hasktorch- Haskell bindings to libtorch, supporting both typed and untyped tensors.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



class HasForward f a b | f a -> b where Source #

Minimal complete definition



forward :: f -> a -> b Source #

default forward :: (Generic f, Generic a, Generic b, GHasForward (Rep f) (Rep a) (Rep b)) => f -> a -> b Source #

forwardStoch :: f -> a -> IO b Source #

default forwardStoch :: (Generic f, Generic a, Generic b, GHasForward (Rep f) (Rep a) (Rep b)) => f -> a -> IO b Source #


Instances details
HasForward Linear Tensor Tensor Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

HasForward UpSample Tensor Tensor Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

HasForward ScriptModule [IValue] IValue Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Script

HasForward Dropout (Tensor device dtype shape) (Tensor device dtype shape) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Dropout


forward :: Dropout -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape Source #

forwardStoch :: Dropout -> Tensor device dtype shape -> IO (Tensor device dtype shape) Source #

(IsSuffixOf normalizedShape shape, KnownShape normalizedShape) => HasForward (LayerNorm normalizedShape dtype device) (Tensor device dtype shape) (Tensor device dtype shape) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Normalization


forward :: LayerNorm normalizedShape dtype device -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape Source #

forwardStoch :: LayerNorm normalizedShape dtype device -> Tensor device dtype shape -> IO (Tensor device dtype shape) Source #

(shape'' ~ MatMul shape '[inputFeatures, outputFeatures], shape' ~ Broadcast shape'' shape'') => HasForward (Linear inputFeatures outputFeatures dtype device) (Tensor device dtype shape) (Tensor device dtype shape') Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Linear


forward :: Linear inputFeatures outputFeatures dtype device -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape' Source #

forwardStoch :: Linear inputFeatures outputFeatures dtype device -> Tensor device dtype shape -> IO (Tensor device dtype shape') Source #

(All KnownNat '[stride, padding, inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize, inputSize, batchSize, outputSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize kernelSize stride padding outputSize) => HasForward (Conv1d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize dtype device) (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize], Proxy stride, Proxy padding) (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Convolution


forward :: Conv1d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize dtype device -> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize], Proxy stride, Proxy padding) -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize] Source #

forwardStoch :: Conv1d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize dtype device -> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize], Proxy stride, Proxy padding) -> IO (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize]) Source #

(All KnownNat '[stride, padding, inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize, inputSize, batchSize, outputSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize kernelSize stride padding outputSize) => HasForward (ConvTranspose1d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize dtype device) (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize], Proxy stride, Proxy padding) (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Convolution


forward :: ConvTranspose1d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize dtype device -> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize], Proxy stride, Proxy padding) -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize] Source #

forwardStoch :: ConvTranspose1d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize dtype device -> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize], Proxy stride, Proxy padding) -> IO (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize]) Source #

(All KnownNat '[Fst stride, Snd stride, Fst padding, Snd padding, inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize, outputSize0, outputSize1], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 kernelSize0 (Fst stride) (Fst padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 kernelSize1 (Snd stride) (Snd padding) outputSize1) => HasForward (Conv2d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 dtype device) (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1], Proxy stride, Proxy padding) (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Convolution


forward :: Conv2d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 dtype device -> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1], Proxy stride, Proxy padding) -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1] Source #

forwardStoch :: Conv2d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 dtype device -> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1], Proxy stride, Proxy padding) -> IO (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1]) Source #

(All KnownNat '[Fst stride, Snd stride, Fst padding, Snd padding, inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize, outputSize0, outputSize1], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 kernelSize0 (Fst stride) (Fst padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 kernelSize1 (Snd stride) (Snd padding) outputSize1) => HasForward (ConvTranspose2d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 dtype device) (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1], Proxy stride, Proxy padding) (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Convolution


forward :: ConvTranspose2d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 dtype device -> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1], Proxy stride, Proxy padding) -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1] Source #

forwardStoch :: ConvTranspose2d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 dtype device -> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1], Proxy stride, Proxy padding) -> IO (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1]) Source #

