{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, PatternGuards #-}
-- | Parsing type information from GIR files.
module Data.GI.GIR.Type
    ( parseType
    , queryCType
    , parseCType
    , queryElementCType
    , parseOptionalType
    ) where

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))

import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Foreign.Storable (sizeOf)
import Foreign.C (CShort, CUShort, CSize)
import System.Posix.Types (CSsize)

import Data.GI.GIR.BasicTypes (Type(..), BasicType(..))
import Data.GI.GIR.Parser

-- | Map the given type name to a `BasicType` (defined in
-- Data.GI.GIR.BasicTypes), if possible.
nameToBasicType :: Text -> Maybe BasicType
nameToBasicType "gpointer" = Just TPtr
nameToBasicType "gboolean" = Just TBoolean
nameToBasicType "gchar"    = Just TInt8
nameToBasicType "gint"     = Just TInt
nameToBasicType "guint"    = Just TUInt
nameToBasicType "glong"    = Just TLong
nameToBasicType "gulong"   = Just TULong
nameToBasicType "gint8"    = Just TInt8
nameToBasicType "guint8"   = Just TUInt8
nameToBasicType "gint16"   = Just TInt16
nameToBasicType "guint16"  = Just TUInt16
nameToBasicType "gint32"   = Just TInt32
nameToBasicType "guint32"  = Just TUInt32
nameToBasicType "gint64"   = Just TInt64
nameToBasicType "guint64"  = Just TUInt64
nameToBasicType "gfloat"   = Just TFloat
nameToBasicType "gdouble"  = Just TDouble
nameToBasicType "gunichar" = Just TUniChar
nameToBasicType "GType"    = Just TGType
nameToBasicType "utf8"     = Just TUTF8
nameToBasicType "filename" = Just TFileName
nameToBasicType "gintptr"  = Just TIntPtr
nameToBasicType "guintptr" = Just TUIntPtr
nameToBasicType "gshort"   = case sizeOf (0 :: CShort) of
                               2 -> Just TInt16
                               4 -> Just TInt32
                               8 -> Just TInt64
                               n -> error $ "Unexpected short size: " ++ show n
nameToBasicType "gushort"  = case sizeOf (0 :: CUShort) of
                               2 -> Just TUInt16
                               4 -> Just TUInt32
                               8 -> Just TUInt64
                               n -> error $ "Unexpected ushort size: " ++ show n
nameToBasicType "gssize"   = case sizeOf (0 :: CSsize) of
                               4 -> Just TInt32
                               8 -> Just TInt64
                               n -> error $ "Unexpected ssize length: " ++ show n
nameToBasicType "gsize"    = case sizeOf (0 :: CSize) of
                               4 -> Just TUInt32
                               8 -> Just TUInt64
                               n -> error $ "Unexpected size length: " ++ show n
nameToBasicType _          = Nothing

-- | The different array types.
parseArrayInfo :: Parser Type
parseArrayInfo = queryAttr "name" >>= \case
      Just "GLib.Array" -> TGArray <$> parseType
      Just "GLib.PtrArray" -> TPtrArray <$> parseType
      Just "GLib.ByteArray" -> return TByteArray
      Just other -> parseError $ "Unsupported array type: \"" <> other <> "\""
      Nothing -> parseCArrayType

-- | A C array
parseCArrayType :: Parser Type
parseCArrayType = do
  zeroTerminated <- queryAttr "zero-terminated" >>= \case
                    Just b -> parseBool b
                    Nothing -> return True
  length <- queryAttr "length" >>= \case
            Just l -> parseIntegral l
            Nothing -> return (-1)
  fixedSize <- queryAttr "fixed-size" >>= \case
               Just s -> parseIntegral s
               Nothing -> return (-1)
  elementType <- parseType
  return $ TCArray zeroTerminated fixedSize length elementType

-- | A hash table.
parseHashTable :: Parser Type
parseHashTable = parseTypeElements >>= \case
                 [Just key, Just value] -> return $ TGHash key value
                 other -> parseError $ "Unsupported hash type: "
                                       <> T.pack (show other)

-- | Parse a `GClosure` declaration.
parseClosure :: Parser Type
parseClosure = queryAttr "closure-type" >>= \case
                Just t -> (TGClosure . Just) <$> parseTypeName t
                Nothing -> return $ TGClosure Nothing

