{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstrainedClassMethods #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies  #-}

module Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.GraphQuery
    GraphQuery (..)
  , GetRequest (..)
  , PutRequest (..)
  , mergeGraphs
  ) where

import           Control.Lens                                      (over, (^.))
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class                            (MonadIO)
import           Data.List                                         (foldl')
import           Data.Map.Strict                                   (fromList,
                                                                    union, (!))
import           Data.Text                                         as T (Text, intercalate,
import           Database.Bolt                                     (BoltActionT,
import           Database.Bolt.Extras                              (BoltId, GetBoltId (..))
import           Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.AbstractGraph (Graph (..),
import           Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Class         (Extractable (..),
                                                                    Requestable (..),
                                                                    Returnable (..))
import           Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get           (NodeGetter,
import           Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Put           (PutNode, PutRelationship,
import           NeatInterpolation                                 (text)

-- | Type class used to perform requests to the Neo4j based on graphs.
class GraphQuery a where
  -- | Type of entity describing node for request.
  type NodeReq a :: *
  -- | Type of entity describing relationship for request.
  type RelReq  a :: *
  -- | Type of node entity which will be extracted from result.
  type NodeRes a :: *
  -- | Type of relationship entity which will be extracted from result.
  type RelRes  a :: *

  -- | Convert requestable entities to text in the query.
  requestEntities :: (Requestable (NodeName, NodeReq a),
                      Requestable ((NodeName, NodeName), RelReq a))
                  => [(NodeName, NodeReq a)]
                  -> [((NodeName, NodeName), RelReq a)]
                  -> (Text, [Text])

  -- | Abstract function to form query for request.
  formQuery :: (Requestable (NodeName, NodeReq a),
                Requestable ((NodeName, NodeName), RelReq a),
                Returnable (NodeName, NodeReq a),
                Returnable ((NodeName, NodeName), RelReq a))
            => [Text]                                -- ^ Custom conditions that will be added to @WHERE@ block.
            -> Graph NodeName (NodeReq a) (RelReq a) -- ^ Request graph template.
            -> Text                                  -- ^ Cypher query as text.
  formQuery customConds graph = [text|$completeRequest
                                      WITH DISTINCT $distinctVars
                                      RETURN $completeReturn|]
      vertices'        = toList (graph ^. vertices)
      relations'       = toList (graph ^. relations)
      distinctVars     = intercalate ", " $ fmap fst vertices' ++ fmap (relationName . fst) relations'

      (completeRequest, reqConds) = requestEntities @a vertices' relations'

      conditions       = reqConds ++ customConds
      conditionsQ      = if Prelude.null conditions then "" else " WHERE " <> intercalate " AND " conditions

      returnVertices   = return' <$> filter isReturned' vertices'
      returnRelations  = return' <$> filter isReturned' relations'

      completeReturn   = intercalate ", " $ Prelude.filter (not . T.null) $ returnVertices ++ returnRelations

  -- | Abstract function which exctracts graph from records if nodes and relations can be extracted.
  extractGraphs :: (Extractable (NodeRes a), Extractable (RelRes a), MonadIO m)
                => [NodeName]
                -> [(NodeName, NodeName)]
                -> [Record]
                -> BoltActionT m [Graph NodeName (NodeRes a) (RelRes a)]
  extractGraphs verticesN relationsN records = mapM (\i -> do
        vertices'  <- zip verticesN  <$> traverse (fmap (!! i) . flip extract records               ) verticesN
        relations' <- zip relationsN <$> traverse (fmap (!! i) . flip extract records . relationName) relationsN
        pure $ Graph (fromList vertices') (fromList relations'))
      [0 .. length records - 1]

