{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Hasmin.Parser.Internal
-- Copyright   : (c) 2017 Cristian Adrián Ontivero
-- License     : BSD3
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
module Hasmin.Parser.Internal (
    , atRule
    , declaration
    , declarations
    , selector
    ) where

import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), many)
import Control.Monad (mzero)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Attoparsec.Combinator (lookAhead, sepBy, endOfInput)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (asciiCI, char, many1, manyTill,
  option, Parser, satisfy, string)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty( (:|) ))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as LB
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A
import qualified Data.Char as C
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL

import Hasmin.Parser.Utils
import Hasmin.Parser.Value
import Hasmin.Selector
import Hasmin.Types.Stylesheet
import Hasmin.Types.Declaration

selector :: Parser Selector
selector = Selector <$> compoundSelector
      <*> many ((,) <$> (combinator <* skipComments) <*> compoundSelector)

-- First tries with '>>' (descendant), '>' (child), '+' (adjacent sibling), and
-- '~' (general sibling) combinators. If those fail, it tries with the
-- descendant (whitespace) combinator. This is done to allow comments in-between.
-- | Parser for selector combinators, i.e. ">>" (descendant), '>' (child), '+'
-- (adjacent sibling), '~' (general sibling), and ' ' (descendant) combinators.
combinator :: Parser Combinator
combinator =  (skipComments *> ((string ">>" $> Descendant)
                            <|> (char '>' $> Child)
                            <|> (char '+' $> AdjacentSibling)
                            <|> (char '~' $> GeneralSibling)))
          <|> (satisfy ws $> Descendant)
  where ws c = c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\f'

compoundSelector :: Parser CompoundSelector
compoundSelector =
    (:|) <$> (typeSelector <|> universal)
                           <*> many p
                       <|> ((Universal mempty :|) <$> many1 p)
  where p = idSel <|> classSel <|> attributeSel <|> pseudo

idSel :: Parser SimpleSelector
idSel = do
    _ <- char '#'
    name <- mconcat <$> many1 nmchar
    pure $ IdSel (TL.toStrict (toLazyText name))

-- class: '.' IDENT
classSel :: Parser SimpleSelector
classSel = char '.' *> (ClassSel <$> ident)

  : '[' S* [ namespace_prefix ]? IDENT S*
        [ [ PREFIXMATCH |
            SUFFIXMATCH |
            SUBSTRINGMATCH |
            '=' |
            INCLUDES |
            DASHMATCH ] S* [ IDENT | STRING ] S*
        ]? ']'
-- FIXME namespace prefixes aren't allowed inside attribute selectors,
-- but they should be.
attributeSel :: Parser SimpleSelector
attributeSel = do
    _     <- char '[' *> skipComments
    attId <- ident <* skipComments
    g     <- option Attribute attValue
    _     <- char ']'
    pure $ AttributeSel (g attId)
  where attValue = do
          f <- ((string "^=" $> (:^=:)) <|>
                (string "$=" $> (:$=:)) <|>
                (string "*=" $> (:*=:)) <|>
                (string "="  $> (:=:))  <|>
                (string "~=" $> (:~=:)) <|>
                (string "|=" $> (:|=:))) <* skipComments
          attval <- ((Left <$> ident) <|> (Right <$> stringtype)) <* skipComments
          pure (`f` attval)

-- string1: \"([^\n\r\f\\"]|\\{nl}|{escape})*\"
string1 = char '\"' *> many (o1 <|> o2 <|> escape)
  where o1 = satisfy (c -> c /= '\"' && c /= '\\' && c /= '\n')
        o2 = char '\\' *> newline $> mempty

-- type_selector: [namespace_prefix]? element_name
typeSelector :: Parser SimpleSelector
typeSelector = Type <$> opt namespacePrefix <*> ident

-- universal: [ namespace_prefix ]? '*'
universal :: Parser SimpleSelector
universal = Universal <$> opt namespacePrefix <* char '*'

-- namespace_prefix: [ IDENT | '*' ]? '|'
namespacePrefix :: Parser Text
namespacePrefix = opt (ident <|> string "*") <* char '|'

{- '::' starts a pseudo-element, ':' a pseudo-class
   Exceptions: :first-line, :first-letter, :before and :after.
   Note that pseudo-elements are restricted to one per selector and
   occur only in the last simple_selector_sequence.