(KnownMaybeNat paddingIdx, PaddingIdxCheck paddingIdx numEmbeds, shape' ~ Reverse (embedSize ': Reverse shape)) => HasForward (Embedding paddingIdx numEmbeds embedSize embeddingType dtype device) (Tensor device 'Int64 shape) (Tensor device dtype shape') Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Sparse


forward :: Embedding paddingIdx numEmbeds embedSize embeddingType dtype device -> Tensor device 'Int64 shape -> Tensor device dtype shape' Source #

forwardStoch :: Embedding paddingIdx numEmbeds embedSize embeddingType dtype device -> Tensor device 'Int64 shape -> IO (Tensor device dtype shape') Source #

(All KnownNat '[Fst3 stride, Snd3 stride, Trd3 stride, Fst3 padding, Snd3 padding, Trd3 padding, inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1, kernelSize2, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 kernelSize0 (Fst3 stride) (Fst3 padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 kernelSize1 (Snd3 stride) (Snd3 padding) outputSize1, ConvSideCheck inputSize2 kernelSize2 (Trd3 stride) (Trd3 padding) outputSize2) => HasForward (Conv3d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 kernelSize2 dtype device) (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2], Proxy stride, Proxy padding) (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1, outputSize2]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Convolution


forward :: Conv3d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 kernelSize2 dtype device -> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2], Proxy stride, Proxy padding) -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1, outputSize2] Source #

forwardStoch :: Conv3d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 kernelSize2 dtype device -> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2], Proxy stride, Proxy padding) -> IO (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1, outputSize2]) Source #

(All KnownNat '[Fst3 stride, Snd3 stride, Trd3 stride, Fst3 padding, Snd3 padding, Trd3 padding, inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1, kernelSize2, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 kernelSize0 (Fst3 stride) (Fst3 padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 kernelSize1 (Snd3 stride) (Snd3 padding) outputSize1, ConvSideCheck inputSize2 kernelSize2 (Trd3 stride) (Trd3 padding) outputSize2) => HasForward (ConvTranspose3d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 kernelSize2 dtype device) (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2], Proxy stride, Proxy padding) (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1, outputSize2]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Convolution


forward :: ConvTranspose3d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 kernelSize2 dtype device -> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2], Proxy stride, Proxy padding) -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1, outputSize2] Source #

forwardStoch :: ConvTranspose3d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 kernelSize2 dtype device -> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2], Proxy stride, Proxy padding) -> IO (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1, outputSize2]) Source #

(All KnownNat '[paddingIdx, embedDim, seqLen, batchSize], (paddingIdx + 1) <= numEmbeds, 1 <= seqLen, HFoldrM IO (FoldLayers batchSize seqLen dtype device) (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, seqLen, embedDim]) (HReplicateR numAttnLayers (TransformerLayer embedDim embedDim embedDim numHeads ffnDim dtype device)) (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, seqLen, embedDim]), BasicArithmeticDTypeIsValid device dtype, ComparisonDTypeIsValid device dtype, ComparisonDTypeIsValid device 'Int64, KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device) => HasForward (TransformerLM numAttnLayers numHeads ffnDim paddingIdx numEmbeds embedDim dtype device) (Tensor device 'Int64 '[batchSize, seqLen]) (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, seqLen, numEmbeds]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Transformer


forward :: TransformerLM numAttnLayers numHeads ffnDim paddingIdx numEmbeds embedDim dtype device -> Tensor device 'Int64 '[batchSize, seqLen] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, seqLen, numEmbeds] Source #

forwardStoch :: TransformerLM numAttnLayers numHeads ffnDim paddingIdx numEmbeds embedDim dtype device -> Tensor device 'Int64 '[batchSize, seqLen] -> IO (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, seqLen, numEmbeds]) Source #

class GHasForward (f :: Type -> Type) (a :: Type -> Type) (b :: Type -> Type) | f a -> b where Source #


gForward :: forall c c' c''. f c -> a c' -> b c'' Source #

gForwardStoch :: forall c c' c''. f c -> a c' -> IO (b c) Source #


Instances details
GHasForward (U1 :: Type -> Type) (U1 :: Type -> Type) (U1 :: Type -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN


gForward :: U1 c -> U1 c' -> U1 c'' Source #

gForwardStoch :: forall c c' c''. U1 c -> U1 c' -> IO (U1 c) Source #

(GHasForward f a b, GHasForward g a' b', b'' ~ (b :*: b')) => GHasForward (f :*: g) (a :*: a') b'' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN


gForward :: (f :*: g) c -> (a :*: a') c' -> b'' c'' Source #

gForwardStoch :: forall c c' c''. (f :*: g) c -> (a :*: a') c' -> IO (b'' c) Source #

