoList" <> "normal")   $ str $ lrenderLogListItem_str q
lrenderLogListItem_str :: Qso -> String
lrenderLogListItem_str q = time_date ++ " " ++ call ++ " " ++ bd ++ " " ++ mode
  where time_date = formatTime  defaultTimeLocale "%F %R" (_qsoTimeStart q)
        call      = Text.unpack (_qsoCallsign q)
        bd        = show $ band $ _qsoFrequency q
        mode      = show $ _qsoMode q

-- | Update the UI list widget with the current log list in the state.
lupdateQsoList :: Int -> AppState -> EventM AppResource AppState
lupdateQsoList qso_index s = return $ s { qsoList = l }
    l  = listMoveTo qso_index $ list LogList ll 1
    ll = V.fromList $ (foldr (:) [] . _logQsos . _stateLog . logState) s

-- | Update the QSO widget with the currently selected QSO in the list.
lupdateQsoForm :: AppState -> EventM AppResource AppState
lupdateQsoForm s = return $ s { qsoForm = mkSelectedQsoForm s }

-- | Handler for AppModeQuestion; this is for asking the user a yes/no question.
lhandleEvent_question :: AppState -> BrickEvent AppResource HamlogEvent -> EventM AppResource (Next AppState)
lhandleEvent_question s ev =
  case appMode s of

    AppModeQuestion prev dlg yes no ->

      case ev of

        VtyEvent (EvKey KEnter []) -> do
          let msel = dialogSelection dlg
          let s' = s { appMode = prev }
          case msel of
            Just sel -> continue =<< if sel then (yes s') else (no s')

        VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'y') []) -> do
          let s' = s { appMode = prev }
          continue =<< yes s'

        VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'n') []) -> do
          let s' = s { appMode = prev }
          continue =<< no s'

        VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> do
          let s' = s { appMode = prev }
          continue =<< no s'

        VtyEvent e -> do
          dlg' <- handleDialogEvent e dlg
          let s' = s { appMode = AppModeQuestion prev dlg' yes no }
          continue s'
        _ -> continue s

    _ -> continue s

-- | List mode. This is the default, main mode of the application.
lhandleEvent_list :: AppState -> BrickEvent AppResource HamlogEvent -> EventM AppResource (Next AppState)
lhandleEvent_list s ev =
  case appMode s of

    AppModeList ->
      -- This mode is editing the log list.

      case ev of

        VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') [])  -> do
          (_, s') <- hamLog s writeLog
          halt s'

        VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'n') [])  -> do
            updated_qso_defaults = qso_defaults {
              _qsoDefaultFrequency = case _qsoDefaultFrequency qso_defaults of
                                       DefaultValue f -> DefaultValue f
                                       a              -> a,
              _qsoDefaultMode = case _qsoDefaultMode qso_defaults of
                                  DefaultValue m -> DefaultValue m
                                  a              -> a }
            --, _qsoDefaultMode = case _qsoDefaultMode qso_defaults of
            --                      DefaultValue _ -> DefaultValue (_qsoMode f) }
            qso_defaults         = _configQsoDefaults $ logConfig s
            updated_config       = (logConfig s) { _configQsoDefaults = updated_qso_defaults }
            s'                   = s { logConfig = updated_config }
          continue =<< lappNewQso s'

        VtyEvent (EvKey KBS [])         -> do
          let dlg = dialog (Just "Delete entry?") (Just (1, [("Yes", True), ("No", False)])) 25
              s' = s { appMode = AppModeQuestion AppModeList dlg yes no }
              yes ss = maybe
                         (return ss)
                         (\i -> snd <$> hamLog ss (deleteQso i) >>=
                                        lupdateQsoList i >>=
                                        lupdateQsoForm >>= \ss' ->
                                        lcheckDupes (lselectedQso ss') ss')  -- Check for dupes again after deleting an element.
              no = return
              mi = listSelected $ qsoList s'
          continue s'

        VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 's') []) -> continue $ s { appMode = AppModeSort AppModeList }

        VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'w') []) -> snd <$> hamLog s writeLog >>= continue

        VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '\t') []) -> do
          let mi = listSelected $ qsoList s
          case mi of
            Just i -> continue $ s { appMode = AppModeQso, focusRing = lappQsoFocusRing s, selectedQsoIndex = i }
            Nothing -> continue s
        VtyEvent e                       -> do
          s' <- handleListEvent e (qsoList s) >>= \l -> return (s { qsoList = l })
          continue =<< lupdateQsoForm s'
        _ -> continue s