   <pseudo-class-selector> = ':' <ident-token> |
                             ':' <function-token> <any-value> ')'
   <pseudo-element-selector> = ':' <pseudo-class-selector>
-- pseudo: ':' ':'? [ IDENT | functional_pseudo ]
pseudo :: Parser SimpleSelector
pseudo = char ':' *> (pseudoElementSelector <|> pseudoClassSelector)
  where pseudoClassSelector = do
            i <- ident
            c <- A.peekChar
            case c of
              Just '(' -> char '(' *> case Map.lookup (T.toCaseFold i) fpcMap of
                            Just p  -> functionParser p
                            Nothing -> functionParser (FunctionalPseudoClass i <$> A.takeWhile (/= ')'))
              _        -> pure $ PseudoClass i
        pseudoElementSelector = do
            parsedColon <- option False (char ':' $> True)
            if parsedColon
               then PseudoElem <$> ident
               else ident >>= handleSpecialCase
          where handleSpecialCase :: Text -> Parser SimpleSelector
                handleSpecialCase t = if T.toCaseFold t `elem` specialPseudoElements
                                         then pure $ PseudoElem t
                                         else mzero

-- \<An+B> microsyntax parser.
anplusb :: Parser AnPlusB
anplusb = (asciiCI "even" $> Even)
      <|> (asciiCI "odd" $> Odd)
      <|> do
    s <- option Nothing (Just <$> parseSign)
    x <- option mempty digits
    case x of
      [] -> ciN *> (AB (Nwith s Nothing) <$> (skipComments *> option Nothing (Just <$> bValue)))
      _  -> do n <- option False (ciN $> True)
               let a = read x :: Int
               if n
                  then AB (Nwith s (Just a)) <$> (skipComments *> option Nothing (Just <$> bValue))
                  else pure $ AB NoValue (Just $ getSign s * a)
  where ciN       = satisfy (\c -> c == 'N' || c == 'n')
        parseSign = (char '-' $> Minus) <|> (char '+' $> Plus)
        getSign (Just Minus) = -1
        getSign _            = 1
        bValue    = do
            readPlus <- (char '-' $> False) <|> (char '+' $> True)
            d        <- skipComments *> digits
            if readPlus
               then pure $ read d
               else pure $ read ('-':d)

-- Functional pseudo classes parsers map
fpcMap :: Map Text (Parser SimpleSelector)
fpcMap = Map.fromList $ fmap (first T.toCaseFold)
    [buildTuple "nth-of-type"      (\x -> FunctionalPseudoClass2 x <$> anplusb)
    ,buildTuple "nth-last-of-type" (\x -> FunctionalPseudoClass2 x <$> anplusb)
    ,buildTuple "nth-column"       (\x -> FunctionalPseudoClass2 x <$> anplusb)
    ,buildTuple "nth-last-column"  (\x -> FunctionalPseudoClass2 x <$> anplusb)
    ,buildTuple "not"              (\x -> FunctionalPseudoClass1 x <$> compoundSelectorList)
    ,buildTuple "matches"          (\x -> FunctionalPseudoClass1 x <$> compoundSelectorList)
    ,buildTuple "nth-child"        (anbAndSelectors . FunctionalPseudoClass3)
    ,buildTuple "nth-last-child"   (anbAndSelectors . FunctionalPseudoClass3)
    -- :drop( [ active || valid || invalid ]? )
    -- The :drop() functional pseudo-class is identical to :drop
    -- ,("drop", anplusb)
    -- It accepts a comma-separated list of one or more language ranges as its
    -- argument. Each language range in :lang() must be a valid CSS <ident> or
    -- <string>.
    -- ,("lang", anplusb)
    -- ,("dir", text)
    -- ,("has", relative selectors)
  where buildTuple t c = (t, c t)
        compoundSelectorList = (:) <$> compoundSelector <*> many (comma *> compoundSelector)
        anbAndSelectors constructor = do
            a <- anplusb <* skipComments
            o <- option [] (asciiCI "of" *> skipComments *> compoundSelectorList)
            pure $ constructor a o

-- | Parse a list of comma-separated selectors, ignoring whitespace and
-- comments.
selectors :: Parser [Selector]
selectors = lexeme selector `sepBy` char ','

declaration :: Parser Declaration
declaration = do
    p  <- property <* colon
    v  <- values p <|> valuesFallback
    i  <- important <* skipComments
    ie <- iehack <* skipComments
    pure $ Declaration p v i ie

-- | Parser for property names. Usually, 'ident' would be enough, but this
-- parser adds support for IE hacks (e.g. *width), which deviate from the CSS
-- grammar.
property :: Parser Text
property = mappend <$> opt ie7orLessHack <*> ident
  where ie7orLessHack = T.singleton <$> satisfy (`Set.member` ie7orLessHacks)
        ie7orLessHacks = Set.fromList ("!$&*()=%+@,./`[]#~?:<>|" :: String)

-- | Used to parse the "!important" at the end of declarations, ignoring spaces
-- and comments after the '!'.
important :: Parser Bool
important = option False (char '!' *> skipComments *> asciiCI "important" $> True)

iehack :: Parser Bool
iehack = option False (string "\\9" $> True)

