haskore-0.0.5: The Haskore Computer Music SystemSource codeContentsIndex
type T = Dur
type Ratio = T
type Offset = Rational
(%+) :: Integer -> Integer -> T
fromRatio :: Rational -> T
toRatio :: T -> Rational
toNumber :: Fractional a => T -> a
scale :: Ratio -> T -> T
add :: Offset -> T -> T
divide :: T -> T -> Integer
divisible :: T -> T -> Bool
gcd :: T -> T -> T
doubleDotted :: T -> T
wn :: T
dhn :: T
ddqn :: T
nameDictionary :: Map T String
toString :: T -> String
propToString :: Bool
type T = DurSource
type Ratio = TSource
type Offset = RationalSource
(%+) :: Integer -> Integer -> TSource
fromRatio :: Rational -> TSource
toRatio :: T -> RationalSource
toNumber :: Fractional a => T -> aSource
scale :: Ratio -> T -> TSource
add :: Offset -> T -> TSource
divide :: T -> T -> IntegerSource
divisible :: T -> T -> BoolSource
gcd :: T -> T -> TSource
doubleDotted :: T -> TSource
wn :: TSource
dhn :: TSource
ddqn :: TSource
nameDictionary :: Map T StringSource
toString :: T -> StringSource
Converts 1%4 to "qn" and so on.
propToString :: BoolSource
Produced by Haddock version 2.3.0