haskell-time-range- Some useful wrappers and functions for building time ranges

Safe HaskellNone




class AsDay p f s where Source #


_Day :: Optic' p f s Day Source #


(Choice p, Applicative f) => AsDay p f String Source #
>>> d ^. re _Day :: String
>>> "2017-02-25" ^? _Day
Just 2017-02-25


_Day :: Optic' * * p f String Day Source #

(Choice p, Applicative f) => AsDay p f (Integer, Int, Int) Source #
>>> d ^. re _Day :: (Integer, Int, Int)
>>> (2017 :: Integer, 2 :: Int, 25 :: Int) ^? _Day
Just 2017-02-25
>>> (2017 :: Integer, 2 :: Int, 35 :: Int) ^? _Day


_Day :: Optic' * * p f (Integer, Int, Int) Day Source #

>>> import Control.Lens
>>> import Data.Time
>>> import Prelude (succ)
>>> :set -XFlexibleContexts
>>> let d = fromGregorian (2017 :: Integer) (2 :: Int) (25 :: Int)
>>> let startD = _Wrapped # (fromGregorian (2017 :: Integer) (2 :: Int) (25 :: Int)) :: StartDate
>>> let endD = _Wrapped # (fromGregorian (2017 :: Integer) (2 :: Int) (27 :: Int)) :: EndDate
>>> let startH = (_Wrapped # (3 :: Natural)) :: StartHour
>>> let endH = (_Wrapped # (5 :: Natural)) :: EndHour

dayParse :: String -> Either String Day Source #

Parse some common date formats to a Day


>>> dayParse "2017-01-09"
Right 2017-01-09
>>> dayParse "09/01/2017"
Right 2017-01-09
>>> dayParse "30/02/2017"
Left "Unable to parse Date Accepts [yyyy-mm-dd, yyyymmdd, mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yyyy]: 30/02/2017"
>>> dayParse "20170109"
Right 2017-01-09
>>> dayParse "010917"
Left "Unable to parse Date Accepts [yyyy-mm-dd, yyyymmdd, mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yyyy]: 010917"
>>> dayParse "02/13/17"
Right 2017-02-13
>>> dayParse "2017-01-09"
Right 2017-01-09

boundFromWrapped :: (Rewrapped s s, Rewrapped e e, Unwrapped s ~ Day, Unwrapped e ~ Day, Rewrapped hs hs, Rewrapped he he, Unwrapped hs ~ Natural, Unwrapped he ~ Natural) => s -> e -> hs -> he -> (LowerTimeBound, UpperTimeBound) Source #

Given a wrapped start and end Day, as well as a chosen Hour, create a pair of wrapped UTCTime values that represent their upper and lower values. Used internally.

>>> boundFromWrapped startD endD startH endH
(LowerBound 2017-02-25 03:00:00 UTC,UpperBound 2017-02-27 05:00:00 UTC)

wrappedRange :: (Rewrapped a a, Rewrapped b b, Rewrapped c c, Unwrapped a ~ t, Unwrapped b ~ t, Unwrapped c ~ t, Ord t) => (t -> c) -> (t -> t) -> a -> b -> NonEmpty c Source #

Provide a range builder for any wrapped types that have an Ord instance.

>>> wrappedRange (_Wrapped #) succ startH endH :: NonEmpty StartHour
StartHour 3 :| [StartHour 4,StartHour 5]
>>> wrappedRange (_Wrapped #) succ endH startH :: NonEmpty StartHour
StartHour 5 :| []

strToHourNatural :: String -> Either String Natural Source #

Try to read a String value into a Natural representing a whole hour, in 24 hour time. "1" .. "23" or "00"

>>> strToHourNatural "1"
Right 1
>>> strToHourNatural "10"
Right 10
>>> strToHourNatural "0"
Left "Unable to parse 0 into acceptable hour value. Expected '1'-'23' or '00'"
>>> strToHourNatural  "00"
Right 0

utcRangeHours :: (Rewrapped start start, Rewrapped end end, Unwrapped start ~ UTCTime, Unwrapped end ~ UTCTime) => start -> end -> NonEmpty UTCTime Source #

Convenience function for wrappedRange that provides a list of UTCTime at hourly intervals between the given start and end times.

datesInRange :: (Rewrapped a a, Rewrapped b b, Unwrapped a ~ Day, Unwrapped b ~ Day) => a -> b -> NonEmpty DayInRange Source #

Given two wrapped Day values, provide a NonEmpty list of all the days in between.

>>> datesInRange startD endD
DayInRange 2017-02-25 :| [DayInRange 2017-02-26,DayInRange 2017-02-27]
>>> datesInRange endD startD
DayInRange 2017-02-27 :| []

buildRanges :: StartDate -> Maybe EndDate -> StartHour -> EndHour -> Ranges Source #

From the given starting points, construct a Ranges record with ranges and bounds constructed. Not providing an EndDate will use the StartDate.