-- | Parses a list of declarations, ignoring spaces, comments, and empty
-- declarations (e.g. ; ;)
declarations :: Parser [Declaration]
declarations = many (declaration <* handleSemicolons)
  where handleSemicolons = many (string ";" *> skipComments)

-- | Parser for CSS at-rules (e.g. \@keyframes, \@media)
atRule :: Parser Rule
atRule = do
    _ <- char '@'
    ruleType <- ident
    fromMaybe (atBlock ruleType) (Map.lookup ruleType m)
  where m = Map.fromList [("charset",           atCharset)
                         ,("import",            atImport)
                         ,("namespace",         atNamespace)
                         ,("media",             atMedia)
                         -- ,("supports",          atSupports)
                         -- ,("document",          atDocument)
                         -- ,("page",              atPage)
                         ,("font-face",         skipComments *> atBlock "font-face")
                         ,("keyframes",         atKeyframe mempty )
                         ,("-webkit-keyframes", atKeyframe "-webkit-")
                         ,("-moz-keyframes",    atKeyframe "-moz-")
                         ,("-o-keyframes",      atKeyframe "-o-")
                         -- ,("viewport",              atViewport)
                         -- ,("counter-style",         atCounterStyle)
                         -- ,("font-feature-value",    atFontFeatureValue)
-- @import [ <string> | <url> ] [<media-query-list>]?;
atImport :: Parser Rule
atImport = do
    esu <- skipComments *> stringOrUrl
    mql <- option [] mediaQueryList
    _   <- skipComments <* char ';'
    pure $ AtImport esu mql

atCharset :: Parser Rule
atCharset = do
    st <- skipComments *> stringtype <* skipComments <* char ';'
    pure $ AtCharset st

-- @namespace <namespace-prefix>? [ <string> | <uri> ];
-- where
-- <namespace-prefix> = IDENT
atNamespace :: Parser Rule
atNamespace = do
    i   <- skipComments *> option mempty ident
    ret <- if T.null i
              then (AtNamespace i . Left) <$> stringtype
              else decideBasedOn i
    _ <- skipComments <* char ';'
    pure ret
  where decideBasedOn x =
            let urltext = T.toCaseFold "url"
            in if T.toCaseFold x == urltext
                  then do c <- A.peekChar
                          case c of
                            Just '(' -> AtNamespace mempty <$> (char '(' *> (Right <$> url))
                            _        -> AtNamespace x <$> (skipComments *> stringOrUrl)
                  else AtNamespace x <$> (skipComments *> stringOrUrl)

atKeyframe :: Text -> Parser Rule
atKeyframe t = do
    _    <- skipComments
    name <- ident <* skipComments <* char '{'
    bs   <- many (keyframeBlock <* skipComments)
    _    <- char '}'
    pure $ AtKeyframes t name bs

keyframeBlock :: Parser KeyframeBlock
keyframeBlock = do
    sel  <- skipComments *> kfsList <* skipComments
    ds   <- char '{' *> skipComments *> declarations <* char '}'
    pure $ KeyframeBlock sel ds
  where from = asciiCI "from" $> From
        to   = asciiCI "to" $> To
        keyframeSelector = from <|> to <|> (KFPercentage <$> percentage)
        kfsList = (:) <$> keyframeSelector <*> many (comma *> keyframeSelector)

atMedia :: Parser Rule
atMedia = do
  m <- satisfy C.isSpace *> mediaQueryList
  _ <- char '{' <* skipComments
  r <- manyTill (rule <* skipComments) (lookAhead (char '}'))
  _ <- char '}'
  pure $ AtMedia m r

-- TODO clean code
-- the "manyTill .. lookAhead" was added because if we only used "rules", it
-- doesn't know when to stop, and breaks the parser
atBlock :: Text -> Parser Rule
atBlock i = do
  t <- mappend i <$> A.takeWhile (/= '{') <* char '{'
  r <- skipComments *> ((AtBlockWithDec t <$> declarations) <|> (AtBlockWithRules t <$> manyTill (rule <* skipComments) (lookAhead (char '}'))))
  _ <- char '}'
  pure r

-- | Parses a CSS style rule, e.g. @body { padding: 0; }@
styleRule :: Parser Rule
styleRule = do
    sels <- selectors <* char '{' <* skipComments
    decs <- declarations <* char '}'
    pure $ StyleRule sels decs

-- | Parser for a CSS rule, which can be either an at-rule (e.g. \@charset), or a style
-- rule.
rule :: Parser Rule
rule = atRule <|> styleRule

-- | Parser for CSS rules (both style rules, and at-rules), which can be
-- separated by whitespace or comments.
rules :: Parser [Rule]
rules = manyTill (rule <* skipComments) endOfInput

stylesheet :: Parser [Rule]
stylesheet = do
  charset <- option [] ((:[]) <$> atCharset <* skipComments)
  imports <- many (atImport <* skipComments)
  namespaces <- many (atNamespace <* skipComments)
  _ <- skipComments -- if there is no charset, import, or namespace at rule we need this here.
  rest <- rules
  pure $ charset <> imports <> namespaces <> rest