(GHasForward f a b, GHasForward g a' b', b'' ~ (b :+: b')) => GHasForward (f :+: g) (a :+: a') b'' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN


gForward :: (f :+: g) c -> (a :+: a') c' -> b'' c'' Source #

gForwardStoch :: forall c c' c''. (f :+: g) c -> (a :+: a') c' -> IO (b'' c) Source #

HasForward f a b => GHasForward (K1 i f :: Type -> Type) (K1 i a :: Type -> Type) (K1 i b :: Type -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN


gForward :: K1 i f c -> K1 i a c' -> K1 i b c'' Source #

gForwardStoch :: forall c c' c''. K1 i f c -> K1 i a c' -> IO (K1 i b c) Source #

GHasForward f a b => GHasForward (M1 i t f) (M1 i t' a) (M1 i t' b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN


gForward :: M1 i t f c -> M1 i t' a c' -> M1 i t' b c'' Source #

gForwardStoch :: forall c c' c''. M1 i t f c -> M1 i t' a c' -> IO (M1 i t' b c) Source #

class Parameterized f where Source #

Minimal complete definition



Instances details
Parameterized Conv1d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Parameterized Conv2d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Parameterized Conv3d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Parameterized ConvTranspose1d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Parameterized ConvTranspose2d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Parameterized ConvTranspose3d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Parameterized Linear Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Parameterized Parameter Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Parameterized UpSample Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Parameterized UpSampleSpec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Parameterized ElmanCell Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN.Recurrent.Cell.Elman

Parameterized GRUCell Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN.Recurrent.Cell.GRU

Parameterized LSTMCell Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN.Recurrent.Cell.LSTM

Parameterized ScriptModule Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Script

Parameterized Tensor Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Scalar a => Parameterized a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

(Foldable t, Traversable t, Parameterized a) => Parameterized (t a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

(Parameterized a, Parameterized b) => Parameterized (a, b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN


flattenParameters :: (a, b) -> [Parameter] Source #

_replaceParameters :: (a, b) -> ParamStream (a, b) Source #

Parameterized (a -> a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN


flattenParameters :: (a -> a) -> [Parameter] Source #

_replaceParameters :: (a -> a) -> ParamStream (a -> a) Source #

(Parameterized a, Parameterized b, Parameterized c) => Parameterized (a, b, c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN


flattenParameters :: (a, b, c) -> [Parameter] Source #

_replaceParameters :: (a, b, c) -> ParamStream (a, b, c) Source #

Parameterized (LSTMLayer inputSize hiddenSize directionality dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Recurrent.LSTM


flattenParameters :: LSTMLayer inputSize hiddenSize directionality dtype device -> [Parameter] Source #

_replaceParameters :: LSTMLayer inputSize hiddenSize directionality dtype device -> ParamStream (LSTMLayer inputSize hiddenSize directionality dtype device) Source #

Parameterized (LSTM inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Recurrent.LSTM


flattenParameters :: LSTM inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device -> [Parameter] Source #

_replaceParameters :: LSTM inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device -> ParamStream (LSTM inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) Source #

Parameterized (LSTMLayerStack inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Recurrent.LSTM


flattenParameters :: LSTMLayerStack inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device -> [Parameter] Source #

_replaceParameters :: LSTMLayerStack inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device -> ParamStream (LSTMLayerStack inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) Source #

Parameterized (LSTMWithInit inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality initialization dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Recurrent.LSTM


flattenParameters :: LSTMWithInit inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality initialization dtype device -> [Parameter] Source #