  -- | For given query graph, perform query and extract results graph.
  makeRequest :: (Requestable (NodeName, NodeReq a),
                  Requestable ((NodeName, NodeName), RelReq a),
                  Returnable (NodeName, NodeReq a),
                  Returnable ((NodeName, NodeName), RelReq a),
                  Extractable (NodeRes a),
                  Extractable (RelRes a),
                  MonadIO m)
              => [Text]
              -> Graph NodeName (NodeReq a) (RelReq a)
              -> BoltActionT m [Graph NodeName (NodeRes a) (RelRes a)]
  makeRequest conds graph = do
      response <- query $ formQuery @a conds graph
      extractGraphs @a presentedVertices presentedRelations response
      presentedVertices  = fmap fst . filter isReturned' . toList $ graph ^. vertices
      presentedRelations = fmap fst . filter isReturned' . toList $ graph ^. relations

-- GET --

-- | Get request with graph result.
data GetRequest = GetRequest

instance GraphQuery GetRequest where
  type NodeReq GetRequest = NodeGetter
  type RelReq  GetRequest = RelGetter
  type NodeRes GetRequest = NodeResult
  type RelRes  GetRequest = RelResult
  requestEntities         = requestGetters

-- PUT --

-- | Put request in Bolt format with 'BoltId's of uploaded entities as result.
data PutRequest = PutRequest

instance GraphQuery PutRequest where
  type NodeReq PutRequest = PutNode
  type RelReq  PutRequest = PutRelationship
  type NodeRes PutRequest = BoltId
  type RelRes  PutRequest = BoltId
  requestEntities          = requestPut

-- | Helper function to merge graphs of results, i.e.
-- if you requested graph @A -> B -> C@
-- and in the database there were two @B@ entities connected to the same entity @A@
-- and four @C@ entities connected to the same two entities @B@,
-- Cypher query will return four graphs which satisfy this path,
-- despite the fact that @A@ was present only once in the database
-- and @B@ was present only two times in the database.
-- This function will merge these four graphs in one
-- and return nodes by node names with suffixes equal to their 'BoltId's.
-- For example, if there were four graphs:
-- @
--   nodes: [A (boltId = 0), B (boltId = 1), C (boltId = 3)], relations: [A -> B, B -> C];
--   nodes: [A (boltId = 0), B (boltId = 1), C (boltId = 4)], relations: [A -> B, B -> C];
--   nodes: [A (boltId = 0), B (boltId = 2), C (boltId = 5)], relations: [A -> B, B -> C];
--   nodes: [A (boltId = 0), B (boltId = 2), C (boltId = 6)], relations: [A -> B, B -> C].
-- @
-- this function will merge them into new graph:
-- @
--   nodes: [A0 (boltId = 0), B1 (boltId = 1), B2 (boltId = 2),
--           C3 (boltId = 3), C4 (boltId = 4), C5 (boltId = 5), C6 (boltId = 6)],
--   relations: [A0 -> B1, A0 -> B2, B1 -> C3, B1 -> C4, B2 -> C5, B2 -> C6].
-- @
mergeGraphs :: GetBoltId a => [Graph NodeName a b] -> Graph NodeName a b
mergeGraphs graphs = foldl' mergeGraph emptyGraph (updateGraph <$> graphs)
    updateGraph :: GetBoltId a => Graph NodeName a b -> Graph NodeName a b
    updateGraph graph = Graph newVertices newRelations
        namesMap     = (\name        node     ->  name <> (pack . show . getBoltId $ node)  ) `mapWithKey` (graph ^. vertices)
        newVertices  = (\name                 ->  namesMap ! name                           ) `mapKeys`    (graph ^. vertices)
        newRelations = (\(startName, endName) -> (namesMap ! startName, namesMap ! endName) ) `mapKeys`    (graph ^. relations)

    mergeGraph :: GetBoltId a => Graph NodeName a b -> Graph NodeName a b -> Graph NodeName a b
    mergeGraph graphToMerge initialGraph = over relations (union (graphToMerge ^. relations)) $
                                           over vertices  (union (graphToMerge ^. vertices))