happstack-server-6.1.2: Web related tools and services.




Route an incoming Request to a handler. For more in-depth documentation see this section of the Happstack Crash Course: http://happstack.com/docs/crashcourse/RouteFilters.html


Route by request method

methodM :: (ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m, MatchMethod method) => method -> m ()Source

Guard against the method. This function also guards against *any remaining path segments*. See methodOnly for the version that guards only by method.


 handler :: ServerPart Response
 handler =
     do methodM [GET, HEAD]

methodOnly :: (ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m, MatchMethod method) => method -> m ()Source

Guard against the method only (as opposed to methodM).


 handler :: ServerPart Response
 handler =
     do methodOnly [GET, HEAD]

methodSP :: (ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m, MatchMethod method) => method -> m b -> m bSource

Guard against the method. Note, this function also guards against any remaining path segments. Similar to methodM but with a different type signature.


 handler :: ServerPart Response
 handler = methodSP [GET, HEAD] $ subHandler

method :: (MatchMethod method, Monad m) => method -> WebT m a -> ServerPartT m aSource

Guard against the method. Note, this function also guards against any remaining path segments.

DEPRECATED: Use methodSP, methodM, or methodOnly

class MatchMethod m whereSource

instances of this class provide a variety of ways to match on the Request method.


 methodM GET                  -- match GET
 methodM [HEAD, GET]          -- match HEAD or GET
 methodM (not . (==) DELETE)  -- match any method except DELETE
 methodM ()                   -- match any method


matchMethod :: m -> Method -> BoolSource

Route by pathInfo

dir :: (ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m) => String -> m a -> m aSource

Pop a path element and run the supplied handler if it matches the given string.

 handler :: ServerPart Response
 handler = dir "foo" $ dir "bar" $ subHandler

The path element can not contain '/'. See also dirs.

dirs :: (ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m) => FilePath -> m a -> m aSource

Guard against a FilePath. Unlike dir the FilePath may contain '/'. If the guard succeeds, the matched elements will be popped from the directory stack.

 dirs "foo/bar" $ ...

See also: dir.

nullDir :: (ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m) => m ()Source

guard which only succeeds if there are no remaining path segments

Often used if you want to explicitly assign a route for /

trailingSlash :: (ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m) => m ()Source

Guard which checks that the Request URI ends in '/'. Useful for distinguishing between foo and foo/

anyPath :: (ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m) => m r -> m rSource

Pop any path element and run the handler.

Succeeds if a path component was popped. Fails is the remaining path was empty.

class FromReqURI a whereSource

This class is used by path to parse a path component into a value.

The instances for number types (Int, Float, etc) use readM to parse the path component.

The instance for String, on the other hand, returns the unmodified path component.

See the following section of the Happstack Crash Course for detailed instructions using and extending FromReqURI:


path :: (FromReqURI a, MonadPlus m, ServerMonad m) => (a -> m b) -> m bSource

Pop a path element and parse it using the fromReqURI in the FromReqURI class.

uriRest :: ServerMonad m => (String -> m a) -> m aSource

Grab the rest of the URL (dirs + query) and passes it to your handler.

Route by host

host :: (ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m) => String -> m a -> m aSource

Guard against the host.

This matches against the host header specified in the incoming Request.

Can be used to support virtual hosting, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_hosting

see also: withHost

withHost :: (ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m) => (String -> m a) -> m aSource

Lookup the host header in the incoming request and pass it to the handler.

see also: host

Route by (Request -> Bool)

guardRq :: (ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m) => (Request -> Bool) -> m ()Source

Guard using an arbitrary function on the Request.