{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell   #-}

module Database.Bolt.Extras.Query.Put
    ( GraphPutRequest
    , GraphPutResponse
    , PutNode (..)
    , putGraph
    ) where

import           Control.Monad                     (forM)
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class            (MonadIO)
import           Data.Map.Strict                   (mapWithKey, toList, (!))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict                   as M (map)
import qualified Data.Text                         as T (Text, pack)
import           Database.Bolt                     (BoltActionT, Node (..),
                                                    RecordValue (..), Value (..),
                                                    URelationship (..), at,
                                                    exact, query)
import           Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph        (Graph (..))
import           Database.Bolt.Extras.Persisted    (BoltId, fromInt)
import           Database.Bolt.Extras.Query.Cypher (ToCypher (..))
import           Database.Bolt.Extras.Query.Utils  (NodeName)
import           NeatInterpolation                 (text)

-- | 'PutNode' is the wrapper for 'Node' where we can specify if we want to merge or create it.
data PutNode = BoltId BoltId | Merge Node | Create Node
  deriving (Show)

-- | The graph of 'Node's with specified uploading type and 'URelationship's.
type GraphPutRequest = Graph NodeName PutNode URelationship

-- | The graph of 'BoltId's corresponding to the nodes and relationships
-- which we get after putting 'GraphPutRequest'.
type GraphPutResponse = Graph NodeName BoltId BoltId

-- | For given @Node _ labels nodeProps@ makes query MERGE or CREATE depending
-- on the type of 'PutNode' and returns 'BoltId' of the loaded 'Node'.
-- If we already know 'BoltId' of the 'Node' with such parameters, this function does nothing.
-- Potentially, if you MERGE some 'Node' and its labels and props are occured in
-- several 'Node's, then the result can be not one but several 'Node's,
-- so the result of this function will be a list of corresponding 'BoltId's.
putNode :: (MonadIO m) => PutNode -> BoltActionT m [BoltId]
putNode ut = case ut of
    (BoltId bId)  -> pure [bId]
    (Merge node)  -> helper (T.pack "MERGE") node
    (Create node) -> helper (T.pack "CREATE") node
    helper :: (MonadIO m) => T.Text -> Node -> BoltActionT m [BoltId]
    helper q node = do
      let varQ  = "n"

      let labelsQ = toCypher $ labels node
      let propsQ  = toCypher . filter ((/= N ()) . snd) . toList $ nodeProps node

      let getQuery = [text|$q ($varQ $labelsQ {$propsQ})
                           RETURN ID($varQ) as $varQ|]

      records <- query getQuery
      forM records $ \record -> do
        nodeIdentity' <- record `at` varQ >>= exact
        pure $ fromInt nodeIdentity'

-- | Every relationship in Bolt protocol starts from one 'Node' and ends in anoter.
-- For given starting and ending 'Node's 'BoltId's, and for @URelationship  _ urelType urelProps@
-- this method makes MERGE query and then returns the corresponding 'BoltId'.
putRelationship :: (MonadIO m) => BoltId -> URelationship -> BoltId -> BoltActionT m BoltId
putRelationship start URelationship{..} end = do
  [record]      <- query mergeQ
  urelIdentity' <- record `at` varQ >>= exact
  pure $ fromInt urelIdentity'
    varQ = "r"
    labelQ = toCypher urelType
    propsQ = toCypher . toList $ urelProps
    startT = T.pack . show $ start
    endT = T.pack . show $ end

    mergeQ :: T.Text
    mergeQ = [text|MATCH (a), (b)
              WHERE ID(a) = $startT AND ID(b) = $endT
              MERGE (a)-[$varQ $labelQ {$propsQ}]->(b)
              RETURN ID($varQ) as $varQ|]

-- | Creates graph using given 'GraphPutRequest'.
-- If there were multiple choices while merging given _vertices, the first match is used for connection.
putGraph :: (MonadIO m) => GraphPutRequest -> BoltActionT m GraphPutResponse
putGraph requestGraph = do
  let vertices = _vertices requestGraph
  let rels = _relations requestGraph
  nodes <- sequenceA $ M.map (fmap head . putNode) vertices
  edges <- sequenceA $
          mapWithKey (\key v -> do
              let stNode  = nodes ! fst key
              let endNode = nodes ! snd key
              putRelationship stNode v endNode) rels
  return $ Graph nodes edges