haskell-neo4j-client- A Haskell neo4j client

Copyright(c) 2014, Antoni Silvestre
MaintainerAntoni Silvestre <antoni.silvestre@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellNone




Library to interact with the Neo4j REST API.


How to use this library

In order to start issuing commands to neo4j you must establish a connection, in order to do that you can use the function withConnection:

withConnection "" 7474 $ do
   neo <- createNode M.empty
   cypher <- createNode M.empty
   r <- createRelationship "KNOWS" M.empty neo cypher

Also most calls have a batch analogue version, with batch mode you can issue several commands to Neo4j at once. In order to issue batches you must use the Database.Neo4j.Batch monad, parameters in batch mode can be actual entities already obtained by issuing regular commands or previous batch commands, or even batch futures, that is you can refer to entities created in the same batch, for instance:

withConnection "" 7474 $ do
   g <- B.runBatch $ do
       neo <- B.createNode M.empty
       cypher <- B.createNode M.empty
       B.createRelationship "KNOWS" M.empty neo cypher

As you can see this example does the same thing the previous one does but it will be more efficient as it will be translated into only one request to the database.

Batch commands return a Database.Neo4j.Graph object that holds all the information about relationships, nodes and their labels that can be inferred from running a batch command.

Another example with batches would be for instance remove all the nodes in a Database.Neo4j.Graph object

withConnection "" 7474 $ do
   B.runBatch $ mapM_ B.deleteNode (G.getNodes gp)

For more information about batch commands and graph objects you can refer to their Database.Neo4j.Batch and Database.Neo4j.Graph modules.

Properties are hashmaps with key Text and values a custom type called PropertyValue. This custom type tries to use Haskell's type system to match property values to what Neo4j expects, we only allow Int64, Double, Bool and Text like values and one-level arrays of these. The only restriction we cannot guarantee with these types is that arrays of values must be of the same type.

In order to create a PropertyValue from a literal or a value of one of the allowed types you can use the newval function or the operator |: to create pairs of key values:

import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M

myval = newval False
someProperties = M.fromList ["mytext" |: ("mytext" :: T.Text),
                            "textarrayprop" |: ["a" :: T.Text, "", "adeu"],
                            "int" |: (-12 :: Int64),
                            "intarray" |: [1 :: Int64, 2],
                            "double" |: (-12.23 :: Double),
                            "doublearray" |: [0.1, -12.23 :: Double],
                            "bool" |: False,
                            "aboolproparray" |: [False, True]

When unexpected errors occur a Neo4jException will be raised, sometimes with a specific exception value like for instance Neo4jNoEntityException, or more generic ones like Neo4jHttpException or Neo4jParseException if the server returns something totally unexpected. (I'm sure there's still work to do here preparing the code to return more specific exceptions for known scenarios)

About Cypher support for now we allow sending queries with parameters, the result is a collection of column headers and JSON data values, the Graph object has the function addCypher that tries to find nodes and relationships in a cypher query result and insert them in a Database.Neo4j.Graph object

import qualified Database.Neo4j.Cypher as C

withConnection host port $ do
   -- Run a cypher query with parameters
   res <- C.cypher "CREATE (n:Person { name : {name} }) RETURN n" M.fromList [("name", C.newparam ("Pep" :: T.Text))]

   -- Get all nodes and relationships that this query returned and insert them in a Graph object
   let graph = G.addCypher (C.fromSuccess res) G.empty

   -- Get the column headers
   let columnHeaders = C.cols $ C.fromSuccess res

   -- Get the rows of JSON values received
   let values = C.vals $ C.fromSuccess res

Connection handling objects

data Connection Source

Type for a connection

type Port = Int Source

newConnection :: Hostname -> Port -> IO Connection Source

Create a new connection that can be manually closed with runResourceT

withConnection :: Hostname -> Port -> Neo4j a -> IO a Source

Run a set of Neo4j commands in a single connection

Main monadic type to handle sequences of commands to Neo4j

newtype Neo4j a Source

Neo4j monadic type to be able to sequence neo4j commands in a connection




runNeo4j :: Connection -> IO a

Constructing and managing node/relationship properties

data Val Source

Type for a single value of a Neo4j property


Eq Val 
Show Val 

Specifying how to convert property single values to JSON

FromJSON Val

JSON to single property values

data PropertyValue Source

Wrapping type for a Neo4j single property or array of properties Using these types allows type checking for only correct properties that is int, double, string, boolean and single typed arrays of these, also nulls are not allowed


