haphviz- Graphviz code generation with Haskell

Safe HaskellSafe




Generating graph contents



graph Source #


:: GraphType 
-> GraphName

Internal graph name

-> DotGen a


-> DotGraph 

Generate a haphviz graph with a given name and content

>>> graph directed "mygraph" $ do
        a <- node "a"
        b <- node "b"
        a --> b
> graph mygraph {
>   0 [label="a"];
>   1 [label="b"];
>   0 -- 1;
> }

graph_ Source #


:: GraphType 
-> DotGen a


-> DotGraph 

Like graph but without an internal graph name

graph_ gt func = graph gt "haphviz" func

genDot :: DotGen a -> Dot Source #

Generate Internal dot content AST

genSubDot :: Int -> DotGen a -> Dot Source #

Utility function to generate a graph with nameless nodes starting from a given starting number.

genSubDot' :: Int -> DotGen a -> ((a, State), Dot) Source #

Graph types

directed :: GraphType Source #

Directed graph

>>> directed
> digraph

undirected :: GraphType Source #

Undirected graph

>>> undirected
> graph


genNode :: NodeId -> [Attribute] -> DotGen () Source #

Most general node declaration

This allows you to specify a node identifier for the node.

In general it is more efficient to use nameless nodes and have the identifiers generated for you.

It also allows you to specify attributes. In general it is better to use namelessNode.

>>> n <- newNode
>>> genNode n [color =: green]
> 0 [color="green"];

namedNode Source #


:: Text


-> [Attribute] 
-> DotGen NodeId 

Node with given (internal) name and attributes

Aside from human-readable output, there is no reason to use named nodes. Use node instead.

>>> void $ namedNode "woohoo" [color =: red]
> wohoo [color="red"];

namelessNode :: [Attribute] -> DotGen NodeId Source #

Nameless node with attributes

This generates a nameless node for you but still allows you to specify its individual attributes. In general it is better to use nodeDec and then node.

>>> void $ namelessNode [color =: blue]
> 0 [color="blue"];

node Source #


:: Text


-> DotGen NodeId 

Node with a label but no other attributes

A node with a given label and no other attributes. Usually used in conjunction with nodeDec.

>>> void $ node "server"
> 0 [label="server"];

node_ Source #


:: NodeId

given Node ID

-> Text


-> DotGen () 

Node with given node Id and label

node_ ni l = genNode ni [label =: l]

newNode :: DotGen NodeId Source #

Generate a new internally nameless node ID

It is not generally a good idea to use this directly but it can be used to define node identifiers before a subgraph to reference them both in- and outside of it.


genEdge :: NodeId -> NodeId -> [Attribute] -> DotGen () Source #

Most general edge declaration

This allows you to specify attributes for a single edge.

Usually it is better to use edgeDec and then -->.

>>> genEdge a b [label =: "MyEdge"]
> a -> b [label="MyEdge"];

(-->) :: NodeId -> NodeId -> DotGen () Source #

Infix edge constructor. (No attributes)

This takes care of using the right edge declaration for the given graph.

For undirected graphs, the output would be -- ...

>>> a --> b
> a -- b;

... and for directed graphs it would be ->.

>>> a --> b
> a -> b;


(=:) :: AttributeName -> AttributeValue -> Attribute Source #

Infix operator for an attribute pair

>>> [label =: "MyNode"]
> [label="MyNode"]


genDec :: DecType -> [Attribute] -> DotGen () Source #

General declaration of common attributes

graphDec :: [Attribute] -> DotGen () Source #

Graph declaration

>>> graphDec [compound =: true]
> graph [compound=true];

nodeDec :: [Attribute] -> DotGen () Source #

Node declaration

>>> nodeDec [shape =: none]
> node [shape=none];

edgeDec :: [Attribute] -> DotGen () Source #

Edge declaration

>>> edgeDec [color =: "red:blue"]
> edge [color="red:blue"];


cluster :: Text -> DotGen a -> DotGen (GraphName, a) Source #

Cluster with a given name

The cluster_ prefix is taken care of.

cluster_ :: Text -> DotGen a -> DotGen a Source #

Like cluster, discarding the graph name.

subgraph :: Text -> DotGen a -> DotGen (GraphName, a) Source #

Subgraph declaration

This is rarely useful. Just use cluster.



rankdir :: RankdirType -> DotGen () Source #

The rankdir declaration

This changes the default layout of nodes

>>> rankdir leftRight
> rankdir = LR;

leftRight :: RankdirType Source #

>>> leftRight
> LR

rightLeft :: RankdirType Source #

>>> rightLeft
> RL

topBottom :: RankdirType Source #

>>> topBottom
> TB

bottomTop :: RankdirType Source #

>>> bottomTop
> BT


labelDec :: Text -> DotGen () Source #

Label declaration for graphs or subgraphs


(.:) Source #


:: NodeId 
-> Text


-> NodeId 

Use a certain port on a given node's label as an endpoint for an edge


ranksame :: DotGen a -> DotGen a Source #

{rank=same ... } declaration

>>> ranksame $ node [shape =: none]
> node [shape=none];


type DotGen = StateT State (WriterT Dot Identity) Source #

Generation monad

type State = Int Source #

The next id for a nameless node

data Dot Source #

Haphviz internal graph content AST


Eq Dot Source # 


(==) :: Dot -> Dot -> Bool #

(/=) :: Dot -> Dot -> Bool #

Show Dot Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Dot -> ShowS #

show :: Dot -> String #

showList :: [Dot] -> ShowS #

Monoid Dot Source #

Dot is a monoid, duh, that's the point.


mempty :: Dot #

mappend :: Dot -> Dot -> Dot #

mconcat :: [Dot] -> Dot #

data DotGraph Source #

A Haphviz Graph

data NodeId Source #

A node identifier.

This is either a user supplied name or a generated numerical identifier.


type Attribute = (AttributeName, AttributeValue) Source #

Attribute: a tuple of name and value.

type AttributeName = Text Source #

Attribute name: just text

type AttributeValue = Text Source #

Attribute value: just text

data DecType Source #

Declaration type

Used to declare common attributes for nodes or edges.

data RankdirType Source #

Rankdir Type

Used to specify the default node layout direction