haskell-neo4j-client- A Haskell neo4j client

Safe HaskellNone





data Result Source

Type for a Cypher response with tuples containing column name and their values




cols :: [Text]
vals :: [[Value]]
graph :: [Graph]
stats :: Stats


Eq Result 
Show Result 
FromJSON Result

How to create a response object from a cypher JSON response

data Stats Source

Holds the connection stats




containsUpdates :: Bool
nodesCreated :: Integer
nodesDeleted :: Integer
propsSet :: Integer
relsCreated :: Integer
relsDeleted :: Integer
lblsAdded :: Integer
lblsRemoved :: Integer
idxAdded :: Integer
idxRemoved :: Integer
constAdded :: Integer
constRemoved :: Integer


Eq Stats 
Show Stats 
FromJSON Stats

Instance to parse stats from a JSON

data ParamValue Source

Value for a cypher parmeter value, might be a literal, a property map or a list of property maps


Eq ParamValue 
Show ParamValue 
ToJSON ParamValue

Instance toJSON for param values so we can serialize them in queries

type Params = HashMap Text ParamValueSource

We use hashmaps to represent Cypher parameters

newparam :: PropertyValueConstructor a => a -> ParamValueSource

emptyStats :: StatsSource

Default stats

Sending queries

loneQuery :: Text -> Params -> Neo4j (Either TransError Result)Source

isSuccess :: Either TransError Result -> BoolSource

True if the operation succeeded

fromResult :: Result -> Either TransError Result -> ResultSource

Get the result of the response or a default value

fromSuccess :: Either TransError Result -> ResultSource

Get the result of the response or a default value

runTransaction :: Transaction a -> Neo4j (Either TransError a)Source

Run a transaction and get its final result, has an implicit commit request (or rollback if an exception occurred) | This implicit commit/rollback will only be executed if it hasn't before because of an explicit one

cypher :: Text -> Params -> Transaction ResultSource

Run a cypher query in a transaction, if an error occurs the transaction will stop and rollback

rollback :: Transaction ()Source

Rollback a transaction after this, executing rollback, commit, keepalive, cypher in the transaction will result in an exception

commit :: Transaction ()Source

Commit a transaction after this, executing rollback, commit, keepalive, cypher in the transaction will result in an exception

keepalive :: Transaction ()Source

Send a keep alive message to an open transaction

commitWith :: Text -> Params -> Transaction ResultSource

Send a cypher query and commit at the same time, if an error occurs the transaction will be rolled back after this, executing rollback, commit, keepalive, cypher in the transaction will result in an exception