Eq PropertyValue 
Show PropertyValue 
ToJSON PropertyValue

Specifying how to convert property values to JSON

FromJSON PropertyValue

JSON to property values

(|:) :: PropertyValueConstructor a => Text -> a -> (Text, PropertyValue) Source

This operator allows easy construction of property value types from literals

type Properties = HashMap Text PropertyValue Source

We use hashmaps to represent Neo4j properties

emptyProperties :: HashMap Text PropertyValue Source

Shortcut for emtpy properties

getProperties :: Entity a => a -> Neo4j Properties Source

Retrieve relationship/node properties from the DB, if the entity is not present it will raise an exception If the entity doesn't exist it will raise a Neo4jNoEntity exception

getProperty :: Entity a => a -> Text -> Neo4j (Maybe PropertyValue) Source

Get a relationship/node property If the 404 is because the parent entity doesn't exist we'll raise the corresponding Neo4jNoEntity If the 404 is because there is no property just return Nothing

setProperties :: Entity a => a -> Properties -> Neo4j a Source

Set all relationship/node properties If the entity doesn't exist it will raise a Neo4jNoEntity exception

setProperty :: Entity a => a -> Text -> PropertyValue -> Neo4j a Source

Set a relationship/node property If the entity doesn't exist it will raise a Neo4jNoEntity exception

deleteProperties :: Entity a => a -> Neo4j a Source

Delete all relationship/node properties If the entity doesn't exist it will raise a Neo4jNoEntity exception

deleteProperty :: Entity a => a -> Text -> Neo4j a Source

Delete a relationship/node property If the entity doesn't exist it will raise a Neo4jNoEntity exception

Managing nodes

data Node Source

Representation of a Neo4j node, has a location URI and a set of properties

getNodeProperties :: Node -> Properties Source

Get the properties of a node

createNode :: Properties -> Neo4j Node Source

Create a new node with a set of properties

getNode :: NodeIdentifier a => a -> Neo4j (Maybe Node) Source

Refresh a node entity with the contents in the DB

deleteNode :: NodeIdentifier a => a -> Neo4j () Source

Delete a node, if the node has relationships it will raise a Neo4jNonOrphanNodeDeletion

nodeId :: Node -> ByteString Source

Get the ID of a node

Managing relationships

data Relationship Source

Type for a Neo4j relationship, has a location URI, a relationship type, a starting node and a destination node

data Direction Source

Relationship direction




Eq Direction 
Show Direction 
ToJSON RelFilter

How to codify RelFilter values into JSON

type RelationshipType = Text Source

Type for a relationship type description

createRelationship :: RelationshipType -> Properties -> Node -> Node -> Neo4j Relationship Source

Create a new relationship with a type and a set of properties

getRelationship :: RelIdentifier a => a -> Neo4j (Maybe Relationship) Source

Refresh a relationship entity with the contents in the DB

deleteRelationship :: RelIdentifier a => a -> Neo4j () Source

Delete a relationship

getRelationships :: Node -> Direction -> [RelationshipType] -> Neo4j [Relationship] Source

Get all relationships for a node, if the node has disappeared it will raise an exception

relId :: Relationship -> ByteString Source

Get the ID of a relationship

allRelationshipTypes :: Neo4j [RelationshipType] Source

Gets all relationship types in the DB

getRelProperties :: Relationship -> Properties Source

Get the properties of a relationship

getRelType :: Relationship -> RelationshipType Source

Get the type of a relationship

getRelationshipFrom :: Relationship -> Neo4j Node Source

Get the "node from" from a relationship from the DB | Raises Neo4jNoEntityException if the node (and thus the relationship) does not exist any more

getRelationshipTo :: Relationship -> Neo4j Node Source

Get the "node to" from a relationship from the DB | Raises Neo4jNoEntityException if the node (and thus the relationship) does not exist any more

Managing labels and getting nodes by label

type Label = Text Source

Type for a label

allLabels :: Neo4j [Label] Source

Get all labels in the DB

getLabels :: Node -> Neo4j [Label] Source

Retrieve all labels for a node, if the node doesn't exist already it will raise an exception | Raises Neo4jNoEntityException if the node doesn't exist

getNodesByLabelAndProperty :: Label -> Maybe (Text, PropertyValue) -> Neo4j [Node] Source

Get all nodes using a label and a property

addLabels :: [Label] -> Node -> Neo4j () Source

Add labels to a node | Raises Neo4jNoEntityException if the node doesn't exist

changeLabels :: [Label] -> Node -> Neo4j () Source

Change node labels | Raises Neo4jNoEntityException if the node doesn't exist

removeLabel :: Label -> Node -> Neo4j () Source

Remove a label for a node | Raises Neo4jNoEntityException if the node doesn't exist


data Index Source

Type for an index




Eq Index 
Show Index 
FromJSON Index

JSON to Index

createIndex :: Label -> Text -> Neo4j Index Source

Creates an index for a label and a property

getIndexes :: Label -> Neo4j [Index] Source

Gets all indexes for a label

dropIndex :: Label -> Text -> Neo4j () Source

Drop and index
