hashable-generics-1.1.6: Automatically generates Hashable instances with GHC.Generics.

Stabilitystable Portability: GHC
Safe HaskellNone






gHashWithSalt :: (Generic a, GHashable (Rep a)) => Int -> a -> IntSource

GHC.Generics-based hashWithSalt implementation

This provides a generic hashWithSalt implementation for one type at a time. If the type of the value gHashWithSalt is asked to hash contains values of other types, those types have to provide Hashable instances. This also means that recursive types can only be used with gHashWithSalt if a Hashable instance has been defined as well (see examples below).

The typical usage for gHashWithSalt is for reducing boilerplate code when defining Hashable instances for ordinary algebraic datatypes. See the code below for some simple usage examples:

 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

 import Data.Hashable
 import Data.Hashable.Generic ( gHashWithSalt )
 import GHC.Generics

 -- simple record
 data Foo = Foo AccountId Name Address
          deriving Generic

 type Address      = [String]
 type Name         = String
 newtype AccountId = AccountId Int

 -- Note: Even though gHashWithSalt could be curried, we explicitly list
 --       the parameters. If you don't do this, GHC will not inline the
 --       definition of gHashWithSalt, and the performance will not match
 --       a non-generic implementation. If you use this method, the generic
 --       hashWithSalt will generate the exact same code as a hand-rolled
 --       one.
 instance Hashable AccountId
 instance Hashable Foo where
     hashWithSalt s x = gHashWithSalt s x

 -- recursive list-like type
 data N = Z | S N deriving Generic

 instance Hashable N where
     hashWithSalt s x = gHashWithSalt s x

 -- parametric and recursive type
 data Bar a = Bar0 | Bar1 a | Bar2 (Bar a)
            deriving Generic

 instance Hashable a => Hashable (Bar a) where
     hashWithSalt s x = gHashWithSalt s x

Note: The GHashable type-class showing up in the type-signature is used internally and not exported on purpose.

class Hashable a where

The class of types that can be converted to a hash value.

Minimal implementation: hash or hashWithSalt.


hash :: a -> Int

Return a hash value for the argument.

The general contract of hash is:

  • This integer need not remain consistent from one execution of an application to another execution of the same application.
  • If two values are equal according to the == method, then applying the hash method on each of the two values must produce the same integer result.
  • It is not required that if two values are unequal according to the == method, then applying the hash method on each of the two values must produce distinct integer results. However, the programmer should be aware that producing distinct integer results for unequal values may improve the performance of hashing-based data structures.

hashWithSalt :: Int -> a -> Int

Return a hash value for the argument, using the given salt.

This method can be used to compute different hash values for the same input by providing a different salt in each application of the method.

The contract for hashWithSalt is the same as for hash, with the additional requirement that any instance that defines hashWithSalt must make use of the salt in its implementation.