_replaceParameters :: LSTMWithInit inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality initialization dtype device -> ParamStream (LSTMWithInit inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality initialization dtype device) Source #

class GParameterized f where Source #


gFlattenParameters :: forall a. f a -> [Parameter] Source #

_gReplaceParameters :: forall a. f a -> ParamStream (f a) Source #


Instances details
GParameterized (U1 :: Type -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

(GParameterized f, GParameterized g) => GParameterized (f :*: g) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN


gFlattenParameters :: (f :*: g) a -> [Parameter] Source #

_gReplaceParameters :: (f :*: g) a -> ParamStream ((f :*: g) a) Source #

(GParameterized f, GParameterized g) => GParameterized (f :+: g) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN


gFlattenParameters :: (f :+: g) a -> [Parameter] Source #

_gReplaceParameters :: (f :+: g) a -> ParamStream ((f :+: g) a) Source #

Parameterized c => GParameterized (K1 i c :: Type -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

GParameterized f => GParameterized (M1 i t f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN


gFlattenParameters :: M1 i t f a -> [Parameter] Source #

_gReplaceParameters :: M1 i t f a -> ParamStream (M1 i t f a) Source #

class Randomizable spec f | spec -> f where Source #


sample :: spec -> IO f Source #


Instances details
Randomizable BatchNormSpec BatchNorm Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable Conv1dSpec Conv1d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable Conv2dSpec Conv2d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable Conv3dSpec Conv3d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable ConvTranspose1dSpec ConvTranspose1d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable ConvTranspose2dSpec ConvTranspose2d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable ConvTranspose3dSpec ConvTranspose3d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable InstanceNormSpec InstanceNorm Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable LinearSpec Linear Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable UpSampleSpec UpSample Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable ElmanSpec ElmanCell Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN.Recurrent.Cell.Elman

Randomizable GRUSpec GRUCell Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN.Recurrent.Cell.GRU

Randomizable LSTMSpec LSTMCell Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN.Recurrent.Cell.LSTM

Randomizable DropoutSpec Dropout Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Dropout

(Randomizable xSpec x, Randomizable (HList xsSpec) (HList xs)) => Randomizable (HList (xSpec ': xsSpec)) (HList (x ': xs)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.Parameter


sample :: HList (xSpec ': xsSpec) -> IO (HList (x ': xs)) Source #

Randomizable (HList ('[] :: [Type])) (HList ('[] :: [Type])) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.Parameter


sample :: HList '[] -> IO (HList '[]) Source #

(TensorOptions normalizedShape dtype device, RandDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Randomizable (LayerNormSpec normalizedShape dtype device) (LayerNorm normalizedShape dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Normalization


sample :: LayerNormSpec normalizedShape dtype device -> IO (LayerNorm normalizedShape dtype device) Source #

(KnownNat inputFeatures, KnownNat outputFeatures, KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, RandDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Randomizable (LinearSpec inputFeatures outputFeatures dtype device) (Linear inputFeatures outputFeatures dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Linear


sample :: LinearSpec inputFeatures outputFeatures dtype device -> IO (Linear inputFeatures outputFeatures dtype device) Source #

(KnownDevice device, KnownDType dtype, KnownNat inputDim, KnownNat hiddenDim, RandDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Randomizable (GRUCellSpec inputDim hiddenDim dtype device) (GRUCell inputDim hiddenDim dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Recurrent.Cell.GRU


sample :: GRUCellSpec inputDim hiddenDim dtype device -> IO (GRUCell inputDim hiddenDim dtype device) Source #

(KnownDevice device, KnownDType dtype, KnownNat inputDim, KnownNat hiddenDim, RandDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Randomizable (LSTMCellSpec inputDim hiddenDim dtype device) (LSTMCell inputDim hiddenDim dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Recurrent.Cell.LSTM


sample :: LSTMCellSpec inputDim hiddenDim dtype device -> IO (LSTMCell inputDim hiddenDim dtype device) Source #

(All KnownNat '[embedDim, ffnDim], KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, RandDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Randomizable (TransformerMLPSpec embedDim ffnDim dtype device) (TransformerMLP embedDim ffnDim dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Transformer


sample :: TransformerMLPSpec embedDim ffnDim dtype device -> IO (TransformerMLP embedDim ffnDim dtype device) Source #