    _ -> continue s

lhandleEvent_qso :: AppState -> BrickEvent AppResource HamlogEvent -> EventM AppResource (Next AppState)
lhandleEvent_qso s ev =
  case (appMode s) of

    AppModeQso ->
      -- This mode is editing the current QSO entry.

      case ev of

        VtyEvent (EvKey KUp []) -> do
          let focusring = lappQsoFocusRing s
              m_current_focus = F.focusGetCurrent focusring

          case m_current_focus of
            Just LogQsoNotes ->
              handleFormEvent ev (qsoForm s) >>= \f ->
              continue $ s { qsoForm = f, focusRing = lappQsoFocusRing s }
            Just _ -> lhandleEvent_qso s (VtyEvent (EvKey KBackTab []))

        VtyEvent (EvKey KDown []) -> do
          let focusring = lappQsoFocusRing s
              m_current_focus = F.focusGetCurrent focusring

          case m_current_focus of
            Just LogQsoNotes ->
              handleFormEvent ev (qsoForm s) >>= \f ->
              continue $ s { qsoForm = f, focusRing = lappQsoFocusRing s }
              --return (s { qsoForm = f }) >>= \ss ->
              --return (ss { focusRing = lappQsoFocusRing ss }) >>= continue
            Just _ -> lhandleEvent_qso s (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '\t') []))

        VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> do
          let f = formState $ qsoForm s
          let s' = s { statusText = ["[Retrieving...]"] }
          (name, s') <- hamLog s $ lookupFccName (_qsoCallsign f)
          continue $ s' { statusText = [name] }

        VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 't') [MCtrl]) -> do
          let f = formState $ qsoForm s
              s' = s { statusText = ["Time updated"] }
              i = selectedQsoIndex s'
          (mf', s'') <- hamLog s' $ do
            currentUtcTime >>= \t -> updateQso i (f { _qsoTimeStart = t, _qsoTimeEnd = t })
            a <- getQsoSeq
            return (a S.!? i)
          -- FIXME: I need to update the form entries, not the qso directly.

          lupdateQsoForm s'' >>= continue -- FIXME: The time is not updated in the form, and then set to the old time when the form is left.

        VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> do
          -- Modify the qso currently under edit and go back to list mode.
          let f = formState $ qsoForm s
              i = selectedQsoIndex s
              -- Also modify the a subset of the configured default values to the ones we set last, if it is not a FixedValue.
              updated_qso_defaults = qso_defaults { _qsoDefaultFrequency = case _qsoDefaultFrequency qso_defaults of
                                                                             DefaultValue _ -> DefaultValue (_qsoFrequency f)
                                                                             a              -> a
                                                  , _qsoDefaultMode = case _qsoDefaultMode qso_defaults of
                                                                        DefaultValue _ -> DefaultValue (_qsoMode f) }
              qso_defaults         = _configQsoDefaults $ logConfig s
              updated_config       = (logConfig s) { _configQsoDefaults = updated_qso_defaults }

          -- Check for duplicates using a Qso type object.
          -- FIXME: Add a level of duplicate: Met on another band, on the same band but different mode,
          -- met on the same band with the same mode.
          -- (dupes, s') <- hamLog s $ findDuplicateQsos f
          s' <- (hamLog s $ updateQso i f) >>= lcheckDupes f . snd
          -- s'' <- lcheckDupes f s'

          let s'' = s' { appMode = AppModeList,
                         focusRing = lappDefaultFocusRing,
                         logConfig = updated_config,
                         selectedQsoIndex = -1 }

          -- FIXME: Do this more efficiently than updating the whole list.
          continue =<< lupdateQsoList i s''

        _ -> do
          s' <- handleFormEvent ev (qsoForm s) >>= \f ->
                --return s { qsoForm = f, focusRing = lappQsoFocusRing s }
                return (s { qsoForm = f }) >>= \ss ->
                return (ss { focusRing = lappQsoFocusRing ss }) -- NOTE: This is apparently necessary to get the text cursor to show.
          continue s'
    _ -> continue s

lcheckDupes :: Qso -> AppState -> EventM AppResource AppState
lcheckDupes qso s = do
  (dupes, s') <- hamLog s $ findDuplicateQsos qso
  return $ s' { duplicateQsos = dupes }

data QsoSortKey = QsoSortTime
                | QsoSortCallsign
                | QsoSortLocation

