haskore- The Haskore Computer Music System

Safe HaskellSafe-Infered




velocity :: Note drum instr -> RationalSource

body :: Note drum instr -> NoteBody drum instrSource

instrument :: NoteBody drum instr -> instrSource

pitch :: NoteBody drum instr -> TSource

drum :: NoteBody drum instr -> drumSource

noteFromStdMelodyNote :: instr -> Note -> Note drum instrSource

fromStdMelody :: Instr -> T -> TSource

in contrast to RhyMusic.fromStdMelody it has fixed instrument type

bn, sfn, tn, sn, en, qn, hn, wn :: TSource

bnr, sfnr, tnr, snr, enr, qnr, hnr, wnr :: T noteSource

line, chord :: [T note] -> T noteSource

changeTempo :: DurRatio -> T note -> T noteSource

transpose :: Relative -> T note -> T noteSource

phrase :: PhraseAttribute -> T note -> T noteSource

(+:+), (=:=) :: T note -> T note -> T noteSource

type Dur = TSource

staccato, legato :: Dur -> T note -> T noteSource