(KnownNat inputChannelSize, KnownNat outputChannelSize, KnownNat kernelSize, KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, RandDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Randomizable (Conv1dSpec inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize dtype device) (Conv1d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Convolution


sample :: Conv1dSpec inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize dtype device -> IO (Conv1d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize dtype device) Source #

(KnownNat inputChannelSize, KnownNat outputChannelSize, KnownNat kernelSize, KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, RandDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Randomizable (ConvTranspose1dSpec inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize dtype device) (ConvTranspose1d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Convolution


sample :: ConvTranspose1dSpec inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize dtype device -> IO (ConvTranspose1d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize dtype device) Source #

(RandDTypeIsValid device dtype, KnownNat inputSize, KnownNat hiddenSize, KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device) => Randomizable (GRULayerSpec inputSize hiddenSize 'Bidirectional dtype device) (GRULayer inputSize hiddenSize 'Bidirectional dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Recurrent.GRU


sample :: GRULayerSpec inputSize hiddenSize 'Bidirectional dtype device -> IO (GRULayer inputSize hiddenSize 'Bidirectional dtype device) Source #

(RandDTypeIsValid device dtype, KnownNat inputSize, KnownNat hiddenSize, KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device) => Randomizable (GRULayerSpec inputSize hiddenSize 'Unidirectional dtype device) (GRULayer inputSize hiddenSize 'Unidirectional dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Recurrent.GRU


sample :: GRULayerSpec inputSize hiddenSize 'Unidirectional dtype device -> IO (GRULayer inputSize hiddenSize 'Unidirectional dtype device) Source #

(RandDTypeIsValid device dtype, KnownNat inputSize, KnownNat hiddenSize, KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device) => Randomizable (LSTMLayerSpec inputSize hiddenSize 'Bidirectional dtype device) (LSTMLayer inputSize hiddenSize 'Bidirectional dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Recurrent.LSTM


sample :: LSTMLayerSpec inputSize hiddenSize 'Bidirectional dtype device -> IO (LSTMLayer inputSize hiddenSize 'Bidirectional dtype device) Source #

(RandDTypeIsValid device dtype, KnownNat inputSize, KnownNat hiddenSize, KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device) => Randomizable (LSTMLayerSpec inputSize hiddenSize 'Unidirectional dtype device) (LSTMLayer inputSize hiddenSize 'Unidirectional dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Recurrent.LSTM


sample :: LSTMLayerSpec inputSize hiddenSize 'Unidirectional dtype device -> IO (LSTMLayer inputSize hiddenSize 'Unidirectional dtype device) Source #

(KnownNat inputChannelSize, KnownNat outputChannelSize, KnownNat kernelSize0, KnownNat kernelSize1, KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, RandDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Randomizable (Conv2dSpec inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 dtype device) (Conv2d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Convolution


sample :: Conv2dSpec inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 dtype device -> IO (Conv2d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 dtype device) Source #

(KnownNat inputChannelSize, KnownNat outputChannelSize, KnownNat kernelSize0, KnownNat kernelSize1, KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, RandDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Randomizable (ConvTranspose2dSpec inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 dtype device) (ConvTranspose2d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Convolution


sample :: ConvTranspose2dSpec inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 dtype device -> IO (ConvTranspose2d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 dtype device) Source #

(1 <= numLayers, (2 <=? numLayers) ~ flag, RandDTypeIsValid device dtype, KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, GRULayerStackRandomizable flag inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) => Randomizable (GRULayerStackSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) (GRULayerStack inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Recurrent.GRU


sample :: GRULayerStackSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device -> IO (GRULayerStack inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) Source #

(KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, KnownNat inputSize, KnownNat hiddenSize, KnownNat (NumberOfDirections directionality), RandDTypeIsValid device dtype, Randomizable (GRULayerStackSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) (GRULayerStack inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device), 1 <= numLayers) => Randomizable (GRUSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) (GRU inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Recurrent.GRU


sample :: GRUSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device -> IO (GRU inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) Source #