-- | For GLists and GSLists there is sometimes no information about
-- the type of the elements. In these cases we report them as
-- pointers.
parseListType :: Parser Type
parseListType = queryType >>= \case
                Just t -> return t
                Nothing -> return (TBasicType TPtr)

-- | A type which is not a BasicType or array.
parseFundamentalType :: Text -> Text -> Parser Type
parseFundamentalType "GLib" "List" = TGList <$> parseListType
parseFundamentalType "GLib" "SList" = TGSList <$> parseListType
parseFundamentalType "GLib" "HashTable" = parseHashTable
parseFundamentalType "GLib" "Error" = return TError
parseFundamentalType "GLib" "Variant" = return TVariant
parseFundamentalType "GObject" "ParamSpec" = return TParamSpec
parseFundamentalType "GObject" "Closure" = parseClosure
-- A TInterface type (basically, everything that is not of a known type).
parseFundamentalType ns n = resolveQualifiedTypeName (Name ns n)

-- | Parse a type given as a string.
parseTypeName :: Text -> Parser Type
parseTypeName typeName = case nameToBasicType typeName of
    Just b -> return (TBasicType b)
    Nothing -> case T.split ('.' ==) typeName of
                 [ns, n] -> parseFundamentalType ns n
                 [n] -> do
                   ns <- currentNamespace
                   parseFundamentalType ns n
                 _ -> parseError $ "Unsupported type form: \""
                                   <> typeName <> "\""

-- | Parse information on a "type" element. Returns either a `Type`,
-- or `Nothing` indicating that the name of the type in the
-- introspection data was "none" (associated with @void@ in C).
parseTypeInfo :: Parser (Maybe Type)
parseTypeInfo = do
  typeName <- getAttr "name"
  if typeName == "none"
  then return Nothing
  else Just <$> parseTypeName typeName

-- | Find the children giving the type of the given element.
parseTypeElements :: Parser [Maybe Type]
parseTypeElements = do
  types <- parseChildrenWithLocalName "type" parseTypeInfo
  arrays <- parseChildrenWithLocalName "array" parseArrayInfo
  return (types ++ map Just arrays)

-- | Find the C name for the current element.
queryCType :: Parser (Maybe Text)
queryCType = queryAttrWithNamespace CGIRNS "type"

-- | Parse the C type for the current node.
parseCType :: Parser Text
parseCType = getAttrWithNamespace CGIRNS "type"

-- | Find the children giving the C type for the element.
parseCTypeNameElements :: Parser [Text]
parseCTypeNameElements = do
  types <- parseChildrenWithLocalName "type" queryCType
  arrays <- parseChildrenWithLocalName "array" queryCType
  return (catMaybes (types ++ arrays))

-- | Try to find a type node, but do not error out if it is not
-- found. This _does_ give an error if more than one type node is
-- found, or if the type name is "none".
queryType :: Parser (Maybe Type)
queryType = parseTypeElements >>= \case
            [Just e] -> return (Just e)
            [] -> return Nothing
            [Nothing] -> parseError $ "Unexpected \"none\" type."
            _ -> parseError $ "Found more than one type for the element."

-- | Parse the type of a node (which will be described by a child node
-- named "type" or "array").
parseType :: Parser Type
parseType = parseTypeElements >>= \case
            [Just e] -> return e
            [] -> parseError $ "Did not find a type for the element."
            [Nothing] -> parseError $ "Unexpected \"none\" type."
            _ -> parseError $ "Found more than one type for the element."

-- | Like `parseType`, but allow for @none@, returned as `Nothing`.
parseOptionalType :: Parser (Maybe Type)
parseOptionalType =
    parseTypeElements >>= \case
           [e] -> return e
           [] -> parseError $ "Did not find a type for the element."
           _ -> parseError $ "Found more than one type for the element."

-- | Parse the C-type associated to the element, if found.
queryElementCType :: Parser (Maybe Text)
queryElementCType = parseCTypeNameElements >>= \case
             [ctype] -> return (Just ctype)
             [] -> return Nothing
             _ -> parseError $ "Found more than one type for the element."