-- data AtRule = AtMedia (Maybe [MediaQuery])

-- | Media Feature values. Per the
-- <https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/#values original spec (6.1)>,
-- \<resolution\> only accepts dpi and dpcm units, dppx was added later.
-- However, the w3c validator considers it valid, so we make no exceptions.
data MediaFeatureValue = MFV_Length Length
                       | MFV_Ratio Ratio
                       | MFV_Number Number
                       | MFV_Resolution Resolution
                       | MFV_Other Text

-- | Specs:
-- https://drafts.csswg.org/mediaqueries-3/#syntax
-- https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/
-- https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html
-- Implementation based on mozilla's pseudo BNF:
-- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Media_Queries/Using_media_queries
mediaQueryList :: Parser [MediaQuery]
mediaQueryList = lexeme ((:) <$> mediaQuery <*> many (char ',' *> skipComments *> mediaQuery))

mediaQuery :: Parser MediaQuery
mediaQuery = mediaQuery1 <|> mediaQuery2
  where mediaQuery1 = MediaQuery1 <$> optionalNotOrOnly <*> mediaType <*> andExpressions
        mediaQuery2 = MediaQuery2 <$> ((:) <$> expression <*> andExpressions)
        mediaType = lexeme ident
        andExpressions = many (h *> expression)
        h = skipComments *> asciiCI "and" *> satisfy C.isSpace *> skipComments
        optionalNotOrOnly = option mempty (asciiCI "not" <|> asciiCI "only")

expression :: Parser Expression
expression = char '(' *> skipComments *> (expr <|> expFallback)
  where expr = do
             e <- ident <* skipComments
             v <- option Nothing (char ':' *> lexeme (Just <$> value))
             _ <- char ')'
             pure $ Expression e v
        expFallback = InvalidExpression <$> A.takeWhile (/= ')') <* char ')'

-- Note: The code below pertains to CSS Media Queries Level 4.
-- Since it is still too new and nobody implements it (afaik),
-- I leave it here for future reference, when the need to cater for it
-- arrives.
mediaCondition = asciiCI "not"
              <|> asciiCI "and"
              <|> asciiCI "or"
              <|> mediaInParens

mediaInParens = char '(' *> skipComments *> mediaCondition <* skipComments <* char ')'

mediaFeature :: Parser MediaFeature
mediaFeature = mfPlain <|> mfRange <|> mfBoolean
  where mfBoolean = ident

mfRange = ident

data MediaFeature = MFPlain Text Value
                  | MFBoolean Text
                  | MFRange Range

data Range = Range1 Text RangeOp Value
           | Range2 Value RangeOp Text
           | Range3 Value RangeOp Text RangeOp Value

data RangeOp = LTOP | GTOP | EQOP | GEQOP | LEQOP

-- = <mf-name> [ '<' | '>' ]? '='? <mf-value>
--            | <mf-value> [ '<' | '>' ]? '='? <mf-name>
--            | <mf-value> '<' '='? <mf-name> '<' '='? <mf-value>
--            | <mf-value> '>' '='? <mf-name> '>' '='? <mf-value>

mfPlain = ident *> skipComments *> char ':' *> skipComments *> mfValue

mfValue :: Parser Value
mfValue = number <|> dimension <|> ident <|> ratio

-- TODO check if both integers are positive (required by the spec)
ratio :: Parser Value
ratio = do
    n <- digits
    _ <- skipComments *> char '/' <* skipComments
    m <- digits
    pure $ Other (mconcat [n, "/", m])

-- expr
--  : term [ operator? term ]*
--  ;
-- : unary_operator?
--      TIME S* | FREQ S* ]
--  | STRING S* | IDENT S* | URI S* | hexcolor | function
--  ;

data MediaFeatureType = Range | Discrete

t =
  [("width",               Range)
  ,("height",              Range)
  ,("aspect-ratio",        Range)
  ,("orientation",         Discrete)
  ,("resolution",          Range)
  ,("scan",                Discrete)
  ,("grid",                Discrete)
  ,("update",              Discrete)
  ,("overflow-block",      Discrete)
  ,("overflow-inline",     Discrete)
  ,("color",               Range)
  ,("color-index",         Range)
  ,("monochrome",          Range)
  ,("color-gamut",         Discrete)
  ,("pointer",             Discrete)
  ,("hover",               Discrete)
  ,("any-pointer",         Discrete)
  ,("any-hover",           Discrete)
  ,("scripting",           Discrete)
  ,("device-width",        Range)
  ,("device-height",       Range)
  ,("device-aspect-ratio", Range)