(1 <= numLayers, (2 <=? numLayers) ~ flag, RandDTypeIsValid device dtype, KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, LSTMLayerStackRandomizable flag inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) => Randomizable (LSTMLayerStackSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) (LSTMLayerStack inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Recurrent.LSTM


sample :: LSTMLayerStackSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device -> IO (LSTMLayerStack inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) Source #

(KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, KnownNat inputSize, KnownNat hiddenSize, KnownNat (NumberOfDirections directionality), RandDTypeIsValid device dtype, Randomizable (LSTMLayerStackSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) (LSTMLayerStack inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device), 1 <= numLayers) => Randomizable (LSTMSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) (LSTM inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Recurrent.LSTM


sample :: LSTMSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device -> IO (LSTM inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) Source #

(paddingIdx <= numEmbeds, 1 <= (numEmbeds - paddingIdx), (((numEmbeds - paddingIdx) - 1) + (1 + paddingIdx)) ~ numEmbeds, KnownNat paddingIdx, KnownNat numEmbeds, KnownNat embedSize, KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, RandDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Randomizable (EmbeddingSpec ('Just paddingIdx) numEmbeds embedSize 'Learned dtype device) (Embedding ('Just paddingIdx) numEmbeds embedSize 'Learned dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Sparse


sample :: EmbeddingSpec ('Just paddingIdx) numEmbeds embedSize 'Learned dtype device -> IO (Embedding ('Just paddingIdx) numEmbeds embedSize 'Learned dtype device) Source #

(KnownNat numEmbeds, KnownNat embedSize, KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, RandDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Randomizable (EmbeddingSpec ('Nothing :: Maybe Nat) numEmbeds embedSize 'Learned dtype device) (Embedding ('Nothing :: Maybe Nat) numEmbeds embedSize 'Learned dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Sparse


sample :: EmbeddingSpec 'Nothing numEmbeds embedSize 'Learned dtype device -> IO (Embedding 'Nothing numEmbeds embedSize 'Learned dtype device) Source #

Randomizable (EmbeddingSpec paddingIdx numEmbeds embedSize 'Constant dtype device) (Embedding paddingIdx numEmbeds embedSize 'Constant dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Sparse


sample :: EmbeddingSpec paddingIdx numEmbeds embedSize 'Constant dtype device -> IO (Embedding paddingIdx numEmbeds embedSize 'Constant dtype device) Source #

(All KnownNat '[embedDim, kEmbedDim, vEmbedDim, numHeads], KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, RandDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Randomizable (MultiheadAttentionSpec embedDim kEmbedDim vEmbedDim numHeads dtype device) (MultiheadAttention embedDim kEmbedDim vEmbedDim numHeads dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Transformer


sample :: MultiheadAttentionSpec embedDim kEmbedDim vEmbedDim numHeads dtype device -> IO (MultiheadAttention embedDim kEmbedDim vEmbedDim numHeads dtype device) Source #

(KnownNat inputChannelSize, KnownNat outputChannelSize, KnownNat kernelSize0, KnownNat kernelSize1, KnownNat kernelSize2, KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, RandDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Randomizable (Conv3dSpec inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 kernelSize2 dtype device) (Conv3d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 kernelSize2 dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Convolution


sample :: Conv3dSpec inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 kernelSize2 dtype device -> IO (Conv3d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 kernelSize2 dtype device) Source #

(KnownNat inputChannelSize, KnownNat outputChannelSize, KnownNat kernelSize0, KnownNat kernelSize1, KnownNat kernelSize2, KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, RandDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Randomizable (ConvTranspose3dSpec inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 kernelSize2 dtype device) (ConvTranspose3d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 kernelSize2 dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Convolution


sample :: ConvTranspose3dSpec inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 kernelSize2 dtype device -> IO (ConvTranspose3d inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 kernelSize2 dtype device) Source #

(KnownNat hiddenSize, KnownNat numLayers, KnownNat (NumberOfDirections directionality), KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, Randomizable (GRUSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) (GRU inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device)) => Randomizable (GRUWithInitSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality 'ConstantInitialization dtype device) (GRUWithInit inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality 'ConstantInitialization dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Recurrent.GRU


sample :: GRUWithInitSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality 'ConstantInitialization dtype device -> IO (GRUWithInit inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality 'ConstantInitialization dtype device) Source #