lsetAppMode :: AppMode -> AppState -> EventM AppResource AppState
lsetAppMode m s = return $ s { appMode = m }

lhandleEvent_sortQsos :: AppState -> BrickEvent AppResource HamlogEvent -> EventM AppResource (Next AppState)
lhandleEvent_sortQsos s ev =
  case appMode s of
    AppModeSort prev -> do
      ms' <- case ev of
               VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 't') []) -> snd <$> hamLog s (sortLog _qsoTimeStart) >>= lsetAppMode prev >>= return . Just
               VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'c') []) -> snd <$> hamLog s (sortLog _qsoCallsign)  >>= lsetAppMode prev >>= return . Just
               VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') []) -> snd <$> hamLog s (sortLog _qsoLocation)  >>= lsetAppMode prev >>= return . Just
               _ -> return Nothing
      maybe (continue s) (\s' -> lupdateQsoList 0 s' >>= lupdateQsoForm >>= continue) ms'
    _ -> continue s

lappStatusWidget :: AppState -> Widget AppResource
lappStatusWidget _ = str $ "(C) Copyright KM6THJ, 2018."

-- | Help text, depending on mode.
lappHelp :: AppState -> Widget AppResource
lappHelp s = help
  where help = padTop (Pad 1) $ borderWithLabel (str "Help") body
        body = case (appMode s) of
          AppModeList -> str $ "-   n: New qso       Del: Delete qso\n" <>
                               "- Tab: Edit            s: Sort Log\n" <>
                               "-   w: Write to file   q: Quit"
          AppModeQso -> str $ "- Esc: End edit and accept results\n" <>
                              "- Tab: Cycle entries\n" <>
                              "- Ctrl-l: Lookup name for callsign"
          AppModeSort _ -> str $ "- t: Sort by time\n" <>
                                 "- c: Sort by callsign\n" <>
                                 "- l: Sort by location"
          _ -> str ""

-- | Modes for the UI.
data AppMode = AppModeList     -- ^ Editing the log list.
             | AppModeQso      -- ^ Editing the current QSO entry.
             | AppModeQuestion
               { appModeQuestionPrev :: AppMode,
                 appModeQuestionDialog :: Dialog Bool,
                 appModeQuestionYes :: (AppState -> EventM AppResource AppState),
                 appModeQuestionNo  :: (AppState -> EventM AppResource AppState) } -- ^ Asking a yes/no question from the user.
             | AppModeSort
               { appModeSortPrev :: AppMode }

-- | Event handler for the hamlog application.
lhandleEvent :: AppState -> BrickEvent AppResource HamlogEvent -> EventM AppResource (Next AppState)
lhandleEvent s ev = do

  case (appMode s) of
    AppModeList                     -> lhandleEvent_list s ev
    AppModeQuestion prev dlg yes no -> lhandleEvent_question s ev
    AppModeQso                      -> lhandleEvent_qso s ev
    AppModeSort prev                -> lhandleEvent_sortQsos s ev

lappCursor :: AppState -> [T.CursorLocation AppResource] -> Maybe (T.CursorLocation AppResource)
lappCursor = F.focusRingCursor focusRing

lappStartEvent s = (snd <$> hamLog s readLog) >>= lupdateQsoList 0 >>= lupdateQsoForm
    -- let l = emptyLogState { _stateLog = emptyLog { _logQsos = S.fromList $ take 100000 $ repeat emptyQso } }
    -- let s' = s { logState = l }
    -- lupdateQsoList 0 s' >>= lupdateQsoForm

-- | 'App' to use for constructing the 'Brick' UI.
app = App { appDraw = lappDraw
          , appHandleEvent = lhandleEvent
          , appStartEvent = lappStartEvent
          , appAttrMap = const $ attrMap defAttr
                           (E.editAttr, V.white `on` V.black)
                         , (E.editFocusedAttr, V.black `on` V.yellow)
                         , (invalidFormInputAttr, V.white `on` V.red)
                         , (focusedFormInputAttr, V.black `on` V.yellow)
                         , (attrName "qsoList" <> attrName "selected", V.black `on` V.yellow)
                         , (attrName "qsoList" <> attrName "normal", defAttr)
                         , (attrName "dupeWarn", V.white `on` V.red)
                         , (buttonAttr,  V.black `on` V.white)
                         , (buttonSelectedAttr, V.black `on` V.green)
          , appChooseCursor = lappCursor }