(KnownNat hiddenSize, KnownNat numLayers, KnownNat (NumberOfDirections directionality), KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, Randomizable (GRUSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) (GRU inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device)) => Randomizable (GRUWithInitSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality 'LearnedInitialization dtype device) (GRUWithInit inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality 'LearnedInitialization dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Recurrent.GRU


sample :: GRUWithInitSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality 'LearnedInitialization dtype device -> IO (GRUWithInit inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality 'LearnedInitialization dtype device) Source #

(KnownNat hiddenSize, KnownNat numLayers, KnownNat (NumberOfDirections directionality), KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, Randomizable (LSTMSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) (LSTM inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device)) => Randomizable (LSTMWithInitSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality 'ConstantInitialization dtype device) (LSTMWithInit inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality 'ConstantInitialization dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Recurrent.LSTM


sample :: LSTMWithInitSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality 'ConstantInitialization dtype device -> IO (LSTMWithInit inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality 'ConstantInitialization dtype device) Source #

(KnownNat hiddenSize, KnownNat numLayers, KnownNat (NumberOfDirections directionality), KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, Randomizable (LSTMSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device) (LSTM inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device)) => Randomizable (LSTMWithInitSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality 'LearnedInitialization dtype device) (LSTMWithInit inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality 'LearnedInitialization dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Recurrent.LSTM


sample :: LSTMWithInitSpec inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality 'LearnedInitialization dtype device -> IO (LSTMWithInit inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality 'LearnedInitialization dtype device) Source #

(All KnownNat '[embedDim, kEmbedDim, vEmbedDim, numHeads, ffnDim], KnownDType dtype, KnownDevice device, RandDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Randomizable (TransformerLayerSpec embedDim kEmbedDim vEmbedDim numHeads ffnDim dtype device) (TransformerLayer embedDim kEmbedDim vEmbedDim numHeads ffnDim dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Transformer


sample :: TransformerLayerSpec embedDim kEmbedDim vEmbedDim numHeads ffnDim dtype device -> IO (TransformerLayer embedDim kEmbedDim vEmbedDim numHeads ffnDim dtype device) Source #

(paddingIdx <= numEmbeds, 1 <= (numEmbeds - paddingIdx), 1 <= Div embedDim 2, (((numEmbeds - paddingIdx) - 1) + (1 + paddingIdx)) ~ numEmbeds, (Div embedDim 2 * 2) ~ embedDim, All KnownNat '[ffnDim, paddingIdx, numEmbeds, embedDim], HReplicate numAttnLayers (TransformerLayerSpec embedDim embedDim embedDim numHeads ffnDim dtype device), Randomizable (HList (HReplicateR numAttnLayers (TransformerLayerSpec embedDim embedDim embedDim numHeads ffnDim dtype device))) (HList (HReplicateR numAttnLayers (TransformerLayer embedDim embedDim embedDim numHeads ffnDim dtype device))), KnownDType dtype, RandDTypeIsValid device dtype, StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device 'Float, BasicArithmeticDTypeIsValid device 'Float, KnownDevice device) => Randomizable (TransformerLMSpec numAttnLayers numHeads ffnDim paddingIdx numEmbeds embedDim dtype device) (TransformerLM numAttnLayers numHeads ffnDim paddingIdx numEmbeds embedDim dtype device) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.Typed.NN.Transformer


sample :: TransformerLMSpec numAttnLayers numHeads ffnDim paddingIdx numEmbeds embedDim dtype device -> IO (TransformerLM numAttnLayers numHeads ffnDim paddingIdx numEmbeds embedDim dtype device) Source #

data LinearSpec Source #




Instances details
Show LinearSpec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Eq LinearSpec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable LinearSpec Linear Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

data Linear Source #




Instances details
Generic Linear Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Associated Types

type Rep Linear :: Type -> Type #


from :: Linear -> Rep Linear x #

to :: Rep Linear x -> Linear #

Show Linear Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Parameterized Linear Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable LinearSpec Linear Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

HasForward Linear Tensor Tensor Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

type Rep Linear Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

type Rep Linear = D1 ('MetaData "Linear" "Torch.NN" "hasktorch-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Linear" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "weight") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Parameter) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "bias") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Parameter)))

data Conv1dSpec Source #


Instances details
Show Conv1dSpec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Eq Conv1dSpec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable Conv1dSpec Conv1d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

data Conv1d Source #




Instances details
Generic Conv1d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Associated Types

type Rep Conv1d :: Type -> Type #


from :: Conv1d -> Rep Conv1d x #

to :: Rep Conv1d x -> Conv1d #

Show Conv1d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Parameterized Conv1d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable Conv1dSpec Conv1d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

type Rep Conv1d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

type Rep Conv1d = D1 ('MetaData "Conv1d" "Torch.NN" "hasktorch-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Conv1d" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "weight") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Parameter) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "bias") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Parameter)))

conv1dForward Source #


:: Conv1d


-> Int


-> Int


-> Tensor


-> Tensor


data Conv2dSpec Source #


Instances details
Show Conv2dSpec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Eq Conv2dSpec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable Conv2dSpec Conv2d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

data Conv2d Source #




Instances details
Generic Conv2d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Associated Types

type Rep Conv2d :: Type -> Type #


from :: Conv2d -> Rep Conv2d x #

to :: Rep Conv2d x -> Conv2d #

Show Conv2d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Parameterized Conv2d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable Conv2dSpec Conv2d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

type Rep Conv2d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

type Rep Conv2d = D1 ('MetaData "Conv2d" "Torch.NN" "hasktorch-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Conv2d" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "weight") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Parameter) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "bias") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Parameter)))

conv2dForward Source #


:: Conv2d


-> (Int, Int)


-> (Int, Int)


-> Tensor


-> Tensor


data Conv3dSpec Source #


Instances details
Show Conv3dSpec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Eq Conv3dSpec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable Conv3dSpec Conv3d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

data Conv3d Source #




Instances details
Generic Conv3d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Associated Types

type Rep Conv3d :: Type -> Type #


from :: Conv3d -> Rep Conv3d x #

to :: Rep Conv3d x -> Conv3d #

Show Conv3d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Parameterized Conv3d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable Conv3dSpec Conv3d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

type Rep Conv3d Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

type Rep Conv3d = D1 ('MetaData "Conv3d" "Torch.NN" "hasktorch-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Conv3d" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "weight") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Parameter) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "bias") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Parameter)))

conv3dForward Source #


:: Conv3d


-> (Int, Int, Int)


-> (Int, Int, Int)


-> Tensor


-> Tensor


convTranspose1dForward Source #


:: ConvTranspose1d


-> Int


-> Int


-> Tensor


-> Tensor


convTranspose2dForward Source #


:: ConvTranspose2d


-> (Int, Int)


-> (Int, Int)


-> Tensor


-> Tensor


convTranspose3dForward Source #


:: ConvTranspose3d


-> (Int, Int, Int)


-> (Int, Int, Int)


-> Tensor


-> Tensor


data BatchNormSpec Source #





Instances details
Show BatchNormSpec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Eq BatchNormSpec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable BatchNormSpec BatchNorm Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

data BatchNorm Source #


Instances details
Generic BatchNorm Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Associated Types

type Rep BatchNorm :: Type -> Type #

Show BatchNorm Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable BatchNormSpec BatchNorm Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

type Rep BatchNorm Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

data InstanceNorm Source #


Instances details
Generic InstanceNorm Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Associated Types

type Rep InstanceNorm :: Type -> Type #

Show InstanceNorm Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable InstanceNormSpec InstanceNorm Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

type Rep InstanceNorm Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

data UpSample Source #




Instances details
Generic UpSample Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Associated Types

type Rep UpSample :: Type -> Type #


from :: UpSample -> Rep UpSample x #

to :: Rep UpSample x -> UpSample #

Show UpSample Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Parameterized UpSample Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

Randomizable UpSampleSpec UpSample Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

HasForward UpSample Tensor Tensor Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

type Rep UpSample Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Torch.NN

type Rep UpSample = D1 ('MetaData "UpSample" "Torch.NN" "hasktorch-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "UpSample" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "upsampleSpec") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 UpSampleSpec)))